All Education/training articles – Page 80

  • News

    Doctors to get extra training in alcohol-related health problems


    To help tackle the health effects of alcohol misuse 60,000 new doctors are to be trained to identify and treat people who are drinking too much, public health minister Dawn Primarolo has announced.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    One man's vision for the future


    Former junior health minister David Lammy, now skills minister, tells HSJ about his plans for a more skilled healthcare workforce

  • Comment

    Tackling violence


    Despite the lack of a national standardised training scheme for dealing with violent patients, there are developments taking place in managing violence, writes Rob Grant

  • News

    Warning over cuts to healthcare education budgets


    Cuts in healthcare education budgets in the NHS will have a 'devastating effect' on the UK's ability to train the next generation of health professionals, health educators have warned.

  • News

    New training website for Northern Ireland doctors and dentists


    Healthcare professionals in Northern Ireland can update their skills online following the launch of a training website.

  • News

    Training scheme for low-paid healthcare staff


    Public sector union Unison has launched an initiative to improve training and learning opportunities for low-paid members.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to pick a prescription


    Prescribing advisers help curb the national drugs spend and GPs value them too. Daloni Carlisle looks at their developing role

  • News

    Wales launches new mental health training programme


    The Welsh Assembly today announced funding for new training at Swansea University that will allow nurses, occupational therapists and psychologists to become 'approved mental health professionals'.

  • Comment

    Surgeons are safe


    I am extremely disappointed that HSJ chose to print the accusation regarding patient safety and the certification of doctors for the specialist register, writes Paul Streets

  • News

    Posts left open as national locum shortage takes hold


    Leaked Department of Health documents reveal a national shortage of locum hospital doctors, with some trusts reporting they are 'lucky if applicants attend for interview'.HSJ first highlighted the issue last year and the DH insisted as recently as 14 February this year that there was no evidence of a widespread ...

  • News

    Tooke calls for urgent action on doctors' role


    In January the Tooke report on medical careers was well received. But pressure groups have accused the government of using delaying tactics in its response, reports Ann McGauran

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to upskill your workforce


    Upskilling the existing healthcare workforce is a way to improve services and enhance career progression, writes Tess Green

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Looking for the latest leaders for change


    Applications for round six of the Health Foundation's Leaders for Change programme are open.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Why are there so few BME managers?


    With the vast majority of senior NHS managers classed as white, why are there still so few from black and minority ethnic backgrounds? Charlotte Santry reports

  • News

    Johnson gives feedback on MMC inquiry


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has responded to the independent inquiry into Modernising Medical Careers led by Professor Sir John Tooke.

  • News

    Leaked memo reveals national locum shortage


    Leaked Department of Health documents have revealed a national shortage of locum hospital doctors, with some trusts reporting they are 'lucky if applicants attend for interview'. HSJ first highlighted the issue last year and as recently as 14 February the DH was insisting there is no evidence of a widespread ...

  • News

    Funding boost for specialist doctors


    The Department of Health will more than double the funds available to support the professional development of specialist doctors in 2008/09, health minister Ann Keen has announced.

  • News

    £170m to be invested in talking therapies


    £170m is to be invested in a training programme for 3,600 psychological therapists and to increase access to low and high-intensity cognitive behavioural therapy.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A check-up for nurses


    A new campaign is encouraging health workers to focus on their own lives for a change. Rosemary Cook explains the ambitions of Nursing No.1

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Learning curves


    HSJ's L&D supplement discusses different aspects of training the workforce for 2020.