All Education/training articles – Page 85

  • News

    Academic health science centre launched


    Imperial College Healthcare trust, the UK's first academic health science centre, was launched on Monday.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Radiography careers: recognition where it is due


    The College of Radiographers has been working with Skills for Health to increase the recognition of skills and expertise among its professionals and to support the development of new roles such as assistant practitioner in radiotherapy.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Developing global health partnerships through volunteering


    In the first of a series of online columns charting her experiences as a development volunteer in Cambodia, Patricia Sloane explains why she is taking the plunge into her new role and how she expects it to help her after she returns to the NHS

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Training on a tight budget


    Affordable methods of training are giving a healthy return on the investment, writes Stuart Shepherd

  • News

    BMA Scotland examines future of recruitment


    The views of Scotland's junior doctors on the way forward for recruitment to specialty training will be presented to the Scottish Parliament today.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Palliative care: 'a good death is part of life'


    The hospice movement has made major advances in end-of-life care but more change is needed. With a government advisory group due to report, Mark Gould looks at the issues

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on spotting bullies and stopping bullying


    Few words are more bandied around than the b-word - bullying. But what is really meant by it? What should you do if you are on the receiving end of such an accusation? Jenny Rogers explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Building a sustainable workforce in the NHS


    The need to trawl worldwide for newly qualified staff may be gone for the NHS but ensuring the right people find the right jobs remains a challenge, reports Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Training budgets: recovery due for learning


    Experts argue that it is time for training to return to NHS employers' agenda, claiming cost-effective learning improves organisational performance. Stuart Shepherd reports

  • News

    BMA launches career services


    The British Medical Association has launched a range of career services for members.

  • News

    Outgoing deputy CMO says overseas applications are NHS's biggest problem


    The outgoing deputy chief medical officer has called on ministers to make a quick decision on what to do about overseas doctors applying for training posts in 2008.

  • News

    New awards added to NHS bursary scheme


    Pre-registration healthcare students who wish to adopt a child will be able to take a 45-week break from their studies and continue to receive their NHS bursary payments, chief nursing officer Christine Beasley has announced.

  • News

    Adoption award added to bursary scheme


    Adoption and maternity support awards will be introduced to the NHS bursary scheme from September 2007 following an agreement between the Department of Health and unions.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helping people back to work


    Long-term staff absence can be very damaging to NHS organisations, and tackling the problem individually could prove to be the most effective solution. Jean Brading reports on what can be done to make a difference on the front line

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equality - tools of the trade


    Ethnically diverse populations present a range of challenges for healthcare. But help is at hand with Hammersmith's award-winning cultural toolkit, says Stuart Shepherd

  • News

    Autumn relaunch for skills


    The knowledge and skills framework is set for a relaunch this autumn to address its lagging implementation in many trusts.The Social Partnership Forum, made up of NHS Employers, the NHS trade unions and the Department of Health, will lead a relaunch of the Agenda for Change careers framework from mid-September.The ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on anger management


    A new client is referred to me. It's clear this man is a star; a globally respected expert. When everything is going well he is personable, dynamic, creative and meets stretching targets. Yet it is clear from the muffled and coded semi-briefing I get from his boss that this man's ...

  • News

    nib 5


    The UK’s first academic health science centre has been given the green light by health secretary Alan Johnson.Hammersmith Hospitals trust and St Mary’s Hospital trust will merge on 1 October and integrate with Imperial College London. Lord Tugendhat has been appointed the first chairman of Imperial College Healthcare trust by ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Keele celebrates 20 years of health management


    Celebrating the 21st anniversary of the Centre for Health Planning and Management next month, Keele University will be taking time out to reflect on past achievements and look to the centre's future.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Thornton on engaging clinicians


    'One of the most powerful motivating factors for clinicians to be involved in improving services is seeing its direct impact on the quality of patient care'