All Education/training articles – Page 88

  • News

    Infection control leads not qualified


    Only half of senior managers in charge of tackling superbugs have a qualification in infection control.

  • News

    NPSA prepares awareness campaign


    Patient safety groups are working on a national campaign to 'inspire' NHS staff to change their behaviour.

  • News

    Masters programme in commissioning launched


    A masters programme in public service commissioning is to be launched by the University of Birmingham.

  • Comment

    Richard Morgan and Allison Thorpe on social marketing


    'Social marketing recognises that, all things being equal, people will choose behaviours that keep them in good health. But all things are rarely equal; most people have to make choices and compromises'

  • News

    £100m funding for school sports


    A £100m campaign to provide schoolchildren with the chance to participate in five hours of sport every week has been announced.

  • News

    The MTAS failure is no ripple in a teacup


    The cuts in funding for junior doctors' pay and study leave were very bad management and smacked of panic measures when they were announced half-way through the financial year.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lessons in clinical leadership


    Jean Balfour explains how she has helped the safety team at NHS Tayside, part of the Health Foundation's Safer Patients initiative, work together more effectively and engage others in their safety improvement work

  • News

    Practice-based commissioning a 'win-win' policy


    A leaflet showing how practice-based commissioning can reduce waiting times and save lives has been issued today by the Department of Health.

  • Comment

    Volunteering and mental health


    Separate independent research adds to the mounting evidence that volunteering has important health benefits. Preliminary studies indicate that volunteering can have positive outcomes for 85 per cent.of mental health service users who participate. (see 'The health benefits of volunteering').

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Social enterprise: a rich seam of ideas


    Trailblazing pathfinders are using new funding to create choice and breathe new life into communities. Louise Hunt reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Self-care: looking after number one


    A project that encourages people who visit their GPs more than necessary to take responsibility for their well-being has helped to reduce pressure on primary care and promote healthy living. Louise Hunt reports

  • News

    Wales calls for international learning partnerships


    Welsh first minister Rhodri Morgan has called on health workers in Wales and developing countries to form partnerships to learn from each other.

  • News

    Northern Ireland launches zero tolerance campaign


    Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety health minister Michael McGimpsey has launched a zero tolerance campaign about attacks against healthcare staff.

  • News

    Renal action learning sets released


    The Department of Health has published an interim report on the second phase of a renal action learning set programme.

  • News

    The virtual ward


    The Virtual Ward website provides access to information about positive and innovative practice, as well as.examples of how policy and training can underpin practice. It is available to everyone and can be adjusted to fit.local circumstances.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New offerings on the CSIP website


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership has expanded its website. It now provides.updates on all key areas of work - including how to increase direct payments uptake for people with learning disabilities and news on the new psychological therapies pilot sites.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lessons learned in out-of-hours care


    A successful out-of-hours care service relies on careful planning, a strong network of support for staff and a clear understanding of patient needs, explains John Harrison

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on stellar communications


    'Meetings, forums, networks, committees, workshops, seminars, boards, conferences - all are labels for the continual gatherings that occupy the precious time. Effective communications underpin whether these hour-guzzling interactions match their purpose'

  • News

    Website offers chance to rate NHS


    Patients are being asked to rate and comment on NHS services on a website launched this week.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Someone to squeeze: meeting patients' needs


    A report into ways to meet what patients need and demand of the NHS garners wisdom from leaders of major organisations, writes Mark Gould