All Education/training articles – Page 90

  • News

    BMA demands assurances over website security breaches


    The British Medical Association has hit out at health secretary Patricia Hewitt's Commons statement on security breaches on the medical training application service website.BMA medical students committee chair Emily Rigby demanded 'absolute assurance' from Ms Hewitt and 'a promise that it can never happen again'.Read the press release here

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    Leadership development to focus on reducing inequalities


    The Health Foundation is seeking applicants for a new leadership development scheme aimed at improving the quality of healthcare for people from black and minority ethnic groups.

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    Toolkit for better hip and knee replacements


    A toolkit for orthopaedic teams to improve efficiency in primary hip and knee replacements has been launched by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.It identifies the six key characteristics of high performing organisations and includes audit tools for managers and teams to improve patient care.Read the report here

  • Comment

    It's up to executive teams to champion productive wards


    Do ward staff need the encouragement and support of their executive team to get on and make changes to improve everyday processes?

  • News

    NHS University: 'embarrassing' failure to deliver value for money, says government review


    The NHS University, the internal training and education body which cost £72m and was scrapped after less than two years, delivered 'too little too late', according to a scathing report that the government tried to suppress.

  • News

    NHS Employers call for revamp of overseas staff rules


    All healthcare occupations should be wiped off a list of roles the Home Office says can be filled quickly by people from overseas, according to NHS Employers.

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    Abortion research leads to call for better education


    New research conducted by Southampton University shows that because of myths about what having an abortion is like, women can be too frightened to seek counselling or treatment earlier.Many do not know where to get impartial information about unintended pregnancy or abortion. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is calling for ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Formula for inspiration


    'Sheep dip', one-size-fits-all management courses do not inspire doctors to become leaders. Instilling true leadership skills is much more complex, says Jenny Simpson

  • News

    £45m funding boost for national research programmes


    The Department of Health has pledged £45m for 29 research programmes to be carried out by the National Institute for Health Research.The programmes will cover areas including mental health, children's medicines, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, stroke and neurology.Read the press release here

  • News

    Cash pledge for London research centres


    Two expert research centres in London have received more than £10m in funding from the Department of Health.The money is intended to drive improvements in the safety, quality and effectiveness of the services the NHS provides to patients and the public.

  • News

    Funding boost for anorexia research


    The Department of Health has pledged £2m for research into anorexia.South London and Maudsley foundation trust, the Institute of Psychiatry and eating disorder charity Beat will carry out the research.Health minister Rosie Winterton said she hoped the findings would 'enable professionals to better treat the complex emotional issues that are ...

  • News

    £468m for biomedical research pot


    Eleven new Biomedical Research Centres of excellence will share more than £468m of funding over the next five years.The centres set across England will carry out research on major killers such as cancer and heart disease, as well as other crucial areas such as asthma, HIV, mental illness and blindness.Read ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Safety first: the benefits of e-prescribing


    Entice staff on board with electronic prescribing and the results can be dramatic, reports Varya Shaw

  • News

    Minister defends research plans


    Science minister Malcolm Wicks has defended plans to reform medical research to align it more closely with the needs of the health service.Speaking to the science and technology select committee yesterday, he said a joint bid was being developed to set up an office for strategic co-ordination of health research.The ...

  • News

    NHS accountants honoured at awards


    Six students have been honoured at the NHS Student Excellence Awards for their exceptional performance in the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants examinations.The awards celebrate the commitment demonstrated by the NHS in training CIMA students and employing fully qualified chartered management accountants to take on management roles.

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    Commissioner demands a better deal for children


    Children's hospital services are woefully inadequate, a Healthcare Commission review has shown. Children's commissioner Al Aynsley-Green said was the verdict was 'disappointing but not surprising'.

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    BMA: better preparation on cultural differences needed


    UK doctors and nurses who work in developing countries would benefit from better preparation on the cultural challenges faced, a report by the British Medical Association has found.Medics surveyed for the report said shortages of resources meant health problems often led to health problems not being addressed.

  • News

    Get involved in bid for skills academy, employers urged


    The Learning and Skills Council has urged employers to put forward expressions of interest in developing a national skills academy for their industry.The government plans to have 12 such academies up and running across England by 2008.Read the prospectus here

  • News

    Kids to get obesity education


    Schoolchildren will be taught how exercise affects fitness and health, as part of an attempt to tackle childhood obesity, education secretary Alan Johnson has announced.Following a review by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, schools will also be able to introduce whatever physical activity best suits their pupils.Find out more here

  • Comment

    Clinical engagement: the beginning of reform is the end point


    The fall-out from Sir Gerry Robinson's TV programme on NHS management continues, and this week two very different commentators address the central issue of what is holding back managers and clinicians from working together properly.