All Education/training articles – Page 92

  • News

    How to run health networks for young people


    The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has released a report calling for health services for children and young people to be delivered within networks of care.

  • News

    Are GPs making inappropriate referrals to orthopaedic surgeries?


    General practitioners have a pivotal role in providing medical care for the NHS - acute referrals to various hospital specialties are often arranged by them. But inappropriate referrals can cause unnecessary inconvenience for the patients and affect the target times for care provision in A&E.

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    Early learning is key weapon in obesity war


    Concerns are mounting over rising obesity, but is enough being done to slim down the problem, asks Liz Kendall

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    DoH: public health must 'focus on outcomes'


    NHS public health professionals must become effective commissioners and beef up their analytical skills if new joint strategic needs assessment work alongside local government is to be effective.

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    SHAs slash training fund for doctors


    Training of doctors is at risk because strategic health authorities cut training budgets by millions of pounds last year, according to figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the Conservative Party.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: junior doctors


    'How could they be so stupid?' asked the Daily Mail as it berated the government for failing to ensure junior doctors will be guaranteed jobs this summer in the Department of Health's new recruitment process.

  • News

    Thousands of junior doctors start new jobs


    Hospitals were yesterday faced with thousands of junior doctors starting new jobs at the same time.

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    Wanted: doctors to help redesign services


    The need for more doctors to take on a management role has almost become a mantra, yet progress has been painfully slow. Penny Dash and Pam Garside examine the challenges and opportunities

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    A different kind of day at the office


    The HSJChallenge offers managers the opportunity to escape their day jobs and pit their wits against their peers in a in a multi-agency health economy with more than its fair share of problems. The good news is that it's not for real. ...

  • News

    London SHA struggling to cope with junior doctor recruitment


    London's strategic health authority has spent millions of pounds and employed hundreds of extra staff to handle the junior doctor recruitment process.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The Fall Guys: staff safety is a major concern


    Violence against NHS staff is still at unacceptable levels, with incidents often unreported and perpetrators uncharged. Emma Dent reports

  • News

    Noel Plumridge on questioning commissioning


    As HSJreaders will be aware, the Department of Health is keen to improve standards of commissioning in the NHS.Much has been written in recent months about demand-management techniques (or rationing, as we used to call it) being the route to financial happiness. About the ...

  • News

    DoH rejects MTAS claims


    NHS Employers and the Department of Health have dismissed campaigners' claims that few junior doctors' training posts have been filled.

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    Workforce chief to tackle past failures


    Many of the NHS's biggest personnel problems should have been tackled years ago, the Department of Health head of workforce has admitted.

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    Information Centre prepares to expand role


    The role of the Information Centre for health and social care in the NHS is set to be stepped up, NHS chief executive David Nicholson has revealed.

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    Pressure group celebrates MTAS legal ruling


    Pressure group Remedy UK is claiming a 'mild victory' following a judicial review into the medical training and application system.

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    Management skills call for trainee docs


    Doctors should learn management as part of their undergraduate training, the British Association of Medical Managers and the British Medical Association has said.

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    MPs call for PFI training


    Staff who renegotiate the refinancing of private finance initiatives often 'lack commercial awareness' and must receive training, a Commons committee has found.

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    BMA concern over research funds


    The British Medical Association has expressed concerns about a possible shortfall in funding for research, after chancellor Gordon Brown formally announced the creation of a new body to oversee the merged research budgets of the NHS and the Medical Research Council.

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    BMA hits out over diverted education cash


    Money given to acute trusts to fund medical education must be ringfenced, the British Medical Association has said.