All Efficiency articles – Page 28
HSJ Interactive
Smart scheduling: doing more with the same
Ben Horner, John Gooch and Graham Rich outline steps for trust leaders to boost productivity by using existing resources
More intelligent approach needed to redesign outpatient services
With outpatient activity often ignored in policy creation, Nigel Edwards delineates the learnings from an event held to hear from people who have fundamentally changed outpatient services
Trust paid interim manager £311,000 for six months work
An acute trust paid an interim manager more than £300,000 for six months work – despite a national crackdown on excessive pay rates, HSJ can reveal.
Councils' delayed transfers of care reductions 'saved NHS £60m'
Councils have saved the NHS nearly £60m by dramatically reducing the number of days patients are delayed in hospitals due to a lack of social care availability, according to new research.
Half a billion pounds to be withheld from trusts over two years
More than half a billion pounds will be withheld from NHS providers during the next two financial years to pay for a new central procurement service, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
Integrated trust agrees joint venture to unlock estates efficiencies
An acute and community trust has entered into a 15 year estates partnership with a property company in a deal worth tens of millions of pounds.
HSJ Local
Governance review at troubled trust as consultants warn of 'lack of expertise'
A troubled integrated trust has opened a financial governance review after consultants highlighted an underlying deficit worth more than 15 per cent of the organisation’s income.
Providing consistent and humane end of life care
Ian Greenwood recounts the traumatic experiences of his late father to highlight NHS clinical inefficiency and inconsistent care and the importance of communicating end of life care plans
DHSC wins legal case over £730m logistics contract
A high court judge has dismissed a company’s legal challenge over the Department of Health and Social Care’s decision to award a £730m NHS logistics contract to a new provider.
NHS England publishes procurement notices for £28bn of contracts
NHS England has published procurement notices for specialised services contracts worth around £28bn over two years.
Running to stand still
In light of the extra £20.5bn NHS funding, Anita Charlesworth outlines the various cost pressures that will likely consume most of the extra funding before improvements in quality and access can materialise
Standalone community trusts meet safe staffing plans more often
One third of community hospitals missed their safe staffing plans every month for at least three years, HSJ analysis suggests.
Regulator said NHS trusts could not afford doctors' pay rise
NHS Improvement warned the government that trusts could not afford the pay rises that were recently awarded to doctors in the current financial year.
Expert Briefing
The Download: Personalised paperless transformation money for all?
The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and what impact they are having on delivering health services. Contact Ben Heather in confidence here.
More suppliers may benefit new NHS buying model, says purchasing chief
The drive to centralise how the NHS buys products will not necessarily mean reducing the number of suppliers, according to a procurement leader.
Major savings project threatened by legal case over £730m contract, says DHSC
Senior government officials have warned that a legal challenge by the incumbent provider of the NHS Supply Chain threatens the success of a major savings programme.
Bigger step-change is need of the hour for children's mental health
It will take vision, hard work, political bravery, and realistic investment to make progress amidst children’s mental health crisis, writes Sean Duggan
Cowper’s Cut: The silly season
Andy Cowper muses on the solstice of silliness in the world of health policy and politics
HSJ Local
Trust asks government for £300m to complete Carillion hospital
NHS managers have asked the government to plough more than £300m into completing construction of a new hospital which ground to a halt after Carillion’s collapse.
Trusts to benefit from extra VAT recovery through new buying model
New procurement model presents VAT benefits for trusts Benefits possible because model’s operating body is subsidiary company of Department of Health and Social Care Changes will “itemise” VAT on NHS invoices VAT “not a direct consideration” for establishing subsidiary company, say DHSC NHS trusts will receive extra cash ...