All Emergency care articles – Page 131

  • Hospitals will face fines if they fail to end the “indignity” of mixed-sex wards, health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.

    Hospitals to face mixed-sex ward fines


    Hospitals will face fines if they fail to end the “indignity” of mixed-sex wards, health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.

  • A technical problem severely disrupted 999 calls to the Scottish Ambulance Service for several hours, it has emerged.

    999 technical glitch revealed


    A technical problem severely disrupted 999 calls to the Scottish Ambulance Service for several hours, it has emerged.

  • Hospital ward

    Mixed-sex wards to be eliminated this year


    The government will announce that it is to end the “indignity” of mixed-sex hospital wards in England by the end of the year, it has been reported.

  • Trauma care must be regionally planned by locally tailored

    Trauma care ‘needs networks at regional level’


    The location of NHS regional trauma centres should be organised to deliver required levels of care rather than to deal with the predicted volume of patients, according to the NHS Confederation.

  • Cally Bann

    Cally Bann: the white paper


    So the end of term madness has fully descended, with fuel added to the annual pre-vacation fire by the wind of change blowing from the bottom of the white paper.

  • Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon will today launch the new NHS inform one-stop health advice service.

    One-stop health advice service launched


    Health secretary Nicola Sturgeon will today launch the new NHS inform one-stop health advice service.

  • Manchester city centre could be the first in the country to set a minimum price for the sale of alcohol, it has been announced.

    Minimum alcohol price policy announced


    Manchester city centre could be the first in the country to set a minimum price for the sale of alcohol, it has been announced.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maternal mortality in Africa


    The high rate of maternal mortality in Africa is a worldwide concern. The global targets of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) no 5 are to reduce maternal mortality by three-quarters and achieve universal access to reproductive health by 2015.

  • Organ transfer taskforce pays trusts £1.8m

    Organ transfer taskforce pays trusts £1.8m


    Payments have been made to 178 trusts in the UK to keep ventilators switched on after patients have died so their organs can be harvested.

  • CQC lifts restrictions on Mid Staffs

    CQC lifts restrictions on Mid Staffs


    Five of the six licence restrictions placed on Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust have been lifted by the Care Quality Commission, following an interim report on the trust’s progress against recommendations made in a 2009 report by the Healthcare Commission.

  • An ambulance service has distanced itself from comments posted on Facebook by one of its senior employees in which he criticised “lazy” and “unproductive” NHS staff.

    Ambulance bosses reject 'lazy' staff claims


    An ambulance service has distanced itself from comments posted on Facebook by one of its senior employees in which he criticised “lazy” and “unproductive” NHS staff.

  • Reduction of A&E attendances
    HSJ Knowledge

    A&E attendances


    Initial liaison and discussion took place between Yorkshire Ambulance Service and the community matrons to look at ways of working together to ensure wherever possible patients can be managed at home, especially those with long term conditions and to try and reduce inappropriate 999 calls.

  • Burnley urgent care centre will treat more emergency patients following an independent review by DH emergency care tsar Professor Matthew Cooke

    Controversial urgent care unit will not revert to full A&E status


    Burnley urgent care centre will not return to full accident and emergency status but will be upgraded to treat more emergency patients.

  • NHS London headquarters, Victoria

    Departing NHS London chair hits out at Lansley


    The NHS London chair who resigned in protest at the government’s reconfiguration policy has formally stepped down, leaving the strategic health authority struggling to maintain a functioning board.

  • The number of patients dealt with in the last 20 minutes of the four hour accident and emergency target window has increased to more than 40 per cent.

    Trusts admit emergency patients at last minute


    The number of patients dealt with in the last 20 minutes of the four hour accident and emergency target window has increased to more than 40 per cent, a group of emergency care doctors have found.

  • Robert Naylor

    UCLH says acute care centralisation is better


    London’s controversial centralisation programme is delivering lifesaving benefits to patients, according to one of England’s largest foundation trusts.

  • Primary care access target important to QIPP

    Scrapping GP access targets worries QIPP


    Scrapping GP access targets could undermine efforts to reduce unnecessary accident and emergency attendances, research given to the Department of Health suggests.

  • Call for single national emergency services body

    Call for single national emergency services body


    A single national body with responsibility for all the emergency services should be set up to ensure effective co-operation in major incidents like the July 7 bombings in London, a report has said.

  • Avoidable overnight stays cost NHS £330m each year

    Avoidable overnight stays cost NHS £330m a year


    There has been a large and avoidable rise in the number of overnight stays, which cost the NHS £330m annually, a report has said.

  • Review finds £1.2bn swine flu effort 'proportionate'

    Review finds £1.2bn swine flu effort 'proportionate'


    The UK response to swine flu was “proportionate and effective”, an independent review has concluded.