All Emergency care articles – Page 142

  • News

    Improve access to emergency care, Healthcare Commission orders


    The Healthcare Commission has published its most comprehensive review of urgent and emergency care, rating performance for each primary care trust area.It found that improvements to access and elements of commissioning were needed.

  • News

    Out of hours care standards to be applied to urgent care


    National standards for out of hours providers could be extended to cover some in-hours services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health system integration: straight to the point


    Data analysis is revealing why people make inappropriate calls to the emergency services and prompting the discovery of new solutions to the problem, reports Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Protecting emergency workers in the NHS


    The legal protection afforded to NHS workers varies considerably across the UK, a situation that could put some staff at risk. Ian Long explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National service: health policy performance across the UK


    A&E attendances and emergency admissions have shot up in recent years - but only in England. Alison Moore asks why the record is so inconsistent across the UK

  • News

    Scottish waiting times reach record low


    Waiting times for treatment in Scotland's accident and emergency departments are at a record low, according to statistics published today.

  • News

    Emergency units traumatised as Darzi plans develop


    The next phase of reform will see major trauma go to regional centres, leaving smaller A&E units facing an uncertain future. Will they become unviable? Alison Moore finds out

  • News

    Ambulance finances break even


    Ambulance service trusts are not in financial crisis through their efforts to meet the government target for emergency response times.

  • News

    New A&E waiting time figures released


    Latest figures for accident and emergency times show 98.3 per cent of patients were admitted, transferred or discharged within four hours of arrival in the quarter ending 30 June 2008.This compares with 97.5 per cent in the previous quarter and 98.3 per cent for the same quarter last year.

  • News

    Urgent call target triggers cash crisis


    Ambulance trusts are warning of financial problems caused by efforts to meet a target for response times to life-threatening emergency calls.

  • Comment

    Jim Wardrope on emergency medicine myths


    Lord Darzi's review of the NHS has yielded some good results for emergency medicine. However, there are a number of persistent myths about emergency care that could undermine the good work that has been done so far.

  • News

    Wales publishes report on organ donation


    The Welsh Assembly's health, well-being and local government committee has published a report on organ donation.

  • News

    Auditor general for Wales on home oxygen services


    The NHS in Wales was not sufficiently prepared to implement changes to the supply of home oxygen services in 2006, the auditor general for Wales has concluded.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    One year on from the smoking ban


    One year into the smoking ban in England it is still too early to predict its long-term effects on public health but there are reasons to be cheerful, says Stuart Shepherd

  • News

    Non-urgent phone number debate


    Ambulance Service Association director Liz Kendall is right when she suggests a non-urgent phone number to sit alongside 999 is necessary. Like her organisation, we also think a single number for urgent care is needed.

  • News

    Assault-related emergency admissions rise 30 per cent


    Emergency hospital admissions caused by violence have risen by 30 per cent in four years across England, according to a study due to be published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health.

  • News

    DH behind in Olympic planning race


    Senior managers have attacked the Department of Health for failing to face the health and safety challenges of the 2012 Olympic games.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Flash outfit


    The light pulsing on top of a modern NHS emergency vehicle signals a mobile unit packed with staff expertise and impressive technology, says Airwave’s David Sangster

  • News

    Radical ideas can keep service out of casualty


    On the eve of Lord Darzi's next stage review, the new director of the Ambulance Service Network says ambulance services' impact can extend far wider than just emergency care and help reduce inequalities

  • News

    Progress report on Welsh ambulances


    Welsh ambulances have improved their performance, but significant variations remain, according to a report by the auditor general for Wales.