All Emergency care articles – Page 143

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    Michael White on specialist trauma response


    The other day health minister Ben Bradshaw read out to concerned MPs a list of all the places on the body where young people get pierced these days.

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    888 could be the new 999


    The NHS Confederation's ambulance network has called for an 888 number to make it easier for people to access appropriate care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Infrastructure: rolling out Airwave


    The NHS needs a communications network worthy of its size and complexity. David Sangster explains

  • HSJ Partners

    Improving survival rates for heart attack patients


    Yorkshire Ambulance Service medical director Alison Walker is a Health Foundation Leadership Fellow. She has been working on a project to redesign ambulance services to deliver faster and higher-quality care for people who have had a heart attack, resulting in increased survival rates.

  • News

    Quarterly A&E waiting time data published


    The latest accident and emergency statistics for the quarter ending 31 March 2008 have been published by the Department of Health.

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    DH issues guidance on preparing for a heatwave


    The Department of Health has published an updated plan to help trusts and other health and social care providers prepare for a major heatwave.

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    Inquiry shows gap in paediatric training


    Children and young people with life-threatening illness are not being treated appropriately because professionals caring for them are not trained in paediatrics, the world's first confidential inquiry into child deaths has found.

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    A&E attendance trap


    I try hard not to respond to stories in HSJ relating to primary care, especially not to the deliberately provocative comments of the editor in his column, writes George Young

  • News

    West Sussex A&E campaign undoes reconfiguration plans


    A two-year battle to keep accident and emergency services at all three hospitals in West Sussex has ended in partial victory for campaigners.

  • News

    Inquiry reveals gap in paediatric training


    Children and young people with life-threatening illnesses are not being treated appropriately because the health professionals caring for them are not trained in paediatrics, the world's first confidential inquiry into child deaths has found.

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    Alcohol misuse costs Scotland £2.25bn


    Alcohol misuse is costing Scotland a staggering £2.25bn per year, more than double previous estimates, the Scottish government has said.

  • News

    Emergency admissions for asthma vary hugely, report claims


    A report published today claims there are huge disparities in the numbers of emergency hospital admissions for children with asthma across the UK.

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    Police stations no place for mentally ill says Sainsbury Centre


    Police stations should not be used to detain people with mental health problems, the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health has said.

  • News

    Dental contract pushing up A&E admissions, say Tories


    Hospital admissions for dentistry have gone up by 6 per cent since the introduction of the new dental contract, according to figures obtained by the Conservative Party.Last year, there were nearly 240,000 hospital admissions for dental treatment, of which nearly 18,000 were emergencies.

  • News

    Former ambulance trust chief defends controversial style


    A former ambulance trust chief executive has hit back at a report in which staff branded him a 'benevolent dictator', under whose leadership targets were put before patient safety.

  • News

    Inappropriate A&E use could mean fines for family doctors


    The Department of Health is considering proposals to charge back to GPs the treatment cost of patients who visit accident and emergency departments instead of their family doctor, HSJhas learned.The proposals could emerge as part of the Darzi review this summer.

  • Leader

    Fines could turn access screw - if they do not scare off GPs


    The plans being discussed by junior health minister Lord Darzi to effectively fine GPs when patients inappropriately use walk-in centres, accident and emergency departments and minor injury units, illuminate some of the darker corners of primary care policy.

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    Scotland asked to review ban on gay blood donors


    Liberal Democrat health spokesman Ross Finnie has urged the Scottish government to examine whether the blanket ban on gay men donating blood could be lifted without compromising public safety.

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    More children admitted in emergencies


    The number of emergency admissions for children and young people under 20 rose by 18 per cent between 1996-97 and 2006-07, official statistics show.

  • News

    Corporate manslaughter: you could be in the dock


    From 6 April NHS organisations could be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter if someone dies in their care, but different interpretations of the law mean trusts may be unclear about their responsibilities. Ingrid Torjesen attempts to unravel the new actFor more in-depth information about the act, register for HSJ’s free corporate ...