All Emergency care articles – Page 147

  • News

    NHS Direct beats performance targets


    NHS Direct has recorded its best ever performance in June 2007. It has beaten government targets covering access, response times, and clinical sorting to make sure patients are given appropriate advice.

  • News

    Trust battles with council over 'disastrous' A&E closure plans


    West Sussex primary care trust is heading for a battle with the county council over plans to close two accident and emergency departments.

  • News

    Ambulance trusts eligible for foundation status


    Health minister Andy Burnham has announced that ambulance trusts will be able to apply for foundation trust status from 1 April 2009. He also announced that a medal has been created to honour NHS ambulance workers.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on improving crisis services


    'One of the most visible differences in mental health services today compared with the 1990s is the development of crisis resolution teams'

  • News

    Ambulance staff falsified response-time figures


    Ambulance control room staff changed response-time figures, improving the trust's performance against government targets, an Audit Commission investigation has revealed.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    EARLI impact on reducing acute admissions


    A simple tool can do much to help cut emergency hospitalisations. David Lyon and Hannah Chellaswamy explain

  • News

    Out-of-hours firms under review


    Two out-of-hours providers have just a few weeks to prove their services are up to scratch, HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    The urgent care muddle may mean more nights to forget


    The transfer of responsibility for out-of-hours care from family doctors to primary care trusts has been anything but smooth. And uncertainty remains on how services will develop in future. Alison Moore looks at the options for a politically contentious issue

  • News

    PCTs win legal battle to downgrade Rochdale A&E


    A High Court judge has rejected a mother and father's claim that plans to reconfigure four hospitals will put their sick son at risk.

  • News

    Commissioner demands a better deal for children


    Children's hospital services are woefully inadequate, a Healthcare Commission review has shown. Children's commissioner Al Aynsley-Green said was the verdict was 'disappointing but not surprising'.

  • News

    IPPR: honesty over unsafe hospitals is the best policy


    A 'conspiracy of silence' over the poor safety of hospitals is fuelling opposition to reconfigurations, the Institute for Public Policy Research has warned.

  • News

    Specialist ambulance teams launched


    Highly trained ambulance crews ready to respond to major incidents are to be developed across England, health minister Rosie Winterton announces today.The hazardous area response team project will see crew trained and equipped to work in hazardous areas, including where there is a chemical, biological radioactive or nuclear risk. They ...

  • News

    Wales takes delivery of new ambulances


    The first of 119 new ambulances, 67 patient transport services vehicles and 40 rapid response vehicles were due to be delivered today to the Welsh Ambulance Service trust.Two-thirds of the ambulances will be operational this month with the remainder by mid-May. The new fleet is the result of a £16m ...

  • News

    Cash-strapped SHA scraps emergency care network


    NHS East of England has scrapped a regional emergency care network, leading to the loss of seven posts and sparking criticism from emergency care specialists.

  • News

    Half of ambulance trusts missing response targets


    Half of England's ambulance trusts are missing response targets despite a service shake-up designed to improve performance.

  • News

    New penalties for attacks on ambulance workers


    Ambulance workers are among groups set to be covered by new Home Office penalties on those who obstruct the work of emergency workers.People transporting blood, organs or equipment for the NHS will also be covered by the new legislation, which will mean fines of up to £5,000 for those prosecuted.Read ...

  • News

    Scottish ambulance delays rise


    The number of ambulances across Scotland taking longer than an hour to reach an emergency incident has risen from 71 to 179 over the last six years, despite an increase of 25 per cent in the number of trained crews available, according to the Scottish National

  • News

    Staffordshire Ambulance trust faces safety probe


    The Healthcare Commission has launched an investigation into Staffordshire Ambulance Service trust to establish whether it has adequate systems and processes in place to ensure the safety of patients.Serious concerns about the service have been raised concerning arrangements for clinical governance, management and leadership, safety issues and the quality of ...

  • News

    A&E doctors struggling to cope, says report


    A report by the British Medical Association says NHS debt is taking its toll on accident and emergency departments in England.Despite efforts from staff to tackle A&E waiting times, a survey conducted by the BMA and the British Association for Emergency Medicine suggests departments are struggling to sustain the four-hour ...

  • Comment

    Dr Pat Troop on managing the Polonium-210 outbreak


    Staff have learned what it is like to work intensively at that speed under public and political scrutiny, and it has been useful training for future events, such as pandemic flu