All Emergency care articles – Page 149

  • News

    Welsh 999 boss hails progress


    Welsh Ambulance Services trust chief executive Alan Murray has defended his trust against official figures showing it is missing response targets. He claims the service is exceeding its target of 60 per cent of services meeting life-threatening calls in eight minutes.

  • News

    Hospital campaigns could cause 1,000 unnecessary deaths: think tank


    The Institute for Public Policy Research has concluded that campaigns to save services currently provided in district general hospitals could lead to more than 1,000 unnecessary deaths a year.Associate director Richard Brookes said: 'On the strength of the evidence, people should be out on the streets campaigning for changes to ...

  • News

    Czars make case for service reconfiguration


    National director for emergency access Sir George Alberti has published a report setting out the clinical case for reconfiguration of access to emergency care services. And national director for heart disease and stroke Professor Roger Boyle has published a report setting out the clinical case for reconfiguration in heart disease ...

  • News

    Conservatives slam A&E closure threat


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has warned that Labour has not disclosed the evidence behind the proposed closure of 29 accident and emergency departments.He said the closures were being driven by deficits and has written to NHS chief executive David Nicholson to ask him if the government will give patients ...

  • News

    British Heart Foundation launches 999 campaign


    The public is being urged to call 999 immediately of they experience chest pain, warning that 'doubt kills'. A survey commissioned by the British Heart Foundation found that 40 per cent of people would not make 999 their first call if they thought they were having a heart attack.Read more ...

  • News

    New emergency planning guidance published


    The Department of Health is consulting on new guidance for dealing with major emergencies like terrorist attacks.The best practice guidance is meant to help health services in planning, preparing and responding to all types of emergencies including natural disasters, infectious epidemics and major power cuts.The consultation closes on 31 December.Read ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Predicting the future


    Cutting emergency hospital admissions among those with long-term conditions would save the NHS millions. But how can those at risk be identified, traced and their needs addressed? Daloni Carlisle looks at two solutions

  • News

    Scotland motors into the future as England gears up for change


    Scotland is already getting stuck into the tough decisions involved in redesigning its health services, but in many parts of England managers are still perceived to lack the mandate they need to make their own plans. Jennifer Trueland examines the big divide

  • News

    DoH calls for new definition of urgent care centres


    The NHS needs a new definition of an urgent care centre and the minimum range of services patients can expect to find there, the Department of Health has said.

  • News

    A&E under threat in shake-up


    Plans for a major shake-up of hospital services in Surrey and Sussex are likely to include closing several accident and emergency departments.

  • News

    Mass A&E downgrade predicted


    Up to 15 hospitals in one English region alone may need to downgrade to ensure that all accident and emergency units can operate safely, a new study claims.

  • News

    MP bids to halt A&E closure


    A judicial review could hinder a provisional decision to close an accident and emergency department as part of reconfiguration plans.

  • News

    GP contract leads to sharp increase in A&E attendance


    Hospital accident and emergency departments are facing increased demand as a result of the changes to the GP contract introduced two years ago, according to a study.

  • News

    Doctors not ready to cope with major incidents


    Doctors are not prepared for major incidents, according to the results of a survey by a team from Wycombe Hospital in Buckinghamshire.

  • News

    Reid loses A&E row in Scotland


    Former health secretary John Reid's local hospital is to lose its accident and emergency department under a £300m reorganisation of health services in Lanarkshire.

  • News

    Welsh Ambulance Service gets third chief executive in as many months


    The Welsh Ambulance Services trust has appointed a turnaround expert as its permanent chief executive.

  • News

    Staffordshire ambulance chief defends figures after response time probe


    Staffordshire Ambulance Service trust acting chief executive Geoff Catling has defended his organisation following a probe into allegations that 999 response times were being fiddled.

  • News

    Wait pressures no excuse for using emergency plans


    NHS organisations have been warned not to use contingency plans designed to cope with incidents like terrorist attacks as a way to tackle other pressures in the system.

  • News

    Stroke audit


    Emergency services for stroke are still not up to standard, despite an increase in the number of specialist units.

  • News

    Emergency comms strategy must be tested twice a year


    Published: 20/10/2005 Volume 115 No. 5978 Page 6