All Emergency care articles – Page 5
Expert Briefing
North by North West: ICB small print reveals raft of new treatment restrictions
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
CQC orders improvements to overcrowded A&E
A hospital trust has been ordered to improve its accident and emergency department after an unannounced Care Quality Commission inspection.
Revealed: Four-fold rise in emergency care deaths
The number of coroner warnings issued last year which were linked to a lack of capacity in emergency care was around four times that seen before covid.
Expert Briefing
A&E boss: 40% of patients at major A&Es don’t need to be there
Recovering services from the covid crisis is a big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by HSJ senior correspondent Matt Discombe
Four regions still without extra ambulances promised by NHSE
Four regions that successfully bid for dedicated ambulances for mental health patients are still without the specialist vehicles, despite growing concerns the NHS is unable to respond to people in crisis.
Use your ‘operational muscle’ to improve performance urges NHSE director
Commissioners and providers must get back their “operational process muscle” and use it to drive improvements to care, NHS England’s emergency care lead has told HSJ.
40% of funding targeted at improving emergency care goes unspent
Fourty per cent of the £150m capital funding pot NHS England made available to incentivise urgent and emergency care improvements was not distributed, data shown to HSJ reveals.
HSJ Local
No acute trust now rated ‘inadequate’ as CQC upgrades troubled provider
The last acute trust deemed “inadequate” by the Care Quality Commission has had its rating improved to “requires improvement”, the regulator has announced today.
A&Es not being overwhelmed by ‘low acuity’ patients, NHSE review finds
An NHS England review has found the proportion of ‘low acuity’ patients attending emergency departments is far smaller than expected.
Daily Insight
The mythbuster: The NHS should not scrap the four hour A&E target
Steve Black reviews the old and new arguments against the four hour target and why the NHS should not give up on it
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Funding still pending as new hospital opens
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
HSJ Local
Trust’s ‘leadership behaviour’ attacked by six ICBs
Six integrated care board chiefs in the Midlands have written to an ambulance trust over a “pattern of behaviour” they claim its leadership team has displayed since its Care Quality Commission rating was downgraded.
The data speaks for itself: our virtual wards go from strength to strength
The transformative potential of Hospital at Home services is driving dynamic change in healthcare delivery, enhancing patient outcomes, and easing pressure on traditional hospital systems, writes Elliot Howard-Jones
Politicians beware: The NHS will never again meet the four-hour A&E target
The English NHS as a whole will never again achieve the target contained in the NHS constitution to admit or discharge 95 per cent of A&E attendees within four hours. In an election year, politicians of all colours, as well as NHS leaders, need to be overtly honest about this.
HSJ Podcast: Are you going to lose your job?
This year sets the NHS one of its toughest financial challenges as pandemic cash dries up and funding shortfalls deepen.
The police's rushed withdrawal from mental healthcare is creating serious risks
Challenges in implementing the Right Care Right Person policy reveal concerns over resource allocation, local coordination, and potential risks to vulnerable individuals, writes Sean Duggan
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Patient safety or administrative convenience?
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
NHSE director lined up for trust with worst A&E problems
An NHS England director is set to be appointed to the board of a trust with some of the worst A&E problems in recent years, including the most hours lost to ambulance handover delays last year.
HSJ Podcast: What the coroners say
It’s easy to get desensitised to disastrous waiting times in the NHS, but behind the numbers are real and avoidable care failures.
Seven more avoidable sepsis deaths spark coroner warnings
Preventable deaths of seven people from sepsis – including four children – have prompted coroners to flag major concerns about NHS services’ management of the condition.