All Emergency care articles – Page 65

  • Emergency, service redesign, A&E

    Emergency admissions and delayed transfers grow despite national efforts


    Analysis shared with HSJ reveals emergency admissions rose 2.8 per cent in 2016-17 to 4.3 million The 370,102 admissions via emergency departments in March was a record high Delayed transfers of care data for March revealed it was the second highest month on record The number of hospital ...

  • Grantham Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Struggling A&E to remain shut overnight


    United Lincolnshire Hospitals extends Grantham A&E overnight closure for at least three more months Trust insists it plans to fully reopen A&E when “safe” to do so Independent Reconfiguration Panel due to announce if it will investigate trust’s decision The overnight closure of a struggling emergency unit has ...

  • accident and emergency ward

    Revealed: New A&E scorecard to launch 'as early as June'


    System leaders want new measure to factor in issues such as acuity and patient experience as well as waiting times HSJ understands many of the details are still to be finalised Four hour waiting target will remain the priority A new accident and emergency scorecard to rate hospitals’ ...

  • Pay
    HSJ Local

    Trust busts locum cap after overspending on GPs


    A community trust has breached its agency spending cap for 2016-17 by more than £300,000 following staff shortages in its GP out of hours’ service.

  • John Adler
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trust chief pledges to get back on track after opening £48m A&E


    John Adler says his trust will hit the four hour target 95 per cent of the time by the end of 2018 University Hospitals of Leicester must address capacity deficit of 105 beds Mr Adler says trust has no more plans to restrict elective treatment University Hospitals of ...

  • Great Western Hospital

    Revealed: 70 hospitals awarded share of £100m A&E pot


    Seventy trusts allocated £56m between them out of £100m funding for A&E Winners include Salford Royal and smaller trusts like The Princess Alexandra Seventy hospitals have been allocated a share of a £56m tranche from the £100m of capital funding ringfenced in the budget for accident and emergency ...

  • East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    June deadline for trust to move junior doctors after safety warning


    Trust says “major efforts made by staff in the hospital to support training” were “not enough” to keep the trainees Thirty-eight junior doctors at East Kent trust will be affected Junior doctors and affected patients must transfer by 19 June A trust recently removed from special measures has ...

  • Kettering general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Four trusts enter special measures in six days


    Kettering General Hospital FT rated inadequate after “serious concerns” found in A&E, staffing, risk management and treatment delays Trust is fourth to enter special measures in six days New interim chief executive was appointed at trust after incumbent left within six months A Midlands trust has been placed ...

  • david williams expert briefing crop
    Expert Briefing

    What's New in Care Models: Farewell to the vanguard era


    The final instalment in our regular briefing on new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View. By integration lead David Williams.

  • Marianne Griffiths
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust receives £30m to upgrade A&E


    New £30m emergency unit intended to transform the way that care is delivered Development approved by NHS Improvement Marianne Griffiths spells out her priorities for troubled Brighton and Sussex trust NHS Improvement has approved £30m of new investment in emergency care facilities at a special measures trust, as ...

  • primary care

    New primary care model linked to lower A&E attendance


    Areas testing the “primary care home” model for general practice have shown “significant reductions” in A&E attendances and lower GP waiting times, new data reveals.

  • 3016776 rob findlay cutout 3x2

    Not giving up on elective waiting times


    When elective waiting times go up, how can we minimise the harm to patients?

  • Steps

    Next steps for the forward view – what you need to know


    HSJ’s brings you everything you need to know about the year’s most important NHS policy document.

  • older woman

    Exclusive: Vanguard project cuts A&E admissions of over 65s


    A Nottinghamshire MCP vanguard has had 23 per cent fewer emergency admissions for care home residents, new analysis has revealed Health Foundation report shows lower A&E attendances and admissions of residents in the Principia MCP but no link to lower elective admissions or outpatient attendances NHS England and the ...

  • hospital ward

    STPs told to slow emergency admissions in 2017-18


    STPs to be monitored on ability to contain A&E admission growth Metric will become key measure of success for new care models Vanguards to lose funding if emergency activity rises faster than target Bed days will also become an important measure for judging health systems Health systems will ...

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trusts could consider merger


    Two NHS trusts in the Midlands are working on proposals to work closer together, including a potential full merger, HSJ understands.

  • Abacus

    Exclusive: Next STF payments depend solely on financial performance


    Regulators say that final allocations from the sustainability and transformation fund this year will be paid in full if headline financial targets are met Final quarter’s allocations could now total more than £800m Measure could incentivise trusts to pursue further technical accounting measures NHS trusts will not be ...

  • surgery
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust puts major restrictions on operations for second time in six weeks


    Teaching trust forced to restrict operations for second time in six weeks University Hospitals Leicester puts seven day restriction on elective work The move follows a 12 day restriction covering February half-term One of the NHS’s largest trusts has been forced to restrict elective activity for the second ...

  • Jim Mackey

    'A&E special measures' proposal rejected


    ‘A&E special measures’ plans set out by system leaders this month will not go ahead, Jim Mackey says The regime was trailed in a letter sent to London trusts from NHS England and NHS Improvement directors It prompted concerns from senior managers that the move would not help address ...

  • Corby urgent care centre
    HSJ Local

    Urgent care centre may close this week over tariff argument


    Corby Urgent Care Centre may close on Thursday due to Corby and Nene CCGs refusing to pay national tariff rate for the work The centre will continue the contract if the CCGs agree to legal adjudication over fees as the centre claims it loses £30,000 a month running the ...