All England articles
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NHSE launches £37bn framework for ‘new hospitals’
NHS England has launched a £37bn framework for the largest hospital-building drive in decades, in a bid to bolster market capacity.
HSJ Podcast: The plan for electives
The HSJ Health Check team looks at the new elective recovery plan launched this month.
HSJ Podcast: What’s coming in 2025 for the NHS
The HSJ Health Check team reveals our predictions for the big issues – and unexpected developments – in 2025, on this week’s Christmas podcast.
HSJ Podcast: Break even or pay freeze
This week’s podcast looks at pay and who is going to get what next year, and on what conditions.
HSJ Podcast: Targets and terror and tech
This week’s podcast looks at whose job it is to oversee England’s over-mighty provider sector, plus the new world coming into view on technology.
HSJ Podcast: Directors on the stand over Letby’s murders
This week, the podcast looks at accountability in the NHS and the Thirlwall Inquiry.
HSJ Podcast: Named and shamed
This week, the podcast looks at the fallout from a lively NHS Providers conference.
HSJ Podcast: What we want from the 10-year plan
A leading trust CEO, ICS leader and policy guru join the HSJ podcast to tell us what’s needed from the government’s 10-year health plan.
HSJ Podcast: What the ‘left shift’ means for hospitals
This week on the HSJ Health Check podcast, guest host Ben Clover is joined by the deputy chief executive of NHS Providers to talk money, quality and the CQC
HSJ Podcast: Winter ‘panic buying’
This week on the HSJ Health Check podcast, guest host Ben Clover and colleagues look at what no money for winter means for the NHS, and how real a bold new integration scheme is.
HSJ Podcast: The magic administrator
This week on the HSJ Health Check podcast, guest host Ben Clover and colleagues look at whether the NHS’s whole safety, safe-staffing and quality system is getting overhauled, plus was it one simple trick that slashed waiting times at a trust?
HSJ Podcast: The ticking timebomb
This week on the HSJ Health Check podcast, guest host Ben Clover and colleagues discuss whether the NHS can cut into the elective waiting list this winter. Plus the latest on the state of the service’s estate.
HSJ Podcast: Watching the watchmen
This week on the HSJ Health Check podcast, guest host Ben Clover and colleagues discuss the future of the Care Quality Commission after a tumultuous period for the inspectorate.
HSJ Podcast: The ‘NHS is broken’ blowback
This week on the HSJ Health Check podcast, guest host Ben Clover and colleagues discuss the Labour Party conference plus some alarming developments in IT.
HSJ Podcast: Streeting ‘reads the Riot Act’
This week on the HSJ Health Check podcast, guest host Ben Clover and colleagues discuss the big Streeting meeting plus a new player in primary care.
Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed
Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures.
The shameful state of children’s services can be rescued by Labour
Dame Clare Gerada, Dr Camilla Kingdon and Professor Sian Griffiths highlight the urgent need for robust reform to services for children and young people.
Revealed: Government has failed to ‘level up’ innovation funding
The share of government-controlled health research funding going to the north of England has been static over the last decade, with London and the South East maintaining its dominant position.
Chair quits after trust admits £90m deficit
The chair of a major teaching hospital trust has quit after the organisation saw its deficit double in size.
Trusts must ‘stabilise’ waiting lists and eliminate two-year waiters by March
Trusts have been told to hold the line on elective performance, keeping year-plus waiters at current levels, and eliminate two-year waiters by the end of March.