All Equality and diversity articles – Page 10
Racial discrimination is present at all levels and all professions within the NHS
Understanding what is needed to turn the situation around after data from new research reveals, Black and minority ethnic staff are more than twice as likely to experience discrimination at work from a colleague
Expert Briefing
The Ward Round: What does it mean to speak up now?
Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night — and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ performance, recovery and workforce correspondent Nick Kituno, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies ...
NHSE is ‘pussyfooting around’ race strategy amid ‘wokery media storm’, says lead
NHS England is ‘pussyfooting’ around the release of a new workforce race equality strategy amid a “media storm around ‘wokery’,” the lead of the programme has said.
Routine NHS care may have ‘adverse effect’ on Black and Asian babies
NHS equality experts have ordered a review of neonatal care over concerns that babies from Black and Asian backgrounds are ‘adversely affected’ by routine methods.
Ethnicity removed from covid vaccine system in ‘retrograde step’
NHS England has stopped the collection of ethnicity data when people receive a coronavirus vaccine, seven months after introducing it, HSJ has learned.
NHS can use its power as an employer to create a more just society
NHS trusts and health boards should take the lead in deploying progressive employment interventions at local level, which can be used to leverage employment opportunities towards people who are farthest from the jobs market, write Tom Lloyd Goodwin and David Burch
Refugees can help tackle the NHS workforce shortage
Kaye Burnett places emphasis on supporting people from excluded communities with the opportunity of being potential recruits for the NHS
Health secretary to act on racial bias in effectiveness of medical devices
Sajid Javid has said medical device manufacturers should check their products work well for people of all ethnic backgrounds, citing problems that those with dark skin have experienced when using pulse oximeters.
Revealed: Healthcare’s most influential minority ethnic leaders
The vital contribution of effective and admirable leaders from minority ethnic backgrounds to the UK’s health and care services is slowly gaining more and more visibility, writes Alastair McLellan
A timely acknowledgement of the importance of diverse leadership
The NHS has made progress in diversifying its leadership in a way that should be celebrated – while recognising that this is by no means ‘mission accomplished’, writes Dr Habib Naqvi
The 50 most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in health
Here are the 50 Black, Asian and minority ethnic figures who will exercise the most power and/or influence in the English NHS and health policy over the next 12 months
The 50 most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in health: The near misses
The judges considered a substantial longlist of contenders for the most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic leaders in health. Here are the ones who did not quite make it into the final 50
The 50 most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in health: The judges
The judges for 2021’s list of healthcare’s 50 most influential minority ethnic leaders
To boost diversity NHS leaders need to first understand their own biases
A new report outlines eight key principles drawn from research that can help NHS leaders promote equality, diversity and inclusion in their organisations, writes Roger Kline
Expert Briefing
Recovery Watch: NHS England’s promise on inequalities data is well overdue
Recovering services from the covid crisis is the big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by staffing and equalities correspondent Nick Kituno.
As a CEO from an ethnic minority, staff expect me to make a difference to inequality
Patricia Miller, Dorset County Hospital CEO, shares her approach to building a culture of inclusion
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: The ICS house of mirrors
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. Brought to you this week, for the last time, by senior correspondent Sharon Brennan.
Trust’s new CEO means three London chiefs have a minority ethnic background
A London mental health trust has appointed an interim chief executive, who will be the third provider chief known to have a minority ethnic background in the capital.
The Primer: NHS managers were ‘the enemy within’
The Primer provides a rapid guide to the most interesting comment and analysis on the English health and care sector that has not (usually) appeared in HSJ.
Nobody should be denied a second chance of life because of their ethnicity
Henny Braund addresses the inequalities patients face during stem cell transplants, urging the NHS make sure care is culturally appropriate