All Equality and diversity articles – Page 6
Trust CEO apologises to staff subjected to racist behaviour
A chief executive has apologised after a survey of his trust’s staff from minority ethnic backgrounds found many had been subjected to racist behaviour by colleagues.
Ethnic minority doctors are being undermined
GMC chief executive Charlie Massey sets out new evidence on racial and ethical inequalities in medicine, and how new targets are being set to try to eliminate it.
Race and deprivation set back medical trainees, GMC analysis finds
New research shared with HSJ has ‘laid bare’ the inequalities experienced by medical trainees, with black doctors more likely to perform worse in exams than any other ethnic group.
‘Toxic working environment’ exposed at troubled unit
Staff endured a ‘toxic and difficult working environment’ at a maternity unit where staff were ‘shouted and sworn at over differences of professional opinion’, an employment tribunal has found.
Racism: Some HR teams get it and some don’t
In light of NHS England recently losing an employment tribunal case against a senior black nurse on grounds of race discrimination and whistleblowing, Roger Kline casts light on learnings from the case for NHS board members and HR departments
Trans people deserve better end of life care
Jonathan Ellis describes how simple and practical changes by providers, NHS bodies and regulators can ensure that end-of-life care is inclusive for all.
NHSE ‘pandering to ministers’ by cutting equality team to 35
NHS England is “pandering to ministers” by cutting its equality, diversity and inclusion teams to 35 whole-time posts, HSJ has been told, with some affected staff warning their “mission is no longer clear”.
Director’s discrimination claims ‘staggering’, NHS England tells tribunal
A tribunal has been urged to throw out claims of race and sex discrimination by an NHS England director against his employer and its former chief people officer.
We will not sideline inclusion by parking it with a few
As NHS England restructures its “people” teams and merges with Health Education England, Navina Evans says it will “mainstream” its equality, diversity and inclusion work, rather than “parking it with a few” in a dedicated team.
NHSE’s former HR chief felt ‘personally attacked’ by director
NHS England’s former chief people officer felt ‘personally attacked’ by a former director when he ‘lost his temper’ with her, she told an employment tribunal, while ‘categorically denying’ she had blocked a promotion based on race.
NHS England’s former HR chief accused of discrimination by director
An NHS England director has accused its former chief people officer of racial discrimination, with a tribunal hearing the CPO ‘did everything in her power to stop a Black woman from progressing’.
HSJ Local
System’s trusts failing to tackle ‘completely unjust’ health inequalities
All three acute trusts in an integrated care system are failing to meet national requirements to tackle health inequalities after being overwhelmed by emergency and elective care pressures.
We must tackle bias and poor quality in NHS recording of ethnicity
Although coverage of ethnicity recording has improved over time, the quality of coding can be variable, poor, and shows evidence of systematic bias, writes Veena Raleigh
MP says NHS ‘shambles’ is fault of ‘utterly useless senior managers’
A Conservative MP has blamed “far too many overpaid and utterly useless senior managers” for what he described as the “shambles of the NHS”.
Trusts told to appoint board director with responsibility for reducing racism
Mental health trusts will be expected to appoint a board member responsible for improving racial equality and to develop individual plans to eliminate systemic racism, according to new draft NHS England guidance seen by HSJ.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Invisible barriers
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
How trusts are supporting disabled and neurodivergent staff
It is Disability History Month and the perfect time for Oliver Potter to highlight some of the work being done to improve the experience of disabled and neurodivergent staff across the health service.
‘Staggering’ rise in restraint of black people in mental healthcare
The rate of people from black backgrounds being restrained in mental healthcare has more than doubled in the past six years, widening the gap with other racial groups, according to official NHS data.
CQC brings in whistleblowing gurus to boost ‘independence and credibility’
The Care Quality Commission has hired two independent whistleblowing champions to oversee a major review of how it listens to concerns.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2022: NHS Race Equality Award
Partnered by WINNER: Turning The Tide Oversight Group Equity in Career Development, Opportunity and Well-Being