All Facilities management articles – Page 27

  • Hospitals will face fines if they fail to end the “indignity” of mixed-sex wards, health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.

    Hospitals to face mixed-sex ward fines


    Hospitals will face fines if they fail to end the “indignity” of mixed-sex wards, health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Changes in patient safety


    After the crisis: the maintenance model of effective change

  • A technical problem severely disrupted 999 calls to the Scottish Ambulance Service for several hours, it has emerged.

    999 technical glitch revealed


    A technical problem severely disrupted 999 calls to the Scottish Ambulance Service for several hours, it has emerged.

  • Hospital ward

    Mixed-sex wards to be eliminated this year


    The government will announce that it is to end the “indignity” of mixed-sex hospital wards in England by the end of the year, it has been reported.

  • News

    NHS facing £65bn PFI bill


    The NHS in England faces a total bill of £65bn for new hospitals built under the private finance initiative (PFI), it has been reported.

  • A Scottish health board has rejected claims by Labour that "cuts" to cleaning jobs are putting patients' health at risk.

    Cleaning cut claims rejected


    A Scottish health board has rejected claims by Labour that “cuts” to cleaning jobs are putting patients’ health at risk.

  • The number of deaths from healthcare associated infections in Scotland is falling, official statistics show.

    C diff deaths falling


    The number of deaths from healthcare associated infections in Scotland is falling, official statistics show.

  • COPD service in East Surrey
    HSJ Knowledge

    COPD services


    Dr Elango Vijaykumar and Dr Joe McGilligan describe how internal integration of existing resources and external support from a pharmaceutical company have provided a structure to improve the care of people with COPD.

  • GRI told to overhaul cleaning team

    Hospital told to overhaul cleaning team


    Cleaning standards at Glasgow Royal Infirmary are satisfactory but action must be taken to ensure cleaners are available when needed, a new report has found.

  • A hospital has been told to improve its infection control standards by health inspectors who made 16 requirements for change.

    Hospital infection controls criticised


    A hospital has been told to improve its infection control standards by health inspectors who made 16 requirements for change.

  • Lost theatre time opportunity

    Lost theatre time opportunity


    Acute foundation trusts lose a third of their operating theatre time to late starts and early finishes by clinical teams, according to research presented by the Foundation Trust Network.

  • News

    Trust may take PFI option for 'axed' hospital


    A foundation trust which had central funding for a major hospital building plan cancelled last week is looking at alternative ways of financing the project, including private finance.

  • The new guide From the Ground Up is an invaluable toolkit for PCT service planners and estates managers wanting to develop sites and buildings to support the delivery of integrated care services.
    HSJ Knowledge

    Integrated care services


    The new guide From the Ground Up is an invaluable toolkit for PCT service planners and estates managers wanting to develop sites and buildings to support the delivery of integrated care services.

  • Plans submitted for new Cockermouth community hospital

    Flood hit Cumbrian town seeks new community hospital


    NHS Cumbria has submitted a planning application for a community hospital in Cockermouth.

  • The robots will be used to transport clinical waste and dirty linen, deliver food and dispense drugs at the new Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert, Stirlingshire.

    Robot hospital workers testing under way


    A fleet of robots is to carry out day-to-day tasks at an NHS hospital, it has been revealed.

  • NHS trusts that have hospital building contracts with private firms may be forced to cut services, a report has said.

    PFI hospitals 'may have to cut services'


    NHS trusts that have hospital building contracts with private firms may be forced to cut services, a report has said.

  • First ISTCs lose activity guarantees

    First ISTCs lose activity guarantees


    Care UK looks set to secure a 25 year deal on one of its independent sector treatment centres. It plans to operate the centre without a guaranteed activity contract.

  • Trust warned over asbestos breach

    Trust warned over asbestos breach


    The Health and Safety Executive has issued an improvement notice to NHS Wiltshire.

  • All spending commitments approved by the DH or Treasury this year have been called in for review as the new government seeks massive savings in the public sector. Some major NHS development plans now face uncertainty, reports Alison Moore

    Will NHS building plans stay on the drawing board?


    All spending commitments approved by the DH or Treasury this year have been called in for review as the new government seeks massive savings in the public sector. Some major NHS development plans now face uncertainty, reports Alison Moore

  • Local food will save NHS millions

    Local food will save NHS millions


    Cooking with locally grown produce could save the NHS £400m, the catering manager at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has claimed.