All Facilities management articles – Page 31

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Asset management


    Karen Conneely outlines the need for a single integrated asset register.

  • Health secretary Andy Burnham

    Andy Burnham makes hospital car parking pledge


    Health secretary Andy Burnham has pledged to phase out hospital car parking charges for inpatients and their relatives and friends over the next three years.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GP surgery sustainability


    Sustainability is increasingly becoming a key issue for the NHS. This case study of the sustainability audit of a small GP surgery shows how this is affecting primary care providers by looking at three critical areas.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Media Watch: NHS cost cutting


    At the start of last week, the papers were obsessed with Gordon Brown’s first use of the C-word. By the end of the week politicians of all hues were at it and it was impossible to get away from it.

  • NHS spending: McKinsey exposes hard choices to save £20bn

    NHS spending: McKinsey exposes hard choices to save £20bn


    The McKinsey report leaked by HSJ last week lays bare the tough issues managers have to grasp as the funding squeeze looms, explains Sally Gainsbury

  • NHS cost-cutting: how to save £20bn by 2014

    NHS cost-cutting: how to save £20bn by 2014


    The McKinsey report sets out a range of advice to enable NHS organisations to achieve suggested savings.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Modular wards


    Construction in healthcare is a precision business. Its role is to support the industry’s primary function – to deliver the best available healthcare services to patients. New developments and continual refurbishment are all important in handling the demands on patient care, but can often present a number challenges, not least ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Carbon reduction commitment


    NHS energy use costs £400 million annually and results in around one million tonnes of carbon emissions.

  • Hospital parking guidelines 'ignored'

    Hospital parking guidelines 'ignored'


    Guidelines intended to allow NHS cancer patients to avoid “appalling” hospital car parking charges are being widely ignored, according to a survey.

  • John Redwood on NHS efficiency

    John Redwood on NHS efficiency


    Having experienced success and failure in a wide variety of organisations, the former Welsh secretary spells out his recipe for an effective and efficient NHS

  • DH makes PFI debt pledge

    DH makes PFI debt pledge


    The Department of Health has said it will change the financial reporting rules to ensure trusts with private finance initiative debts do not breach their statutory duty to break even.

  • McKinsey cost-saving proposals focus on waste in acute sector

    McKinsey cost-saving proposals focus on waste in acute sector


    NHS hospitals in England are rife with waste and inefficiency, consultants McKinsey and Company have told the Department of Health in a confidential report, seen by HSJ.

  • CQC action on sustainability ‘disappointing’

    CQC action on sustainability ‘disappointing’


    The Care Quality Commission has been accused of ducking its responsibilities on sustainable development.

  • DH is told 137,000 NHS posts must go in next five years

    DH is told 137,000 NHS posts must go in next five years


    The Department of Health has been told the NHS in England will need to slash its workforce by 137,000 if it is to achieve its planned £20bn savings by 2014, HSJ can exclusively reveal.

  • Dawn Hillier and Patrick Geoghegan

    NHS leaders vow to cut emissions by 10pc


    NHS organisations are being urged to make a public commitment to cut their carbon dioxide emissions by at least 10 per cent during 2010.

  • Your Humble Servant

    Your Humble Servant on the future of NHS technology


    ‘Just imagine, you’ll log in to check out the rash in your groin, and “Amazon recommends” will also tell you how other people rated their experience with rashes’

  • NHS maternity services

    NHS maternity services overstretched, say Tories


    Almost 4,000 women in England gave birth in locations other than a designated hospital labour bed in 2008 - a 15 per cent increase over the previous year, new figures reveal.

  • Banks 'using PFIs to boost profits'

    Banks 'using PFIs to boost profits'


    A study claims the high interest rates being charged for private finance initiative projects are helping banks restore their profits.

  • NHS managers are being sent a new handbook urging them  take action against climate change and help reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint.

    NHS chiefs told saving planet will save them money


    NHS managers have been told to “set an example” by tackling climate change - and save their organisations money at the same time.

  • A construction site

    PFI hospital 'ahead of schedule'


    The private finance initiative project to deliver Birmingham’s first new NHS hospital in 70 years is reportedly “significantly ahead” of schedule.