All Facilities management articles – Page 40

  • News

    Corporate manslaughter: you could be in the dock


    From 6 April NHS organisations could be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter if someone dies in their care, but different interpretations of the law mean trusts may be unclear about their responsibilities. Ingrid Torjesen attempts to unravel the new actFor more in-depth information about the act, register for HSJ’s free corporate ...

  • News

    Hospitals to be stripped of unhealthy vending machines


    Vending machines dispensing crisps, chocolate and sugary drinks are to be removed from all NHS hospitals in Wales.Most of these machines are to be removed within the next six months.

  • News

    Biomedical research centre of excellence for Manchester


    A biomedical research centre to be opened in Manchester will help to prevent, diagnose and treat ill-health and ensure patients benefit from scientific breakthroughs as quickly as possible, the Department of Health has announced.

  • Supplements

    HSJ better buildings supplement


    ProCure21, a procurement method for NHS capital schemes, offers clients access to expertise, true partnership with contractors - and cost certainty

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sustainable healthcare construction


    Healthcare construction contributes huge amounts of waste to landfills every year, but some organisations are working hard to change this. Here, we take a closer look at what they have achieved

  • Comment

    Guarantees are vital to ISTC success


    Your piece on independent sector treatment centres, 'ISTC contract guarantees will saddle NHS with £187m bill', misses some fundamental points, writes David Worskett

  • News

    Treasury puts off plan to move PFI schemes on balance sheet


    The Treasury has given the NHS a year's stay of execution over changes to accountancy rules with major implications for private finance initiative schemes. The move to international financial reporting standards was due to be implemented across the public sector from this April.

  • News

    £525m funding boost for NHS Scotland


    A funding boost of £525m for new and improved NHS facilities, equipment upgrades, and IT systems across Scotland has been announced.

  • News

    Credit crunch puts Kent PFI under threat


    Plans by Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust for a new private finance initiative hospital were dealt a blow this week when the bonds intended to finance the deal were downgraded.

  • News

    Free parking in Wales will cost trusts £5.4m


    Hospital trusts in Wales will lose up to £5.4m per year because the Welsh Assembly government has told them they must stop raising income from car parking.

  • News

    ISTC contract guarantees will saddle NHS with a £187m bill


    Deals with private contractors have left the NHS facing a hidden 187m bill to buy back some of the controversial independent sector treatment centres, HSJ has learned.

  • News

    £80.4m cost of 8,000 staff hurt at work


    Just over 8,000 NHS staff were seriously injured at work last year, figures published in Parliament show.

  • News

    Wales to axe NHS parking charges


    Most parking charges in NHS hospitals in Wales are to be eliminated for patients, staff and visitors, it is expected to be announced later today.

  • News

    NHS smoking ban flouted


    Non-smoking rules are being flouted by patients and staff in two-thirds of NHS hospitals and have led to an increase in litter, according to researchers.Research published in the journal BMC Health Services Research asked three quarters of acute and mental health trusts about the implementation of smoking rules.

  • News

    Nicholson announces new cleaning strategy


    The NHS is to push forward with a step change in cleaning services, NHS chief executive David Nicholson has said. At a summit of private and public sector cleaning representatives, Mr Nicholson outlined plans which included publishing the latest information on MRSA rates for every hospital on the NHS Choices ...

  • News

    Accounting change could strain PFI


    The Department of Health has refused to say whether or not it has set aside any resources to help trusts cope with a major change to private finance initiative schemes later this year.

  • News

    £33m equipment boost for Welsh hospitals


    Hospitals across Wales are to get a share of almost £33m to buy equipment and improve patient facilities, it was announced today.

  • News

    Trust defends repainting to greet prince


    Birmingham Children's Hospital foundation trust has defended using government funding to repaint hospital wards and a conservatory used by patients and visitors ahead of a royal visit.

  • News

    Mayor flags up his blueprint for the future of London's health


    Preventable inequalities in health are unacceptable in a leading world city and have huge economic and social consequences, according to London mayor Ken Livingstone.

  • News

    NHS mountain bikes could ride to the climate's rescue


    The health service should consider giving people NHS-branded bicycles to help them get fit and contribute to tackling climate change, according to an organiser of a landmark conference on sustainability and the NHS.