All Facilities management articles – Page 44

  • News

    Blocked psychiatric beds cost £110m a year


    Around 2,500 patients at any time are stuck on psychiatric wards when they should be getting some form of community care. A Department of Health report leaked to HSJ reveals poor planning and liaison between health and social care are responsible for the delayed discharges.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Death in America: improving end-of-life care


    Caring for dying the biggest challenge facing the NHS, which can learn from the US, say Richard Smith and colleagues

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    Referral management schemes must operate as a partnership


    Referral management schemes run by primary care trusts must develop in partnership with practice-based commissioners, according to national clinical director for primary care David Colin-Thome.

  • News

    Have trusts turned the corner, or just papered over the cracks?


    As a raft of swiftly implemented cost-cutting measures hits home, panic over NHS finances has largely subsided. Alison Moore looks at the implications of breaking even

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: releasing value from land


    Buildings need to be used efficiently and filled to capacity to raise money.needed for investment back into the health sector, argues Marisa Broadhurst.

  • Comment

    David Moon on resource efficiency in construction projects


    Over the past few years, trusts have placed growing pressure on contractors to improve their sustainability credentials and significant progress towards setting minimum requirements for recycled content in the health sector has already been made.

  • News

    New wave of community hospitals and services


    Health minister Andy Burnham has unveiled a £50m wave of new NHS community hospitals and super surgeries.Six new health centres, two new community hospitals and eight refurbished community hospitals will open across the country as part of a drive to increase capacity for minor operations, medical tests and follow-up care ...

  • News

    Hospices in line for refurbishment programme


    Hospices are to receive £40m from the Department of Health to carry out improvement works. The money will go to 191 projects in 146 adult hospices in England.It will be spent on refurbishing and upgrading hospice areas including wards, dining facilities, gardens and IT. A further £10m will be made ...

  • News

    Best practice: joining up community sport and health services


    A lottery grant for school sport in Merseyside has sparked the creation of a landmark in community sport: a patch of wasteland has been transformed into a £5.2m sports and health hub, where cardiac rehabilitation happens alongside.track events and football matches. Jonathon Ives reports

  • Comment

    Look to the long term for 2020 vision on climate change


    With front-page headlines this week warning that the UK's policies on climate change are set to achieve their 2020 milestone 30 years too late, the scale of the environmental challenge ahead becomes yet more daunting.

  • News

    Trusts warned over property maintenance


    The Health and Safety Executive has warned the NHS to maintain its properties effectively. It follows a successful action brought by the organisation against South West London and St George's Mental Health trust after a man fell at Springfield University Hospital and subsequently died.The trust was fined £7,500 and asked ...

  • News

    Hewitt approves £1.5bn PFI deals


    Private finance initiative hospitals worth around £1.5bn have been given the go-ahead by health secretary Patricia Hewitt.The news came as the Department of Health published national and regional maps of hospitals and primary care facilities that have been opened since 1997.See the maps here

  • News

    DoH responds to call charge complaints


    The Department of Health has responded to a report by the Patient Power Review Group into hospitals' systems for bedside televisions and telephones.The report followed a number of complaints about the cost of incoming call charges. The Department of Health set up the review group to explore all aspects of ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Infection control: an outbreak of innovation


    A robust outbreak escalation process has helped a trust cut Clostridium difficile cases by 50 per cent in the past year. Em Wilkinson-Brice and colleagues explain how it was done

  • News

    News anlaysis: germinators look to Europe for next ideas in superbug war


    The Dutch experience shows it is possible to get on top of MRSA and other superbugs - but it will be costly. Meanwhile, some UK hospitals are pioneering simple but effective strategies that could help turn the tide of deadly infections, writes Alison Moore

  • News

    Guidance to improve information for disabled people


    Minister for disabled people Anne McGuire has announced the launch of a five-point guide that will help public sector organisations improve the way that they provide information to disabled people.The guide, written by the Office for Disability Issues, follows research which shows that a third of disabled people have difficulty ...

  • News

    Primary care modernisation money released


    Capital funding worth £382m will be given to primary care trusts to modernise buildings and equipment.The Department of Health said the funding was a 30 per cent increase on last year's allocation.Read details here

  • News

    In or out: contractors braced for a domestic over cleaning


    Andy Burnham is expected to tell the prime minister that hospital cleaners should be part of the 'NHS family', but the companies providing services complain that poor trust management and contracting are to blame for low standards. Alison Moore digs the dirt

  • News

    MPs slam £900m construction project failure


    The Commons public accounts committee has slammed the failed development of the £900m Paddington Health Campus.A report on the collapsed scheme said NHS staff were out of their depth and bad decisions were made worse by appalling planning and cost forecasting.Read the report here

  • News

    Conservatives call for in-house laundries to fight infection


    Trusts should be obliged to provide changing and laundry facilities as part of the war on infection control, the Conservatives have said.