All Facilities management articles – Page 45

  • News

    Consultation on disabled facilities grants


    The government has published a consultation document on its proposals to improve the disabled facilities grant programme.The report is a response to the findings and recommendations of the independent Bristol University report on the programme in 2005. The consultation period closes on 13 April.Read the document here

  • Comment

    Letters about cleaning contracts


    The comments by Andy Burnham ( read the story here) are not surprising as he has made them on a number of other occasions, but it is disappointing to see a government minister publicly taking such a short-sighted view.

  • News

    Not enough mental health facilities for young people


    Young people with mental health problems are still being treated inappropriately on adult wards because of a lack of inpatient facilities for under-18s.A report by the Children's Commissioner for England says that despite significant investment in child and adolescent mental health services, services are often unable to respond to emergencies.Children ...

  • News

    HSJ exclusive: NHS will not hit MRSA target next year


    Unison head of health Karen Jennings has criticised the Department of Health for hiding the full extent of the progress being made by the NHS in tackling MRSA, after government documents revealed in HSJ today ( show that next year's MRSA target will not ...

  • News

    Exclusive: Minister calls for in-house cleaners


    Health minister Andy Burnham is to urge the prime minister to encourage trusts to bring cleaning services back in-house.

  • News

    £100m to help increase NHS energy efficiency


    Health minister Andy Burnham has announced £100m funding to help NHS trusts meet their energy efficiency targets. Seven out of 10 are already on track, he said, but more should be done to reduce carbon emissions and deliver savings that will be ploughed back into patient care.For more information click ...

  • News

    Ruth Hussey on sustainability


    'Sustainable development is good management. Consider the cost of energy - good management expects efficient energy use. Consider the difficulty in recruiting staff - good management develops skills to meet its needs from the local community. Consider disadvantaged communities - good management procures goods and services locally'

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    Martin Pearson on warm glows and icy winds


    'Directors and managers of today's organisations need to recognise that they are there not only to create cost-efficient and financially successful health businesses but also to lead services in a way that saves the world from further degradation and climate chaos'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sounding off


    With the incidence of mental illness among deaf people high and specialised services almost non-existent, getting help can be difficult. Emma Dent explores the gaps in care

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    'I do not think the Walsall trio, all nice chaps, will mind if I describe them as the Old Codgers, rather than the Three Musketeers'

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: the new SHA


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Strategic hip authority

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on PFI passions running high


    'Call a handyman to fit a notice board? Oh no, you'll need a quote from the PFI company'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New guidance revolutionises NHS waste management


    A recent Department of Health memorandum looks set to cause the greatest shake up of waste management within the NHS since the disappearance of the hospital incinerator.

  • Comment

    Is this really the end of under-capacity?


    Financial incentives and technology mean inpatient demand and length of stay are falling, although the population is ageing. In 10 years waiting lists will be a thing of the past say Celine Druilhe and Eric Louie

  • News

    LIFT eight times more expensive, MPs told


    Primary care trusts are paying up to eight times as much per patient for GP surgeries built by local improvement finance trusts, a report from the Commons public accounts committee has found.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cooking up a storm


    An organisation the size of the NHS has a huge responsibility to the environment and communities. But are trusts ready to do their bit? Kaye McIntosh investigates

  • News

    MPs launch contract cleaning probe


    A cross-party parliamentary group is launching an inquiry into healthcare-acquired infections.

  • Comment

    Media watch: hospital phone charges


    Those unlucky enough to spend Easter in hospital also had the misfortune of paying a whopping 26p per minute if they wished to call their loved ones. Not unexpectedly the tabloids and broadsheets were up in arms last week as they bemoaned the 160 per cent increase in hospital call ...

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    Media watch: C difficile in Norfolk


    The news on superbugs gets worse following reports that a mutant strain of Clostridium difficile has been linked to the death of 17 patients at a Norfolk hospital.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The big C


    The latest figures show C difficile rates are climbing. Alison Moore reports on what a major challenge for 2007 will bring