All Facilities management articles – Page 7

  • surgery

    Survey: Doctors worried over ability to provide safe care


    Royal college survey reveals concerns over workforce gaps, equipment shortages and poor management Royal College of Anaesthetists president says NHS is at a “tipping point” GMC also warns of a “state of unease” in medical profession after contract dispute Anaesthetists working in hospitals across the NHS have said ...

  • Cancer treatment

    NHS England to invest £130m in cancer treatment equipment


    The NHS is to invest £130m to upgrade or replace key equipment for treating cancer, and will announce new proposals to reorganise radiotherapy services across England this week.

  • Baby
    HSJ Local

    Trust suspends services at two maternity units


    Trust stops services at midwife led units in Ludlow and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Royal Shrewsbury Hospital running some services without hand washing, hot water and heating facilities Normal 0 ...

  • Tool kit

    Huge spike in 'high risk' maintenance problems at trusts


    NHS providers face costs of £775m to deal with high risk maintenance issues, compared to £458m in 2014-15 Providers’ investment in estates maintenance has reduced every year since 2013 as capital budgets have been increasingly squeezed Increasing backlog raises risk of fires and power outages The backlog of ...

  • Bootham park hospital
    HSJ Local

    Shortlist for new hospital site revealed


    CCG announces three possible sites for new mental health hospital in York Possible locations include Bootham Park, Clifton Park and Haxby Road Shortlist announced as trust opens temporary ward for adult mental health patients Three sites have been shortlisted to be the location for a new mental health ...

  • Computer data

    Primary care fund could be reduced by £300m, say commissioners


    CCG board papers say estates and technology transformation fund will be reduced to around £400m NHS England says CCG’s figures are inaccurate Bids for premises funding required to go through STP process Source warns the fund could be reduced to “balance the books” Commissioners have raised concerns that ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Hinchingbrooke names private partner for £150m building project


    Plan says “strategic estates partnership” could secure £5m of recurrent income by letting property and managing land use Trust is seeking approval from Treasury and NHS Improvement Strategic estates partnerships are being closely watched by ministers as means for delivering NHS capital project A district general hospital has ...

  • Whipps Cross University Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Staff housing plan put at risk by trust’s special measures, says CCG


    ESTATES: Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group has raised concerns that Barts Health Trust being placed in the new financial special measures regime will endanger plans to use surplus land for affordable housing for NHS staff.

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens calls for new NHS 'investment fund'


    Simon Stevens urges new government to take advantage of record low borrowing costs to set up NHS “investment fund” NHS England chief warns it is an “open question” whether current capital will be enough to cover basic maintenance Brexit campaign’s “£350m” bus “should be impounded as ‘exhibit A’”, he ...

  • Money

    DH signed off £3bn in working capital loans last year


    Explore the trust by trust data The Department of Health paid £3.1bn in working capital loans to trusts in 2015-16, HSJ analysis of official data shows.

  • NHS estates

    STPs offer private sector 'enormous opportunity'


    STPs offer “enormous amount of opportunity” to private sector and charities, says NHS England director Public-private sector partnerships through STPs could help NHS solve issues it could not solve by itself, Michael Macdonnell says Cites estates management and new care models as areas that could benefit from external assistance ...

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Don't automatically invest to meet CQC or Royal College standards, warns Mackey


    Jim Mackey has said financially stretched trusts should not automatically spend money on new staff or better facilities on the basis of a Care Quality Commission recommendation or in an attempt to meet royal college standards.

  • Computer data

    CCG rents overhaul mired in data problems


    NHS Property Services’ data problems stall new billing arrangements for CCG estates Overall CCG rent bill will rise in future years because of move to market rents Finance director says implementation is being “botched” NHS Property Services says it has “clear plan” to address problems Commissioners remain locked ...

  • Sir Robert Naylor

    Naylor: Single body should oversee NHS estates


    Sir Robert Naylor calls for stronger oversight of NHS estate strategy ULCH chief was appointed by government to advise on NHS property Advisory board for new national strategy to be formed Sir Robert Naylor has called for a “stronger national organisation” to oversee NHS estates plans.

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: 22,000 homes for staff to be built on NHS land


    Jim Mackey reveals plan to build 22,000 affordable homes on NHS land NHS Improvement chief says he could stay in the job more than planned two years Mackey: NHS has “got years” of work trying to tackle financial challenge Plans are being drawn up to build 22,000 affordable ...

  • London Chest Hospital

    NHS trusts sold land worth £250m in 2015-16


    More than £250m worth of NHS land sold in 2015-16 Trust survey finds there is a £334m in surplus NHS land Eighty-three trusts declared land surplus but identity not unknown because of “sensitivity” of releasing details NHS trusts in England sold land worth more than £250m to developers, ...

  • Construction
    HSJ Local

    London trust to build two mental health hospitals


    CAPITAL PROJECTS: South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust has fired the starting gun on the construction of two mental health hospitals.

  • Bootham park psychiatric hospital york
    HSJ Local

    'Lack of grip' across NHS blamed for sudden hospital shutdown


    “Fragmented” NHS structure and relationships made it difficult to stop mental health hospital closure, review finds Bootham Park Hospital ruled not fit for purpose by CQC Independent report says no one “took charge” to find a solution Patients moved from hospital with six days’ notice last year The ...

  • GP

    NHS property company to raise rents to market levels


    NHS Property Services to increase rents to market levels Department of Health will mitigate the effects for one year Rental costs to rise by £60m Company says the move will raise millions for investment Many GPs and other primary care providers will be billed for higher rents from ...

  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Analysis: The trusts targeted by Carter for estates savings


    Trusts expected to meet key targets around non-clinical and unused space by April 2020 HSJ has learned the methodology used by the Carter review to benchmark trusts There are acknowledged flaws and issues with the data being used, with some trusts admitting they made inaccurate submissions Explore the data ...