All Facilities management articles – Page 8
It's time to celebrate and study the NHS's non-clinical workforce
How a new inquiry by HSJ is highlighting the crucial role of the non-clinical workforce
We must nurture all the apples on the NHS tree
Part of the intention of HSJ and Serco’s new inquiry is to ensure the savings drive does not undercut the non-clinical workforce’s endeavours.
NHS property company to outsource 50 contracts and ‘fix PCT legacy’
NHS Property Services to award 50 new outsource contracts to replace 2,300 let by primary care trusts Deals could be worth up to £160m Board member acknowledges risks of workforce and market disruption The NHS’s property company is preparing to award 50 contracts worth £160m for managing and ...
Fears GP funding will be diverted after guidance delay
Delay in release of detailed guidance for CCGs to apply for primary premises fund BMA leader calls for clarification money will not be spent elsewhere or ’double-badged’ NHS England could delay February deadline for funding applications The deadline for bids for £750m of GP premises funding could be ...
NHS business rates challenge could cost 'hundreds of millions'
Councils could face a wave of claims for business rate refunds from NHS foundation trusts in cases that revolve around whether trusts should enjoy the mandatory rate relief accorded to charities and certain other bodies.
Carter report: Hospitals face new limits on underused land
Carter recommends hospitals be ordered to operate with no more than 35 per cent non-clinical floor space and 2.5 per cent unoccupied or underused space DH should set up “invest to save energy fund” to cut down on power bills All trusts must be at average or above levels ...
London health 'devolution' pilots announced
Five “devolution” pilots will pave the way for a “revolution” in the delivery of health and social care in London, chancellor George Osborne has said.
HSJ Local
Manchester trust raises concerns over ‘poor cleaning standards’
Trust complains to G4S about standard of cleaning services This is despite audits showing required standards have been met Specific action plan created for Fairfield General Hospital COMMERICAL: A Manchester acute trust has raised formal concerns with a contractor about “poor standards of cleaning” at its hospital sites.
GPs warned to prepare for cuts to rent payments
GP practices in high value areas could face large cuts to notional rent payments from NHS England, surveyors warn NHS England preparing to change the way it calculates premises payments GP practices have been advised to set aside a proportion of the “notional rent” they receive from NHS ...
Exclusive: DH agrees £1.2bn raid on its 2016-17 capital budget
Department of Health has agreed to transfer £1.2bn from its capital budget to support revenue spending in 2016-17, HSJ has learned The switch will substantially reduce the expected cash cut to non-NHS England revenue spending next year In following years, much of the reduction in non-NHS England spend expected ...
Treasury identifies £2bn of NHS land to be sold
The Treasury has identified almost £2bn in NHS estate assets to be sold over the next five years.
Treasury proposes part selloff of PFI
Government proposes selloff of two revenue streams relating to private finance deals Sale of Community Health Partnerships’ “subordinated debt” could be worth £60m, HSJ understands Sale of “credit guarantee finance” lending at PFI trusts could also raise money for the Treasury The government is considering selling off the ...
HSJ Local
Kingston Hospital to test market on part of PFI deal
Kingston Hospital Foundation Trust is likely to put its cleaning, catering and porter services out to tender.
NHS England tells GPs delayed premises projects will get full funding
NHS England has told GP leaders that building projects using money from the first tranche of a £1bn primary care infrastructure fund will be fully funded even if they are not completed by March.
Trusts ‘make do and mend’ as capital investment squeeze hits estates repairs
“High risk” maintenance problems up 30pc year on year, as capital investments falls Estates director warns “make do and mend” approach to maintenance will impact safety Imperial College Healthcare would have to spend £39m to deal with high risk backlog NHS providers face costs of more than £450m ...
Exclusive: GP premises fund overhauled with CCGs given control
Clinical commissioning groups will be given responsibility for bidding for future tranches of the primary care infrastructure fund, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
Hospital rebuild finally approved 18 months after Osborne go-ahead
A £480m hospital rebuild in Brighton has been given final approval by the Treasury nearly a year and a half after it received the go-ahead from George Osborne.
Carter review timeline slips
The progress of a high profile review into NHS efficiency has slipped against the timeline set by ministers.
NHS property company shrinks capital spending forecast by £60m
The government owned company that manages thousands of primary care premises has reduced its capital spending forecast by £60m compared to last year’s plans, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
FT secures £30m to upgrade IT system and A&E
FINANCE: A North West trust has secured capital funding of £30m to upgrade its IT system and estate.