All Finance and efficiency articles – Page 130
Public procurement remains wasteful
Public sector bodies are still wasting taxpayers’ money by failing to co-ordinate the way they buy products and services, spending watchdogs have said.
NHS managers are not overpaid – but their rewards must reflect results
Health service managers are comfortable with - or at least resigned to - the paradox of rising public expectation and plunging public regard.
National GP referral guidelines are needed to reduce inequalities
HSJ’s analysis of the first national collection of patient reported quality measures confirms what has long been suspected: better off patients undergo surgical procedures sooner after they develop health problems than poorer patients.
NHS pay: will you dare to lead by example?
Will the post-election period bring radical pay reductions and pension reform to the public sector similar to those being experienced in Ireland?
Foundation trusts: new approach needed to unblock the pipeline
The financial discipline that comes with foundation status is alone an argument for moving all NHS trusts in that direction. A powerful secondary reason is the greater clarity given to the accountability of board directors.
NHS medics must face the issue of productivity
Trusts are taking tentative steps into the landmine riddled territory of their consultants’ productivity.
Flimsy electoral one-liners must make way for realistic policies
Now the general election has been called, the NHS can finally start crossing off the days until some honesty returns to the debate about the future of healthcare.
We need to face up to tough choices on social care – fast
The social care white paper unveiled on Tuesday is an important step on the way to getting politicians and voters to face difficult choices.
After two decades of wandering, commissioning has a destination
The report on commissioning from the Commons health select committee is both insightful and flawed.
£557m announced for Scottish NHS
The Scottish government will spend £557m on building new hospitals and upgrading the NHS in 2010-2011, it has been announced.
Dream of taking on ailing trusts founders on rocks of Good Hope
With just five weeks to go before non-foundation trusts have to outline their plans for joining the elite, there are severe doubts about the government’s aspiration for foundation trusts to rescue weaker hospitals.
Royal Surrey has some explaining to do
HSJ’s revelation that Royal Surrey County Hospital was the foundation trust selling millions of pounds of drugs on the export market requires some answers from its board.
It’s crunch time, but job cuts are not the only way to save the NHS money
While politicians have been quibbling over the size and the semantics of the public sector spending cuts to come, the NHS is quietly starting to get on with them.
Four nations: was England’s approach to the NHS on target after all?
Research published this week by the Nuffield trust has reignited the debate over the value of health service targets.
Tories’ tempered pledges show the effect of political realities
The Conservatives’ draft manifesto on health offers subtle changes to the party’s health policies.
Irrational optimism is the best prescription for NHS managers
Monitor’s outgoing executive chair Bill Moyes delivered a typically pugnacious valedictory address.
Unions and NHS employers team up to negotiate for a better future
A tough year has ended with news that is no less painful for being inevitable - there are likely to be thousands of job losses in 2010. But despite the implosion of public finances the omens are not all bad.
Pragmatism versus populism will prove a tough test for the Tories
Adjudicating on service reconfigurations will prove a tough test for an incoming Tory government.
Overspends are another reason to move care away from hospital
The revelation in HSJ this week of significant overspends in 33 primary care trusts is a worrying indicator of problems ahead.
Hard cash makes Tory policy a soft target
As the Conservatives’ policy of handing commissioning cash to GP consortia comes under closer scrutiny, the lack of detailed thinking about how it will work becomes increasingly apparent.