All Finance and efficiency articles – Page 87

  • News

    Official figures suggest provider sector deficit of £873m


    Official figures published by regulators show the NHS provider sector forecasting a £873m year-end deficit, against the maximum “control total” of £580m.

  • Jeremy Hunt
    HSJ Local

    CCG to be reported to Hunt over £8.5m care fund withdrawal


    Councillors to consider asking health secretary Jeremy Hunt to intervene 

  • coins toppling
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust loses half its sustainability funding as deficit rises


    Major teaching trust’s deficit forecast deepens to £27m News follows University Hospitals of Leicester enforcing 12 day elective work restriction to cope with A&E demand A major teaching trust has been forced to revise its year-end forecast from a £20m to £27m deficit, after failing to hit its ...

  • Traffic lights

    Exclusive: Trust chiefs must sign off CCG mental health spending


    Mental health trust leaders must sign off their commissioners’ spending plans, NHS England says Letter to chief executives stresses national and political focus on mental health Mental health trust leaders must sign off their commissioners’ spending for the sector under radical new plans to make sure cash is ...

  • Sir_David_Dalton
    HSJ Local

    'Inadequate' trust secures £40m support package


    Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust was rated inadequate last year and has severe problems in its maternity services Sir David Dalton said the additional funding would be “enough in the short term to get us on the right trajectory” There have been calls for the Department of Health to provide ...

  • News

    Raft of new trusts face 'special measures'


    Regulators are due to place another raft of NHS trusts into special measures as a result of their worsening financial position, HSJ has learned.

  • Anita Charlesworth

    Analysis: 'Full impact of winter yet to hit the bottom line'


    Policy experts have said NHS trusts were set an impossible task in 2016-17 and warned their projected deficit could worsen further because the full impact of winter has “yet to hit the bottom line”.

  • shredded paper

    Exclusive: Trust sector deficit worsens by £280m


    HSJ research suggests trusts’ finances have deteriorated by nearly £300m since quarter two The numbers suggest a year-end provider sector deficit around £970m NHS Improvement has been discussing revisions with a number of trusts and will report a lower official number next week Jim Mackey concedes the £580m maximum ...

  • Lord Carter7

    Revealed: 23 trusts chosen for new Carter review


    Twenty-three trusts selected for first phase of Lord Carter’s new review into productivity at mental health and community service organisations NHS Improvement letter to mental health and community service trusts reveals providers chosen for initial six month engagement phase Review will follow a similar structure to Lord Carter’s previous ...

  • scanner

    Private provider to rent space from NHS trust for 25 years


    £38m dedicated cancer unit will occupy top four floors of Guy’s and St Thomas’ new cancer centre Negotiations underway to offer NHS patients access to private robotics theatre American hospital firm to rent the facilities on a 25 year lease A major teaching trust in London is leasing ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Familiar cost dilemmas get chronic


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West.

  • Lord Carter2

    Stop using expensive management consultants, NHS told


    Lord Carter questions the NHS’s £640m spending on management consultancies Likened policymakers to a “dog watching television” Warns the Treasury will not provide extra funding without evidence of performance Lord Carter has questioned why the NHS spent £640m on external management consultancies, describing the use of the firms ...

  • Lister Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust set to miss financial target by £20m


    The trust was set a financial control total of £8.6m deficit for 2016-17 £10m deterioration in December due to expected income from commissioners not being realised, as well as unexpected charges A major centralisation of acute services has reduced the number of beds at the trust, but failed to ...

  • Busy hospital

    STP and forward view plans 'unrealistic', Francis warns


    The NHS is facing an “existential crisis” and measures in the Five Year Forward View and sustainability and transformation plans are “unrealistic”, Sir Robert Francis QC has said.

  • deficit_finance_2

    CCGs' deficit forecast rockets by £180m


    CCGs now forecast a year-end deficit of £370m, compared to £190m forecast at the mid-year point NHS England said the challenge of delivering higher levels of savings “is increasingly crystallising in individual CCG forecasts” Spending within primary care and public health budgets forecast to be £70m less than planned ...

  • Kate laycock

    The big change that can reduce medical errors


    There is compelling evidence that flattening the NHS hierarchy and introducing staff self management would reduce mistakes in the NHS

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Bad news warning


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • X ray
    HSJ Local

    Radiologist guilty of 'audacious' contract scam


    A consultant radiologist has pleaded guilty to defrauding the NHS out of £24,000 after consistently carrying out additional contract work within his normal working hours.

  • capture

    Mapped: Where in the NHS owes the DH the most money


    Thirty-nine out of the 44 STP areas include providers that drew down revenue bailouts from the DH last year, which will have to be repaid Proportionally, West, North and East Cumbria STP footprint had the largest “outstanding balance” at the end of 2015-16 Five STP areas will not be ...

  • Data
    HSJ Local

    Trust launches scheme to cut NHS spending on lawyers


    A mental health trust is preparing to launch a new legal services database that it expects to cut its spending on lawyers by 10 per cent.