All Finance and efficiency articles – Page 96

  • Chris Hopson

    Give providers what they want – for the sake of finances


    Providers need four things from us if they are to win their financial battle

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: Government must deliver on Brexit funding promises


    Simon Stevens says public will want “new political leaders” to deliver on promise to increase NHS funding NHS England chief executive says health service will ”continue to need and benefit” from the service of migrants Mr Stevens will set out NHS “asks” for the government’s Brexit negotiations Simon ...

  • Exchange rates

    Brexit: Fall in the pound could create extra £900m bill for NHS


    Brexit could create extra £900m bill for the NHS as suppliers hike prices to protect themselves against slump in the pound Most NHS organisations buy products in the pound but at least half of goods originate outside the UK Procurement expert says NHS must take action to deliver the ...

  • George osborne

    Osborne to abandon surplus target


    Chancellor George Osborne has abandoned his target to bring government finances back into surplus by 2020.

  • Computer data

    CCG rents overhaul mired in data problems


    NHS Property Services’ data problems stall new billing arrangements for CCG estates Overall CCG rent bill will rise in future years because of move to market rents Finance director says implementation is being “botched” NHS Property Services says it has “clear plan” to address problems Commissioners remain locked ...

  • John Appleby

    NHS funding: What the public thinks


    Taking a look at people’s opinion on how the NHS should be tackling its funding problem and meeting performance targets

  • Pay

    Exclusive: Paybills and planned care targeted in huge savings drive


    NHS Improvement sets out plan for major interventions to bring provider sector deficit down to £250m in 2016-17 Warns that planned £550m deficit makes management of overall NHS financial position “very risky” Providers given a month to produce plans for consolidation of back office and pathology services across entire ...

  • Lord Carter4

    Supplier chosen for Carter efficiency league table


    A supplier has been chosen to provide the league table ranking NHS trusts on their efficiency.

  • Lord Carter

    NHS Improvement creates new Carter review division


    NHS Improvement is to take on responsibility for the Carter review with the creation of a new directorate of up to 100 staff.

  • Treasury

    What does Brexit mean for NHS funding?


    The vote for Brexit and the economic and political turbulence that attends it have ushered in a period of huge risk and uncertainty for NHS finances, HSJ has been told.

  • Ben Simms

    Sending our professionals overseas is one of the best things the NHS can do


    Feedback from NHS leaders shows that improvements in skills, leadership and motivation is evident in professionals who work abroad

  • Basildon Hospital

    Revealed: Funding for each success regime area


    Funding for success regimes largely spent on consultants, legal advice and establishing small core programme teams Sources tell HSJ funding is welcome but “modest” compared to challenges the areas face NHS England has allocated just over £20m to the three areas in the national success regime programme to ...

  • David williams expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Something wicked this way comes


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings, and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Sir Robert Naylor

    Naylor: Single body should oversee NHS estates


    Sir Robert Naylor calls for stronger oversight of NHS estate strategy ULCH chief was appointed by government to advise on NHS property Advisory board for new national strategy to be formed Sir Robert Naylor has called for a “stronger national organisation” to oversee NHS estates plans.

  • Computer data

    CMA warning over public sector bid rigging


    Procurement officers in the NHS and across the public sector have been warned to watch out for bid rigging and cartel behaviour by a senior official at the UK’s markets regulator.

  • Financial spreadsheets

    Exclusive: NHS finance directors pressured to agree 'unsustainable' targets


    Finance directors under pressure to agree “unsustainable” control totals says CIPFA Leaked letter warns “unfounded optimism” will make future financial management difficult Department of Health accounts many not match those of NHS organisations NHS finance directors are being pressured to agree to “fundamentally unsustainable” financial targets for 2016-17, ...

  • Houses of Parliament

    Government planning major intervention in NHS finances


    Stevens says there will be an announcement in July on a “re set” of NHS funding Final, compulsory, control totals will also be published next month NHS England chief executive warns it would not be prudent to assume any extra NHS funding in the “next several years” The ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: Give any extra funding to social care over NHS


    There is “strong argument” to prioritise funding for social care rather than NHS, says Simon Stevens NHS England chief warns it would not be prudent to assume any extra NHS funding in the “next several years” There will be an announcement in July on “re-set” of NHS funding ...

  • London Chest Hospital

    NHS trusts sold land worth £250m in 2015-16


    More than £250m worth of NHS land sold in 2015-16 Trust survey finds there is a £334m in surplus NHS land Eighty-three trusts declared land surplus but identity not unknown because of “sensitivity” of releasing details NHS trusts in England sold land worth more than £250m to developers, ...

  • Will hazell expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: Why Yeovil's finances may be causing jitters


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell