Finance and efficiency – Page 111
DH raises threshold for blocking national tariff
The Department of Health has confirmed measures that will make it more difficult for providers to block the national tariff payment system.
Exclusive: GP premises fund overhauled with CCGs given control
Clinical commissioning groups will be given responsibility for bidding for future tranches of the primary care infrastructure fund, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ annual lecture: Hunt promises new 'Ofsted style ratings' for CCGs
Ofsted style ratings are to be given to each area of the country for performance in a range of clinical areas including cancer, dementia and mental health, Jeremy Hunt will announce today at HSJ’s annual lecture.
Expert view: Is the pendulum of care inspection swinging back?
HSJ care quality correspondent Will Hazell says the Care Quality Commission’s proposal to move to a less hands-on inspection system will be a tough test for its ability to use information.
Exclusive: CQC proposes move to risk based regime
The Care Quality Commission has proposed moving to a more risk based regulatory regime.
Funding pressures are threatening NHS innovation, ministers warned
Efforts to develop and spread the use of innovative drugs and technologies in the NHS could be threatened by ‘unprecedented’ funding pressure, a government commissioned review has warned.
Nursing directors worry that 'finance is king' as winter looms
Directors of nursing have warned of their increasing concerns for patient safety as winter approaches, claiming the ‘pendulum is swinging’ towards trusts’ workforce decisions being led by financial considerations due to the escalating NHS deficit.
Ministers confirm future of BCF for 2016-17
The pooling of health and social care budgets under the better care fund will continue in 2016-17, ministers have confirmed.
Lord Carter loses procurement adviser due to 'reimbursement issue'
A procurement adviser has stepped down from Lord Carter’s review into NHS efficiency, due to an issue over reimbursement for Countess of Chester Hospital Foundation Trust.
Monitor moves to mandate new mental health payment systems
Mental health providers could be required to adopt new payment systems from April next year, in a bid by Monitor to finally move the sector away from block contract funding.
CCGs deserve some freedom for the transformation process
Local solutions to national challenges
CQC asked to plan for 40pc cut in government funding
The Care Quality Commission has warned of spending review ‘implications’ for the delivery of its 2016-17 inspection programme, after being asked to model cuts to its central government funding of up to 40 per cent.
Exclusive: CIPFA joins calls for transformation fund
Finance experts have joined the calls for ministers to find funding to pump-prime the integration of NHS and social care services.
The government can't talk its way out of the junior doctors standoff
It has attracted public and political sympathy
Snap survey: Hospital chiefs back bid to change junior doctor contract
A majority of hospital trust chief executives who responded to an HSJ snap survey believe the government should press on with its bid to change the junior doctor contract.
Carter review: Top surgeon to tackle clinical and cost variation
The government’s newly appointed quality tsar will work with Lord Carter’s team to drive out ‘unwanted variation’ in clinical practice across the NHS, it has announced.
Lord Carter will produce 'clearer guidance' on nurse staffing levels
Lord Carter is looking to establish ‘clearer guidance’ on safe staffing levels as part of his review of NHS efficiency, he has told HSJ.
Agency staff pricing caps bring 'significant risks', say regulators
Regulators have said the new price caps for agency staff will bring ‘significant risks’ for patient safety and performance, especially for trusts with reputational problems.
Care minister: New NHS funding 'is not all going to hospitals'
Care minister Alistair Burt has indicated social care will benefit from the additional £8bn funding promised to the NHS.