Finance and efficiency – Page 121
Improving patient experience means engaging and supporting staff
What matters most to patients and their families
There are no winners to be found in the battle over NHS prices
The NHS pricing dispute has raged for months
HSJ Knowledge
The three steps to balance parity of esteem for mental health
Closing the gap between physical and mental health
HSJ Knowledge
Reach out to GPs and social care to create provider led solutions
Making the move to capitated outcomes based commissioning
HSJ Knowledge
Clocking on at the NHS factory: Lessons from industry
Calculating healthcare in industrial terms makes better use of staff time
Not everyone’s united over Manchester health budget devolution
Chancellor’s ‘historic day’ raises questions
It's a historic day for Manchester, but not a 'town hall takeover'
NHS insiders in Greater Manchester have been pleasantly amazed by the speed at which negotiations progressed leading up to today’s historic agreement to devolve and integrate £6bn of health and social care spending for the conurbation.
Other major cities will soon be demanding their own health devolution plan
Pandora’s box has opened
What Hinchingbrooke tells us about private sector providers in the NHS
What we can learn from Hinchingbrooke “privatisation”
Talk on tariff must balance national and local priorities
‘Enhanced tariff’ is a bold step in the right direction
Collective leadership will keep forward view ambitions on track
Changes to commissioning are needed
Stevens is dismantling the recent past to make way for the NHS's future
The end of Lansley’s act
Austerity has stretched the tariff's credibility to breaking point
The NHS has lunged into a messy struggle
Make parity a reality, not an afterthought
Bringing mental healthcare on a par with physical healthcare
Everybody needs good neighbours as our older population grows
Patient expectations and budgets