Finance and efficiency – Page 94
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: Flickers in a pitch black tunnel
HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black
Exclusive: STPs chosen to lead major £350m back office savings drive
Greater Manchester, Kent, Essex and north west London to be back office merger “pathfinders” Their models will be used as blueprints for other STPs NHS Improvement says back office bill can be cut by £350m over next four years Four sustainability and transformation plan areas will spearhead system ...
Regional leaders plan hospital contract shake-up
Regional health leaders are drawing up plans to abandon payment by results based on national tariffs and move to a cost and risk based contract for acute providers, along with an STP-level control total.
NHS leaders 'misjudged' call for more funding, says Hunt
NHS Providers chief said yesterday trusts “simply cannot deliver all that they are being asked to deliver on the funding available” Jeremy Hunt says calls for more money were a “misjudgement”, coming “less than a year” after a “good settlement” Health secretary suggests the calls could erode confidence in ...
'Treasury door open on capital', says Jim Mackey
Jim Mackey believes there could be a “door open” for capital funding from the government, but said leaders need to build a “stronger case” NHS Improvement chief says the capital requirements set out in STPs are ”unaffordable and undeliverable” Scope to devolve some responsibilities from national bodies to STPs ...
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: Chancellor has NHS managers in his sights
HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black
NHS funding is becoming a game of chicken
Many in the NHS believe that a bailout is just one or two scandals away – it is a dangerous assumption
All is well with social care – and that's a post-truth fact
Social care was ignored in this week’s autumn statement, but the government would do better to invest today than bail it out of a crisis tomorrow
Tracking the care journey holds the key to a better life
By linking disabled facilities grants activity and social care data, home adaptations can delay entry into residential care
CCGs overspend budget by £240m but NHS England 'on course'
84 CCGs overspent their allocations but NHS England says majority expect to recover their positions Year-end forecast for CCGs is a £190m overspend, compared to a £10m overspend forecast in July Forecast for overall commissioning budgets has improved due to expected underspends and extra income within central budgets ...
New tariff would mean revenue cuts for specialist providers
Three providers would see their overall revenue reduced by more than 2 per cent next year The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital FT faces an estimated £4.5m reduction to its revenue Specialist Orthopaedic Alliance “exceptionally concerned” by the proposals A number of specialist NHS trusts are “exceptionally concerned” about the ...
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: A game of two halves
HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black
Last chance to enter HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards
The deadline to enter the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards has been extended to Wednesday 23 November.
Statistics authority intervenes over government NHS spending claims
UK Statistics Authority will ask officials to “ensure clarity” when reporting on increases to NHS spending Complaints centred around the government’s claims that it is increasing spending by £10bn by 2021 Chancellor Philip Hammond defended use of the £10bn figure last week The UK Statistics Authority will ask ...
HSJ Local
Major acute trust admits 'insufficient' efforts to hit financial target
Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief executive says trust is £18m adrift of 2016-17 plan The trust must find £43m of savings this financial year assuming it receives £24m of STF support Chief executive says the trust faces regulatory intervention if it fails to take action One of the ...
Trusts heading for £670m end of year deficit, says regulator
Official mid-year performance figures suggest the NHS provider sector is forecast to end the year with a combined deficit of £669m, which would be £89m worse than planned.
Public sector prevention fund 'could be used across England'
Public Health England chief executive Duncan Selbie says North East dedicated prevention pot could be introduced elsewhere Proposal includes pooling preventative spending and ringfencing savings for further investment Says work still underway on how to ensure business rate retention for local authorities does not exacerbate inequality A move ...
Exclusive: Tighter bailout controls to deal with NHS 'cashflow crisis' revealed
Requests for short-term revenue support will be subject to “increased challenge and scrutiny” Trusts’ reliance on bailout support has grown in recent years as expenditure has increased faster than income Providers seeking support will need to detail if “suppliers are threatening to put trust’s account on stop” NHS ...
Exclusive: New NHS 'bond' could unlock capital funds, says Jim Mackey
NHS Improvement in early discussions about creating an “NHSI bond” to help accelerate capital investment Department of Health’s capital budget has been frozen in cash terms over the course of this parliament, which equates to a real terms cut Jim Mackey says some of the NHS estate is in ...
Regulator looking at buyouts of 'ridiculous' PFI schemes
Jim Mackey says borrowing levels and profit margins within some PFI schemes are “absolutely ridiculous” Where buyouts are not possible, trusts are urged to manage their contracts more “robustly” Treasury unlikely to support a “blanket buyout” NHS regulators have established a working group that is looking at the ...