Finance and efficiency – Page 98
Direct vanguard funding will end in 2017-18
NHS Improvement document says after 2017-18, STPs will take the place of the vanguard programme Central new care models team will carry on beyond next year Vanguard sites will not have transformation funding allocated directly to them from NHS England after next year, it has been confirmed.
STPs – a catalyst for good or just another change programme?
Despite the cynicism surrounding STPs, a new era of cross-system, whole patient service design and delivery is emerging
Mental health sector to move away from block contracts
Mental health commissioners and providers told to move away from block contracts NHS Improvement and NHS England say contracts should be capitated or episodic New contracts should have a proportion of payments linked to outcomes and new waiting time targets Mental health commissioners and providers have been told ...
If the commissioners get it wrong, the reset may fail
Much of the burden of implementing the longer term aims of last month’s reset will fall on commissioners
Tackling the NHS deficit through targeting trusts' clinical pay bills is a busted flush
Since it became clear the provider sector deficit would represent a significant danger to the NHS’s ability to stop or even slow declining performance, as well as to deliver service change, a murmur began in senior circles that fixing the problem would mean addressing the previously taboo subject of the ...
Trusts must double efficiency savings to avoid 'crude rationing', report warns
New financial controls require 4 per cent efficiency savings from NHS providers, says Nuffield Trust report Savings of 2 per cent widely deemed to be realistic target for the sector, as outlined in Carter review Think tank warns of “crude rationing” to achieve savings required by 2020 NHS ...
Innovative managers can get the NHS back on a sustainable footing
The NHS has the chance to both put its finances on a sustainable footing and continue to offer innovative treatments – and it’s all in the power of managers, argues Conservative MP Jo Churchill
Marginal rate for specialised services shelved again
NHS England and NHS Improvement have again shelved the introduction of a marginal rate Regulators twice previously aimed to introduce the measure New proposals include increases to top-up payments for specialised services, including for cardiac, respiratory and cancer services Regulators have again shelved plans for a marginal rate ...
HSJ Knowledge
Roundtable: How much money is enough?
What are the biggest challenges in making the funding settlement work? This was the question tackled by our expert panel in a recent roundtable debate. Report by Alison Moore
Chief executives’ gameplan over the next year
The future will bring more clarity to the impications of NHS finance in the current political scenario
NHS Improvement accused of 'dangerously short' pathology shake-up timetable
NHS Improvement accused of setting “dangerously short” timescale for pathology restructuring plans Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine claims trusts being “railroaded into consolidation” Concerns raised about lack of clarity regarding Carter review efficiency target NHS Improvement has been accused of imposing a “dangerously short timescale” on ...
Trying to handle responsibilities without resources
Local authorities will struggle to implement their health and wellbeing strategies if they must be delivered on an ever shorter shoestring
Expert Briefing
The Commissioner: After the reset; and heads and beds
What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West
NHS spending on consultancy down as CCG interim paybill rises
Overall spending on management consultants dropped to £432m in 2015-16, compared to £604m in 2014-15 Cap introduced last June means local organisations need to request approval for contracts worth more than £50,000 CCG spending on “contingency labour”, including interim directors and secondments, increased in cash terms to £170m ...
NHS England forecasting first ever overspend
Overall commissioning budget forecast to be overspent for the first time There was a £599m underspend in 2015-16, which helped DH avoid a formal parliamentary process to ask for more money CCGs reported a combined £57m overspend for the first quarter of the financial year The overall NHS ...
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: The unpalatable options for breaking even this year
HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings, and efforts to get the health service back in the black
Poor, ill and costing £33bn a year: we must mend this legacy
Structural changes in society with health as their focus would save many billions of pounds and be good for everyone - especially the most disadvantaged
£400m of uncertainty in financial forecast as trusts reject control totals
Seventeen trusts that have not agreed control totals with NHS Improvement are predicting a combined deficit of more than £400m for 2016-17.
Fourteen trusts and CCGs put in 'financial special measures'
Five trusts and nine CCGs in new “financial special measures” regime Trust regime could involve organisations losing control over spending decisions, leaders being removed and the DH exchanging “surplus assets for cash” CCGs could be disbanded, made to share a joint management team or turned into an accountable care ...