Finance and efficiency – Page 99
Exclusive: DH avoids 'excess vote' on budget, but faces NAO concern
The Department of Health will not have to request extra cash from parliament to cover overspending in 2015-16, but is expected to face concerns over its annual accounts from the National Audit Office, HSJ understands.
Exclusive: Trusts given eight days to declare 'unsustainable service' plans
Trust leaders given eight working days to submit plans for consolidating back-office, pathology and “unsustainable services” Bob Alexander letter says review of early STP submissions indicates areas can “go further” Provider source criticises letter because of “superficiality of what can be achieved” in time given Trusts and sustainability ...
HSJ Knowledge
Turbulent times put squeeze on hard-pressed finance directors
A survey of finance directors reveals achieving sustainability, safety and financial balance as major challenges
Develop finance directors as leaders
Challenging the long-held assumptions about the role of finance directors
Stevens calls for new NHS 'investment fund'
Simon Stevens urges new government to take advantage of record low borrowing costs to set up NHS “investment fund” NHS England chief warns it is an “open question” whether current capital will be enough to cover basic maintenance Brexit campaign’s “£350m” bus “should be impounded as ‘exhibit A’”, he ...
Transformation funds plugging hospital deficits, say MPs
There are “grave doubts” over attempts to integrate health and social care due to unprecedented financial pressures on the NHS, a group of MPs has concluded.
DH signed off £3bn in working capital loans last year
Explore the trust by trust data The Department of Health paid £3.1bn in working capital loans to trusts in 2015-16, HSJ analysis of official data shows.
Efficiency drive key to free at the point of use NHS, says DH official
Department of Health plans to roll out GS1 barcoding standards to 25 more trusts Business case being developed for funding to pay for implementation DH commercial director warns if NHS does not rise to efficiency challenge “we’re not going to have a free at the point of use health ...
The collaboration challenge in NHS finance
If many finance directors believe in the rationale of STPs, why are they less confident about how they can be achieved?
Regulator will 'match-make' trusts that fail to consolidate back-office
NHS Improvement will start to “match-make” trusts that fail to consolidate their back-office services, its chief executive has said.
Breathlessness campaign could make all the difference in early treatment
The “Be Clear on Cancer” brand is being extended to raise awareness of other diseases
Exclusive: Controversial ‘technical’ measures cut £900m from provider deficit
Accounting measures helped boost provider sector financial position by about £900m in 2015-16 “Technical adjustments” by trusts included revaluing property, extending the expected lifespan of some sites, and taking a more optimistic view of debt recovery Finance professionals say measures “push the boundaries” of acceptable public accounting but are ...
Audit teams merge to form regional consortium
The merger of three NHS audit teams in the north east into a new specialist provider could become a model for other areas to follow, according to a trust finance director.
Give providers what they want – for the sake of finances
Providers need four things from us if they are to win their financial battle
Stevens: Government must deliver on Brexit funding promises
Simon Stevens says public will want “new political leaders” to deliver on promise to increase NHS funding NHS England chief executive says health service will ”continue to need and benefit” from the service of migrants Mr Stevens will set out NHS “asks” for the government’s Brexit negotiations Simon ...
Brexit: Fall in the pound could create extra £900m bill for NHS
Brexit could create extra £900m bill for the NHS as suppliers hike prices to protect themselves against slump in the pound Most NHS organisations buy products in the pound but at least half of goods originate outside the UK Procurement expert says NHS must take action to deliver the ...
Osborne to abandon surplus target
Chancellor George Osborne has abandoned his target to bring government finances back into surplus by 2020.
CCG rents overhaul mired in data problems
NHS Property Services’ data problems stall new billing arrangements for CCG estates Overall CCG rent bill will rise in future years because of move to market rents Finance director says implementation is being “botched” NHS Property Services says it has “clear plan” to address problems Commissioners remain locked ...
NHS funding: What the public thinks
Taking a look at people’s opinion on how the NHS should be tackling its funding problem and meeting performance targets
Exclusive: Paybills and planned care targeted in huge savings drive
NHS Improvement sets out plan for major interventions to bring provider sector deficit down to £250m in 2016-17 Warns that planned £550m deficit makes management of overall NHS financial position “very risky” Providers given a month to produce plans for consolidation of back office and pathology services across entire ...