Watch the on-demand webinar here. Free registration – simply requires an email address.

The need to make difficult decisions over which treatments and services to fund permeates the NHS. In a time of austerity and growing deficits, it is necessary to balance complex equations of patient need with financial costs.

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In few areas is the problem as acute as in anti-cancer therapy. New medicines are regularly coming on to the market which have the potential to extend the lives of patients with late stage disease.

Yet assessing the value of such medicines is complex – a matter of balancing benefit to the patient with financial cost, at a time when the medicine is so new that information on efficacy may be limited.

Our webinar brought together a panel of experts to discuss how we can best make difficult decisions about patient value and financial cost. HSJ correspondent Will Hazell chaired the event and was joined by Mark Flanagan, CEO of Beating Bowel Cancer; Professor Adrian Towse, director of the Office of Health Economics; Richard Erwin, general manager, Roche Products, and Dr Paul Cornes, consultant oncologist at University Hospitals Bristol Foundation Trust. Watch the webinar free now.

The event was organised and sponsored by Roche Products Limited in association with HSJ. It was a non-promotional meeting to discuss anti-cancer medicines – there was no intention to discuss the funding of individual medicines, including Roche medicines.