All Finance articles – Page 124

  • Richmond house

    Revealed: Consultancy paid up to £20m to set up new NHS procurement body


    A consultancy firm will be paid up to £20m to help set up the body managing the new NHS procurement model, HSJ can reveal

  • hunt confed 3

    Ministers consider funding cuts for delayed discharges laggards


    Poorly performing councils could see 2018-19 social care funding cut, says Jeremy Hunt Hunt names 12 most ‘challenged’ councils which face a CQC review Social care chiefs slam late ‘changes to guidance which undermine collective effort required’ Minsters are “considering” cutting funding for councils performing poorly against new ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Taking a risk on procurement law


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Technology jpg

    Flagship digital fund finally reaches 'exemplar' trusts


    NHS England starts releasing digital funds to “exemplar” trusts after delay Acute trusts get money first, mental health exemplars will be funded later in the year First cash released to trusts from £1.3bn Paperless 2020 fund Trusts selected under the NHS’s flagship digital programme are finally receiving millions ...

  • University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

    Building defects undermine fire safety at major PFI hospital


    A major teaching hospital built via one of the largest private finance initiatives in the NHS is undergoing remedial building works to prevent fires spreading after it was discovered that builders had not followed safety specifications.

  • Empty board room table

    Exclusive: Ex-TalkTalk chief in line to be NHS Improvement chair


    A Conservative peer and former chief executive of the broadband giant TalkTalk is a leading candidate to be appointed as chair of NHS Improvement, HSJ has learned.

  • Richmond house

    Department of Health appoints new commercial director


    A procurement expert has crossed government departments to become the new commercial director at the Department of Health.

  • Hsj comment steps to integration.jpg

    Councils lose confidence in integration savings


    Confidence among directors of adult social care that integration with health will deliver significant savings has plummeted while more than three quarters reported NHS partners were seeking to reduce contributions to social care or continuing health care, a major survey has found.

  • caseworker social care helping elderly

    Social care overspend doubles, say directors


    “Difficult decisions” are required over further cuts to adult social care services despite extra funding, a survey of 151 councils has found.

  • Matthew swindells

    Some STPs 'still squabbling about invoices' says Swindells


    NHS organisations in a “significant number of STPs… are still squabbling about last year’s invoices”, one of the NHS’s most senior national directors has said.

  • Payslip

    Government to review pay restraint policy


    The government is to review the 1 per cent cap on public sector pay increases, according to several reports this afternoon.

  • International lessons

    Revealed: £30m tender to recruit GPs from overseas


    NHS England is preparing to tender a framework worth £30m for companies to source 500 GPs from abroad to help tackle the NHS’s shortage, HSJ has learned.

  • Joe Gammie
    Expert Briefing

    Mental health is a Cinderella no more


    This is HSJ’s new fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector. Feedback and comments are welcome, so please feel free to email me in confidence.

  • Hearing test
    HSJ Local

    CCG abandons controversial rationing plan after trust's warning


    CCG abandons plans to ration access to hearing aids Rethink came after foundation trust warned plan was “incredibly damaging” Commissioners approve restrictions on procedures of “limited clinical value” Commissioners have abandoned plans to restrict access to hearing aids after a foundation trust warned they could be breaching their ...

  • mark bradley
    HSJ Local

    Trust fills top finance job after almost two years


    A finance director has been appointed at a trust where the role has been filled by interims for almost two years.

  • Peter Dixon

    STF encourages 'dishonesty and bullying', says respected former trust chair


    Distribution of £1.8bn fund described as “economic lunacy and grossly unfair” by Sir Peter Dixon He warns that rules around STF encourage “dishonesty” and “bullying” Sir Peter also criticises regulators for failing to provide strong leadership The regime governing how additional funding is allocated to NHS trusts has ...

  • simon stevens confed 1

    Simon Stevens names the first 'accountable care systems'


    Simon Stevens announces first eight accountable care systems Potential for £450m tranformation funding in exchange for them taking on “accountability” for population health Simon Stevens has announced the first eight “accountable care systems”, saying they will be given control of up to £450m in transformation funding.

  • stephen dorrell

    Stephen Dorrell calls for 'fair reward' for NHS staff


    NHS Confederation chair calls for staff to be given fair pay Stephen Dorrell says pay policy must reflect daily dedication shown by staff “Pandora’s box” of social care funding issues is “open and cannot be closed’’ NHS Confederation chair Stephen Dorrell has called for health service staff to ...

  • EU flag

    Former DH chief to lead alliance to stand up for NHS in Brexit talks


    Former DH permanent secretary Sir Hugh Taylor to co-chair Brexit Health Alliance with NHS Confederation chief executive Niall Dickson Alliance will aim to safeguard NHS interests as the UK government negotiates Brexit Calls for the government to make commitments on research and funding An alliance of healthcare industry, ...

  • niall dickson

    Exclusive: Weak government will hold up service change, Dickson warns


    Niall Dickson says politicians could struggle to take “difficult decision” because of “political uncertainty” Ministers do not “sufficiently understand” scale of challenge facing NHS, says NHS Confederation chief Five Year Forward View is not deliverable in the current spending envelope, he warns Crucial NHS service change could be ...