All Finance articles – Page 125

  • chief officer, Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group
    HSJ Local

    Vanguard site issues multi-billion-pound tender in NHS first


    Dudley CCG opens procurement for multi billion pound new care model contract First vanguard site to issue MCP procurement - expected to mean some GPs move from current contracts A multi-billion pound tender has been issued for one of the most advanced national vanguard sites, in what is ...

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trusts move step closer to full merger


    Derby Teaching Hospitals and Burton Hospitals agree outline business case for merger Both trusts need to develop more sustainable footing for services in future Full business case expected in the autumn Two hospital trusts in the Midlands have approved an outline business case to merge.

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Trusts need millions in extra funding for Mid Staffs dissolution


    UHNM and Royal Wolverhampton trusts both seeking millions in additional funding linked to dissolution of Mid Staffordshire FT UHNM forecasting a year-end deficit of £119m in 2017-18 Mid Staffs trust special administration process ended in March after £300m extra funding Trust leaders in the Midlands are seeking millions ...

  • 3009721 david williams expert briefing

    Humbled Tories will still take risks on NHS reform


    Today’s election result has made a fool of Theresa May. But while expectations have been utterly confounded, we continue to have a just about viable Conservative government, with a programme resembling something like status quo for the health service.

  • Jon Ashworth

    Labour admits waiting list pledge uncosted but is confident of delivering promises


    Labour shadow health secretary says party will deliver plans with £37bn funding for NHS over five years Jon Ashworth says Labour has not worked out specific cost of taking 1 million people off NHS waiting lists by 2022 Labour government would set up “NHS Office of Sustainability” Labour’s ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    VAT risk for major Manchester contract


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • The NHS spends billions of pounds each year on buying equipment.

    DH procurement drive shunned by leading firms


    NHS Shared Business Services and HealthTrust Europe believed not to be bidding for new procurement ‘category towers’ Deadline closed for first six of ten towers last month Combined value of towers contracts estimated at around £150m Two of the largest procurement organisations serving the NHS are not bidding ...

  • Paul Baumann

    Exclusive: New national savings drive will 'challenge the values' of NHS leaders


    Closing wards and services, blocking choice of private providers, systematically extending waiting times, and stopping some treatments are all being considered under a national programme targeted at the health economies with the highest overspends.

  • Lincoln one use 26 Feb
    HSJ Local

    CCG chief to lead STP


    Former chief executive of NHS 24 to lead Lincolnshire STP John Turner accepted responsibility as IT costs soared 73 per cent above business case figure STP aims to achieve a “seismic shift” with £205m service reconfiguration South Lincolnshire CCG chief officer John Turner has been appointed senior ...

  • Ealing Hospital NHS Trust

    Cyberattack risk increased by IT budget cuts, report warns


    London North West report says pressure to make ICT saving and deploy new technology increasing risk of cyber attack Report suggests wider impact of cyber attack. Two reports earlier this year warned the trust its PC security update management was “weak”. Pressure on NHS IT budgets is increasing ...

  • stf map

    Mapped: STPs getting most and least from £1.8bn national fund


    Analysis by HSJ reveals which health regions gained the most from the first year of the £1.8bn “sustainability and transformation fund”.

  • Money

    Trusts left 'drowning in debt' by Treasury-driven scheme


    The way that sustainability funding has been distributed risks creating huge imbalances where some NHS trusts become “cash rich” and others are “drowning in debt”, experts have warned.

  • News

    Following the Money: Winners and losers from £1.8bn national fund


    HSJ’s expert briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Axel Heitmueller

    All money is not created equal


    The NHS needs more money, but not all money is created equally. The current context may offer opportunities for innovation in funding the health and care service

  • Hearing test
    HSJ Local

    Trust warns CCG over 'incredibly damaging' rationing proposals


    Foundation trust claims CCG plan to ration hearing aids would breach legal duties CCG says ‘difficult approach’ is proposed to help save £9.7m Bariatric surgery would also be restricted if plans go ahead A foundation trust is warning commissioners they risk breaching their legal duties by rationing ...

  • Jim mackey

    Mackey reveals next steps to tackle 'ridiculous' PFI deals


    NHS Improvement to meet trusts with “early PFI deals”, to discuss plans for the remaining years of the contracts. The regulator has established a working group to explore the possibility of buying out some PFI schemes. Jim Mackey has previously described the profit margins within some contracts as “absolutely ...

  • Hospital room

    The best and worst performing trusts on patient experience


    Of the five NHS trusts underperforming for overall patient experience, two are in CQC special measures Five trusts are outliers for poor experience of community support after hospital discharge Five NHS trusts have been identified by the Care Quality Commission as having significantly poor overall patient experience scores.

  • Generic  drugs

    Second court defeat for NHS England


    NHS England faces judicial review over decision not to fund drug for 7-year-old boy Lawyers will argue NHSE should have considered the boy’s welfare under the Children Act Victory could create a new duty on NHS England when making commissioning decisions affecting children Lawyers have been granted permission ...

  • push button technology switch innovation choice

    New CQC inspection model depends on £9m IT upgrade


    CQC said that if the IT project fails ”we won’t be able to deliver our programme on a reduced budget” “Relatively high” risk levels surround the project due to “fundamental gaps” in current skills and technology and potential to delay roll out of inspection dashboards Work to first begin ...

  • Birmingham
    HSJ Local

    Hospital in dispute with city council over £1m delayed transfer fines


    Birmingham City Council is in dispute with a hospital trust over unpaid fines for delayed transfers of care totalling £1.1m.