All Finance articles – Page 127

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: The first big move of 2017-18


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Ben clover expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    London Eye: Naylor's gold part 2


    Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover

  • Woman in office

    Revealed: NHS quango to cut more than 300 posts


    Health Education England to cut 315 posts Education and training body estimates savings in pay costs of at least £10m 112 full-time equivalent roles could be cut from Midland’s and East region More than 300 posts are set to be cut by Health Education England as part of ...

  • Household patients
    HSJ Local

    Trust spent £42,000 on lawyers after losing £138m contract


    Legal fees cost trust £42,000 after losing £138m contract Humber FT lost contract despite submitting cheaper bid than winning community interest company Commissioners referred to health secretary over decision to close minor injury units A trust challenging a clinical commissioning group’s decision to award a £138m contract ...

  • money notes

    Revealed: The STPs in line for biggest funding growth


    Benchmarking data used by NHS regulators has shown which health regions are set to receive the largest budget increases over the next four years.

  • Four Black Country trusts aim to make efficiency savings within their pathology services.
    HSJ Local

    Trusts aim to create single management team for pathology services


    New management team could be in place by October 2017 Between £2m - £7m could be saved by running single pathology “hub” Last year’s Carter Review called on trusts to consolidate or outsource pathology services if benchmarks are unlikely to be achieved Four hospital trusts have set out plans to ...

  • Generic pie chart

    Revealed: Vanguards must give funding to STPs


    NHS England sets conditions on final year of vanguard funding Vanguard sites required to give 10 per cent of their funding to STPs Areas told to embed new care model frameworks by December NHS England has set out four conditions on vanguard funding including the requirement to dedicate ...

  • Andrew Grimshaw
    HSJ Local

    New finance chief for special measures trust


    A trust placed in financial special measures last month has appointed a new chief financial officer.

  • Great Western Hospital

    Revealed: 70 hospitals awarded share of £100m A&E pot


    Seventy trusts allocated £56m between them out of £100m funding for A&E Winners include Salford Royal and smaller trusts like The Princess Alexandra Seventy hospitals have been allocated a share of a £56m tranche from the £100m of capital funding ringfenced in the budget for accident and emergency ...

  • Workforce

    NHS warned not to ignore needs of 'generation Y' workforce


    Pay review body warns policymakers not to ignore demands of “generation Y” doctors Call follows last year’s damaging junior doctors contract dispute People born between 1980 and 2000 will make up half the global workforce by 2020 A failure by NHS policymakers to respond to demands of a ...

  • Bristol
    HSJ Local

    Troubled STP battling with £90m deficit


    Three CCGs face deficit of £90m in 2017-18 Intervention by NHS England and NHS Improvement New chief officer to lead all three organisations from 2 May A sustainability and transformation partnership with severe financial problems is seeking £82m savings, as current plans amount to a £90m commissioner deficit ...

  • St George’s Hospital

    Hunt's special adviser hired as delivery director at troubled trust


    Jeremy Hunt’s special adviser joins troubled trust as executive director Chair wants to put the trust “on a secure financial footing” Trust also apppoints new acting chief financial officer One of Jeremy Hunt’s special advisers has been appointed as an executive director at a struggling London trust.

  • Stethescope doctor clinician equipment

    IR35 tax rules will not be applied to locums retrospectively


    HMRC and NHS Improvement say there will be no retrospective action following IR35 tax changes Locums say they are being taxed without receiving employment rights NHS Improvement asks trusts to complete operational pressure situation reports Locum doctors and temporary NHS staff hit by new tax rules will not ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: The £6bn contract


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Wheelchair

    Updated: 10 areas named for continuing healthcare improvement regime


    NHS England letter reveals continuing healthcare improvement plan to “address… reducing growth in CHC expenditure” Charities have expressed concern that any aim to cut spending would have “hugely detrimental impact” on people eligible for CHC NHS England confirms 10 regional sites to take part in improvement programme Analysis by ...

  • depression_mental_health_elderly_man

    CCGs face mounting 'aftercare' costs for mental health patients


    The average cost per CCG of providing “aftercare” for mental health patients following their discharge has risen by 50 per cent since 2013-14 HSJ investigation finds 78 CCGs did not record how many patients they had on aftercare packages despite legal duty to monitor it The data found 41 ...

  • maps

    Revealed: The STP areas most likely to be targeted for service closures


    NHS England says some areas have been “living off bailouts arbitrarily taken from other parts of the country” Some STP areas will be told to make “difficult choices” to scale back unaffordable services HSJ has collated official figures to show which areas are likely to come under closest scrutiny ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Games will be played


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Paul jenkins 3x2

    Why not a psychiatrist as NHS England medical director?


    A case for appointing a psychiatrist as the next NHS England medical director

  • Social networking

    Exclusive: Treasury belatedly approves £160m tech funding


    Treasury approves £160m for 16 acute global digital exemplars After multiple delays, scepticism remains about the funding arriving Additional funding announcement on the seven mental health digital exemplars imminent The Treasury has approved £160m of funding for 16 flagship digital trusts, but concerns remain about delays in accessing ...