All Finance articles – Page 128

  • Contract 3x2
    HSJ Local

    Virgin Care and CCG in dispute over changes to £270m contract


    East Staffordshire CCG in dispute with Virgin Care over “prime provider” contract CCG’s finances at risk due to disagreement with the provider over potential changes to £270m community services contract Burton Hospitals FT unable to sign subcontract with Virgin Care, with risks for its control total A Midlands ...

  • News

    More CCGs risk deficit after care home price hike


    Commissioning leaders fear funded nursing care price hike could push more CCGs into deficit FOI requests reveal CCGs estimate the rise cost them £152m in 2016-17 Price hike from £112 to £156.25 a week was announced by the Department of Health last year and backdated to April 2016 DH ...

  • EU flag

    Exclusive: Leak reveals worst case scenario for nursing after Brexit


    Modelling by civil servants shows NHS nursing supply could fail to meet demand by 2025-26 Worst case scenario shows a shortage of between 26,000 and 42,000 nurses Health minister convenes new committee to drive policy response After Brexit the NHS could be hit by a shortage of more ...

  • Blurred hospital corridor with three figures in it

    Trust A&E 'hours from closing' as locum pay row deepens


    Lincoln County Hospital A&E was “hours from closure” after locums declined work NHS Improvement says it is unacceptable for locums to hold NHS to ransom Eleven doctors did not show up for work at UHNM’s A&E A hospital emergency department was “just hours from closure” last week after ...

  • Hospital_bed

    'Silly' bed closures made winter pressures worse, says NHSI chief


    Many acute trusts reported capacity problems over the winter after being unable to discharge patients to community beds or care homes NHS Improvement estimated 8 per cent of out of hospital beds were closed compared to the previous winter Jim Mackey says local organisations must work better to understand ...

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Mackey: 'We dropped a clanger' on agency staff rules


    NHSI announced new rules in February to prevent trusts from using agency staff who are also employed by the NHS, but said it was “pausing” the policy last week Jim Mackey says “we dropped a clanger but we fixed it” NHS regulators have admitted they “dropped a clanger” ...

  • Computer stethoscope 3 x 2
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners get unexpected £20m bill after trust coding flaw


    Trust admits it has “significant problem with coding” going back years CCGs presented with an unexpected invoice for £13m Wandsworth CCG is resisting paying “in the strongest possible terms” A major teaching trust has presented its commissioners with an unexpected £20m bill after discovering it has been inaccurately ...

  • Marianne Griffiths
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust receives £30m to upgrade A&E


    New £30m emergency unit intended to transform the way that care is delivered Development approved by NHS Improvement Marianne Griffiths spells out her priorities for troubled Brighton and Sussex trust NHS Improvement has approved £30m of new investment in emergency care facilities at a special measures trust, as ...

  • News

    NHS in 'Mexican standoff' with locums due to new tax rules


    New tax regulations for off-payroll staff come into force on Thursday Some locums and temporary staff are refusing to work at NHS trusts Trusts face “Hobson’s choice” over locums’ pay demands, says finance director Medical director says NHS “must hold the line” on pay cap The NHS is ...

  • uk_map_britain

    STPs to be told how to make integrated care savings


    Each STP to be sent a tailored report on improving integration between physical and mental health services The reports will also outline what savings can be made through closer integration NHS England commissioned the reports and data packs compiled by Midlands and Lancashire CSU All 44 sustainability and ...

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Staffordshire still unsustainable after 'failed' Mid Staffs dissolution


    Staffordshire CCGs receiving £15m a year additional support from NHS England University Hospitals of North Midlands is forecasting a deficit of £100m in 2017-18 Trust special administration process described as a “failed experiment” and “zombie policy” NHS organisations in Staffordshire are facing huge deficits after the Mid Staffordshire ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: New agency staff rules put on hold


    NHS Improvement pauses new rules on employing agency staff RCN says plans were “ill conceived” and delay is welcome Jim Mackey says other planned changes announced in February will go ahead NHS Improvement has delayed “until further notice” bringing in new rules to prevent trusts from using agency ...

  • Steps

    Next steps for the forward view – what you need to know


    HSJ’s brings you everything you need to know about the year’s most important NHS policy document.

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october

    Stevens: NHS has not escaped 'reinforcing cycle' of increased demand and cost


    NHS England chief executive says NHS can be proud of achievements Simon Stevens says delivery plan is “practical discussion” for year ahead There are “unchallengeable facts” about NHS achievements The NHS is trapped in a “reinforcing cycle” of increased demand leading to higher costs, NHS England chief executive ...

  • Snowy UK street

    'Little evidence' of winter funds reaching trusts, says regulator


    A national regulator has questioned whether funding earmarked to help NHS trusts cope with winter pressures was actually made available to them.

  • calendar

    Exclusive: Treasury funding fears derail medical examiner launch


    Funding fears over medical examiner fees have delayed launch A national medical examiner service was first recommended by the Shipman inquiry Department of Health says it is committed to launching medical examiners Plans for a national rollout of independent medical examiners next year has been abandoned by ministers ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: The drag beneath the surface


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: The NHS's Daily Mail moment


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West.

  • Woman using tablet computer

    Jobs cut as NHS quango will 'cease to exist'


    NHS Protect will “cease to exist” from July and be replaced by NHS Counter Fraud Authority Memo confirms support and training for local organisations will no longer be available New organisation will employ 140 staff, which is around 20 fewer than the number employed by NHS Protect in March ...

  • Screen shot 2017 02 01 at 15.58.22
    HSJ Knowledge

    Cancer drugs webinar: How to put a value on the priceless


    A webinar in association with Roche brought together senior figures to consider how we assess the value of sophisticated drugs when the area is such an intellectual and moral maze. Report by Claire Read