All Finance articles – Page 134

  • 28th june 2016 hsj roundtable how partnerships can help the nhs deliver innivation071

    The 10 reasons why 2017 might not be all bad


    An entire generation of healthcare leaders has come and gone since the NHS faced a year as daunting as 2017. The service was able to live off the capacity and capability built up during the time of plenty in the noughties until the middle of this decade before the funding ...

  • Theresa May

    Exclusive: Prime minister hires new health adviser


    A management consultant and former doctor is to become the prime minister’s adviser on health.

  • News

    Exclusive: Outperforming trusts could get 'preferential access' to capital


    NHS Improvement discussing potential scheme with the Department of Health Comes after regulators confirmed trusts able to meet or better their control total will receive “bonus” payment Trusts have previously been warned over the scarcity of capital funding in coming years Regulators are seeking to give “preferential access” ...

  • Liverpool
    HSJ Local

    CCGs secure block contracts worth £1.5bn


    Contracts are a significant shift away from payment by result tariff, which pays providers based on their activity levels Six trusts will receive 1 per cent real terms growth in 2017-18 compared to outturn income in 2016-17 Move aimed at sharing risk across the health economy to help encourage ...

  • Chris Ham

    2017 is a make or break year for the forward view


    Sustainability and transformation plans must be backed up by resources, time and leadership and not become lost in the huge drive to get performance back on track

  • A mans hand pressing a futuristic computer screen

    Revealed: Trusts in mix for millions in digital funding


    Fourteen mental health trusts in contention for digital funding Six trusts will receive £5m each Announcement on more acute trust digital exemplars and an area-wide exemplar also expected soon Fourteen mental health trusts are vying to secure up to £5m of central funding as part of the digital ...

  • The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trust takes step to becoming 'fully digital'


    The Dudley Group Foundation Trust has selected a new fully integrated IT system as part of its patient administration service in a bid to become a “fully digital” hospital.

  • A postbox in the snow

    Round-up: 10 stories you may have missed over Christmas


    Catch up on the key stories you might not have seen over the Christmas and new year break.

  • James Illman Telehealth roundtable

    Analysis: STP digital plans need a major reboot


    The largely vague and un-costed digital components of the STPs need a substantial upgrade, or the NHS will continue to lag behind comparable health systems on technology for years to come, writes HSJ technology correspondent James Illman

  • Dave west expert briefing

    HSJ's Best of 2016: Expert Briefings


    Over Christmas and New Year, we are bringing you a round-up of some of HSJ’s highlights from 2016. Today we look at our Expert Briefing newsletters

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    HSJ's Best of 2016: Top stories


    Heartfelt appeals on whistleblowing and the EU referendum, a massive leak from BMA negotiations and the latest HSJ100 rankings all feature in our most popular articles of the year

  • Cardiac surgery

    Making a drama out of a crisis: the cancellation of elective operations


    Methods must be developed to be better prepared for the crisis caused by winter pressures in NHS hospital systems

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    New guidance on ward staffing levels revealed


    NHS Improvement has published the first of seven new safe staffing guidance documents The work follows the suspension of NICE’s work in 2015 following the Francis Inquiry Guidance warns trusts against relying only on professional judgement to set staffing levels Decisions about how many nurses work on hospital ...

  • Ara Darzi

    Reforming how we pay for care is crucial to successful innovation


    Financial reforms for innovation in care need to be implemented for early diagnosis and effective disease management at low costs

  • court

    NHS England to press ahead with court appeal


    NHS England has agreed to commission sodium oxybate routinely for children with narcolepsy NHS England will continue with Court of Appeal bid over judicial review decision to prescribe the same drug to a child High Court said the national body’s decision was “thoroughly bad” and ordered to commission 17 ...

  • Liz Mear

    Stepping up a gear to accelerate innovation


    The Innovation and Technology Tariff can combat problems of procurement and support services that ring in the age of digital modernisation

  • Saira ghafur

    The NHS and Obamacare face similar challenges


    The future of “Obamacare” after Donald Trump’s victory, and how the questions raised for healthcare in the US are relevant for the NHS 

  • Kettering general hospital

    Hospital, CCG and GP consolidation mooted by STP


    Northamptonshire STP says there is potential to move to a “single commissioning organisation” across regional boundaries “Fundamental review” of estates proposed as part of aim to create “single model” of acute care STP aiming for £116m of savings from decommissioning services, CIP and QIPP schemes Service redesign under ...

  • scissors budget cuts
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners may make 'controversial' cuts to break even


    Herts Valleys CCG reported £6.1m deficit at the end of August and is now considering decommissioning or cutting services to break even Care packages, IVF and OTC prescriptions all under review CCG failing on QIPP scheme and 40 per cent behind schedule by the end of August Herts ...

  • Treasure chest

    Bonus pot for trusts that hit financial targets confirmed


    Bonus payments will come partly from funds allocated to providers that are not able to meet their financial targets Payments would total more than £300m if official forecasts are correct Concerns that the scheme could exacerbate problems for struggling trusts NHS trusts that are able to meet or ...