All Finance articles – Page 135

  • HSJ Local

    Trust tells staff to stop overspending or risk losing STF money


    Dudley Group FT tells staff overspending puts its STF payments at risk Trust has introduced spending controls as the cost of agency staff doubles this year Over spending means purchasing a new electronic patient record system is at risk Staff at a Midlands acute trust have been told ...

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Emergency department to close as part of £245m savings plan


    Staffordshire STP outlines plans to close emergency department Savings of £245m will be made by 2021, including service closures STP aims to reduce A&E admissions by 20 per cent An accident and emergency department will close in Staffordshire along with 100 community hospital beds, according to the Staffordshire ...

  • Unconscious bias

    We must be aware of and fight unconscious bias in healthcare


    It comes in many forms and can even affect patient safety, write Narinder Kapur and Peter Jones

  • Sarah Jane Marsh
    HSJ Local

    Trusts set February deadline for merger


    Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Birmingham Women’s Hospital foundation trusts will integrate by 1 February 2017, the providers have confirmed.

  • Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Capital question hangs over landmark hospital closure


    Consultation is under way over the future of patients at England’s last standalone learning disability hospital has begun, but capital funding for proposed changes has yet to be approved.

  • King's Mill hospital
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: Huge cost of failed trust merger


    Merger between Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT cost £10m Trusts paid more than £6m for consultancy advice and £1m for clinical support Both trusts have been reimbursed for the costs after a control total adjustment was made for Sherwood Forest Hospitals Work to prepare ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Number 10 calling


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Jennifer Dixon

    What planet are we on?


    Meet Planet Context and Planet Intervention – both are at work in the NHS but must be rebalanced if we are to get to grips with performance

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Nice one Jim, now let's see results


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Calculator
    HSJ Local

    NHS manager jailed for £300k fraud scam


    Text messages and chat messages prove NHS manager’s guilt Money spent on trips to Butlins and tickets to Chelsea Football Club NHS Protect appeals for help in finding fraudsters An NHS manager responsible for maintaining dialysis equipment at a London trust has been jailed for fraud worth £300,000.

  • Elderly man

    Council funding crisis 'not a reason' to block STPs, warn Stevens and Mackey


    The fact NHS budgets cannot be used to solve the social care funding crisis “is not a legitimate reason” for failing to press on with STPs, Simon Stevens and Jim Mackey have warned.

  • Westminster city council

    Majority of councils plan to use tax freedom for social care


    The majority of eligible councils are set to make use of the council tax social care precept in 2017-18 to raise extra funds for cash-strapped services, early indications suggest. 

  • Claire_Murdoch

    STPs not doing 'justice' to mental health face intervention


    NHS England to offer support to STPs not doing mental health “justice” Claire Murdoch says some STPs have “beautiful” plans for mental health, but others do not After contract negotiations for 2017-19 are completed, her team will begin working with STPs to improve mental health plans Warns contracts must ...

  • Picking up coins

    Exclusive: Transformation fund could be raided for social care


    Greater Manchester has projected a £176m gap in social care funding by 2021 Senior leaders say additional government spending will be “too late” As part of devolution deal, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership has £450m transformation fund A dedicated pot of transformation funding could be used ...

  • Jon Restell

    A four-point plan to save our STPs


    The once in a generation opportunity could be thrown away unless we take action now - here’s what we need to do, says Jon Restell

  • Alexandra Hammond

    Acute lack of investment is starving healthcare estates


    Buildings and infrastructure in the healthcare sector are suffering a serious shortage of cash and need new financing models to break the deadlock.

  • Budget cuts

    CCGs complain to NHS England 'in strongest terms' over budget cuts


    NHS Clinical Commissioners says it has written to the national body “in the strongest terms” over the potential impact of the tariff on CCG finances As a result of the new payment system, CCGs’ allocations will reduce by a combined £156m in 2017-18 and £158m in 2018-19, in comparison ...

  • Calculator

    NHS Improvement tells trusts not to hide financial risks


    Concerns were revealed in a question and answer document issued by NHS Improvement yesterday Trust leaders said regional officials had pressured them “to not reveal” its deteriorating position NHSI has urged leaders to report problems to its senior leadership team Trust leaders have expressed concern over being pressured ...

  • Sharon Renouf

    PFI contracts: stick or twist?


    ‘Buying out’ a PFI contract would be a nuclear option – the better solution would be to simply manage it better

  • News

    Simon Stevens on: general management, social care and contracting


    Stevens: “It is a matter of fact that most management in the NHS is already done by clinicians” “I very strongly think it would be a mistake to try and mandate one single solution to social care integration across England” Contracting “is in a much better place” than previously ...