All Finance articles – Page 140

  • Payslip
    HSJ Local

    Financially stricken trust to cut pay bill by 10 per cent in six months


    St George’s University Hospitals FT to cut pay costs by 10 per cent by March Vacancies will be left unfilled but essential posts will continue to be recruited to The trust had an overall vacancy rate of 16 per cent in August A south London teaching hospital plans ...

  • Michael_Macdonnell

    Revealed: NHS England checklist for making STP details public


    STPs told to publish summaries of their plans NHS England says summaries must “articulate tangible benefits for patients” in “clear” language National and regional communications leads to assist with process NHS leaders have been told to publish summaries of their sustainability and transformation plans, but not before they ...

  • Pills

    Drugs to face new NHS affordability test


    NICE and NHS England consult on “budget impact test” for new treatments Test designed to mitigate impact of cost effective but highly expensive drugs on NHS England’s budget NICE also proposes cost effectiveness threshold for assessment of drugs for rare conditions The National Institute for Health and Care ...

  • Dr jennifer dixon

    Now we must navigate the rocks beneath the surface


    The State of Care report raises some uncomfortable questions about health and social care – so how can we answer them?

  • Handshake
  • Bev Humphrey

    Exclusive: Lack of mental health crisis beds a 'national scandal'


    Mental Health Network calls shortage of acute beds for crisis care a “national scandal” Report, shared exclusively with HSJ, claims ringfenced cash for mental health is not reaching frontline services MHN chair Bev Humphrey says crisis care is at “tipping point” and should be prominent in STPs Mental ...

  • Chris Hopson

    STPs are making plans 'they do not believe can be delivered'


    STPs are drawing up “vastly over-ambitious plans”, says Chris Hopson He says plans will not command political support Extra revenue in the autumn statement is ’extremely unlikely’, but ‘door slightly open’ on capital funding Health economy leaders are being forced to draw up sustainability plans which they do ...

  • Dorrell 3x2

    Time for hard choices in the NHS


    The Autumn Statement is the perfect time to remind ourselves that the health service can no longer succeed in isolation

  • Law

    NHS England accused of 'abuse of public money' over legal appeal


    NHS England to appeal High Court judgment requiring it to prescribe a drug to teenager with narcolepsy Patient is soon to turn 18 and has already been told her local CCG will fund the drug from then Father says appeal is “ridiculous” and “abuse of public money” NHS England ...

  • Home_Office
    HSJ Local

    Home Office 'very keen' for patients to prove right to NHS care


    Trust proposes compulsory requirement that maternity patients prove their right to NHS care Revised national guidance “is likely to advocate routine presentation of proof of identity and eligibility” Board papers suggest new legislation will “incorporate charging for A&E and ambulance services” if patients have no proof of eligibility St ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Exclusive: Regulator may publish lists of highest earning agency staff


    NHS Improvement describes workforce information that could be published in next quarterly report Provider sector is “falling short” of targets for agency spending New protocols for revising financial forecasts Trusts with “high pay bill growth” to be contacted this month Regulators have warned that NHS providers are “falling ...

  • Computer data

    Primary care fund could be reduced by £300m, say commissioners


    CCG board papers say estates and technology transformation fund will be reduced to around £400m NHS England says CCG’s figures are inaccurate Bids for premises funding required to go through STP process Source warns the fund could be reduced to “balance the books” Commissioners have raised concerns that ...

  • Man smoking
    HSJ Local

    'Outstanding' CCG to make smokers and obese patients wait six months for surgery


    Harrogate and Rural District CCG announces new measures to help it make £8.4m of savings Proposals include getting obese patients and smokers to lose weight or quit for six months before being considered for operations The CCG was one of 10 rated “outstanding” by NHS England in July ...

  • Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust
    HSJ Local

    A&E closures not ruled out in troubled STP patch


    “Differing views” over which back office services in Hereford and Worcestershire footprint should be protected Dermatology services in Worcestershire deemed financially unsustainable Emergency department closures not ruled out Potential for shared pathology and pharmacy services between acute trusts The new health system for Hereford and Worcestershire has requested ...

  • Will hazell expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: A South West super-CCG?


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust

    Success regime region faces major services shake-up


    One of the success regimes to turnaround troubled health economies has proposed a major overhaul in the way healthcare is delivered across its patch, including significant changes to emergency, community and maternity services.

  • Rebecca Kenny
    HSJ Knowledge

    Roundtable: Cutting the rate of surgical site wound infections


    A roundtable by HSJ and Nursing Times during the Patient Safety Congress focused on how to reduce the high toll on health and finances caused by complications in post-operative care

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Mad fer mergers


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Joe Rafferty

    Are we ready for a new relationship with patients?


    A paradigm shift towards empowerment is needed in the way we involve patients in their own care by seeing things from their perspective

  • Shaun Lintern

    Analysis: The magical thinking of Hunt's medical training move


    Jeremy Hunt’s commitment of around £100m to increase annual medical training numbers by 25 per cent is a keenly political move. He is fresh from the battlefield with the British Medical Association, and needs to make an impact in a post-Brexit referendum world.