All Finance articles – Page 157

  • Deficit

    Exclusive: NHS England puts provider rescue plan at risk, teaching hospitals warn


    Providers warn changes to CQUIN payments will hamper attempts to bring sector into balance Teaching trusts say new CQUINs and agreed control totals for 2016-17 are incompatible NHS England rejects the accusations and says the changes are appropriate and achievable Angry teaching hospitals have warned that new conditions ...

  • David Hunter

    Does the NHS still reside in a grey area for EU competition law?


    To what extent does EU competition law apply to the NHS, given a changing landscape shaped by the TTIP, a government keen to ramp up private involvement and the spectre of a Brexit, asks David Hunter

  • Woman's hands writing out a prescription
    HSJ Local

    CCG’s drug ordering scheme will save ‘£8m a year’


    Coventry and Rugby CCG’s “prescription ordering direct” pilot will save £8m a year, it says NHS Business Services Authority interested in scheme’s cost saving potential Similar scheme adopted by Sheffield CCG and talks underway in Dudley FINANCE: Leaders of a West Midlands clinical commissioning group have estimated that ...

  • GP

    NHS property company to raise rents to market levels


    NHS Property Services to increase rents to market levels Department of Health will mitigate the effects for one year Rental costs to rise by £60m Company says the move will raise millions for investment Many GPs and other primary care providers will be billed for higher rents from ...

  • Blackpool lights
    HSJ Local

    CCG looks into spike in spending with private provider


    Blackpool CCG says Spire Healthcare’s activity and costs increased by 25 per cent, despite referrals increasing by just 3 per cent There have previously been issues between the two organisations, with Spire making an official complaint in 2013 that the CCG was directing patients away from it Initial audit ...

  • HSJ Local

    Medway faces deficit of over £50m


    FINANCE: Medway Foundation Trust is set to end the 2015-16 financial year with a deficit of £52.5m as its future looks ever more uncertain.

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    High Court asked to block junior doctors' contract imposition


    Government faces two separate legal challenges over plan to impose a new junior doctors contract BMA highlights loss of automatic pay progression, unsocial hours pay and on-call pay impact on women and carers Crowdfunded legal action by junior doctors has questioned whether health secretary has power to impose Royal ...

  • board table
    HSJ Local

    Special measures CCG placed in NHS England 'directions'


    Shropshire CCG placed in NHS England “directions” David Evans, accountable officer of Telford and Wrekin CCG, to lead both groups CCGs will remain separate but Mr Evans authorised to develop “joint management team” for both organisations Shropshire CCG forecast £10.9m deficit and has been in special measures since December ...

  • Insulin injection

    'Ofsted style' CCG ratings framework unveiled


    New “improvement and assessment framework” for CCGs announced CCGs’ performance in six clinical priority areas to be assessed by independent panels Commissioning leaders welcome closer working with NHS England area teams but raise fears about ratings being “simplistic” NHS England has unveiled details of the new “Ofsted style” ...

  • Pills

    NHS England rollout of ground-breaking drugs 'changes role of NICE'


    NHS England to roll out new treatments to 10,000 patients in 2016-17 through “operational delivery networks” Hepatitis C groups claim capping treatments is “rationing” and changes the role of NICE Concerns raised that NHS England approach will increase health inequality and long term costs NHS England’s plans for ...

  • Rachael Byrne

    What do housing allowance cuts mean for NHS finances?


    We need new ways of funding services that offer the taxpayer value

  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Analysis: The trusts targeted by Carter for estates savings


    Trusts expected to meet key targets around non-clinical and unused space by April 2020 HSJ has learned the methodology used by the Carter review to benchmark trusts There are acknowledged flaws and issues with the data being used, with some trusts admitting they made inaccurate submissions Explore the data ...

  • Hand with pills

    NHS England refuses to fund local authority HIV drugs


    Letter circulated in Yorkshire and the Humber says NHS England will no longer pay for HIV drugs provided by local authority commissioned services Association of Directors of Public Health says move is not in interests of those at risk of HIV Local government has accused NHS England of “shunting” ...

  • News

    Junior doctors’ contract revealed with new pay protection


    Government publishes new junior doctors’ contract to be imposed from August Pay protection extended for some doctors Jeremy Hunt makes five changes to contract The final junior doctors’ contract to be imposed from August has been published by NHS Employers and includes extending pay protection for some doctors.

  • Xray

    Medical examiners could lead to thousands more inquests


    Medical examiners service could increase number of inquests by 20,000 a year Royal College of Pathologists president warns of a lack of capacity in the system 385 medical examiners will be recruited to work part-time alongside support staff Department of Health says work ongoing to fund increased coroner workload ...

  • Ian baxter 3x2

    Are hospital chains a sustainable NHS delivery model?


    If the NHS is serious about getting behind hospital chains, then obstacles of resource, regulation and commissioning need to be addressed, writes Ian Baxter

  • David Behan

    Updated: CQC to hike trust fees by 75 per cent


    CQC fees for smaller trusts to increase by £58,656 next year Fees for GP practices to triple but government will cover extra cost CQC chooses most bullish of the options it consulted on, moving to “full cost recovery” from providers over two years The Care Quality Commission will ...

  • Chris Ham

    Government urged to create ‘level playing field’ for mutuals


    Government must “level the playing field” for mutuals that wish to provide acute services, says DH sponsored review Seven hospital trusts that piloted increased staff ownership found barriers to mutualisation including VAT and corporation tax liabilities Estimated productivity savings dwarfed by £20m VAT payments The government should “level ...

  • Retirement sign

    Hunt: Pension increase is 'more bearable' for NHS


    Jeremy Hunt says pension cost increase should be “more bearable” than thought for employers Cites lower than expected inflation Health secretary believes £22bn savings target “possible” The increased pension contributions expected from NHS employers will be a “more bearable burden” than previously thought, Jeremy Hunt has said.

  • community nurse with patient
    HSJ Local

    £270m Virgin Care contract delayed


    COMMISSIONING: A £270m community services contract between Virgin Care and East Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group has been delayed for a month.