All Finance articles – Page 161

  • Value in Healthcare Awards trophy

    Last chance to enter HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards


    Enter the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards There is only one day left to enter the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2016.

  • Paul Baumann

    NHS England finds £156m to help boost DH bottom line


    NHS England sets aside £156m of reserves and underspends to help boost DH bottom line This has driven an increase in its forecast underspend to £295m Prime minister’s access fund and primary care transformation fund are among programmes expected to underspend Move part of concerted national effort to prevent ...

  • Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals Foundation Trust

    Exclusive: One in four trusts plunge deeper into the red


    Majority of trusts already had large deficit plans at the start of the year, but are now even deeper in the red than expected HSJ has examined the finance reports for 136 acute trusts to reveal their latest recorded positions Of trusts reporting against original plans, Heart of England ...

  • Birmingham Heartlands Hospital

    Revealed: The trusts most behind on their financial targets


    HSJ research has revealed that more than a quarter of acute trusts reported a financial position which was more than £5m worse than planned for the first nine months of 2015-16.

  • Kevin Evans

    How creating high value can lead to low cost


    It’s wrong to think we must choose between good enough quality at lower cost and ever-higher quality outcomes

  • Pay

    NHS Employers admits junior doctor pay calculator may be inaccurate


    NHS Employers says “variations” will occur between pay calculator predictions and actual salary Rotas including consecutive weekends were an error and have been changed Concerns raised that the rotas will lead to “jetlagged” junior doctors NHS Employers has accepted its pay calculator for junior doctors may not accurately ...

  • Woman GP with child

    'Tens of millions' needed to develop GP leaders


    “Tens of millions” of pounds needs to be invested in leadership development for GPs at the helm of large scale provider groups, a senior NHS England official has said.

  • Alastair Mclellan - Innovators

    It's time to celebrate and study the NHS's non-clinical workforce


    How a new inquiry by HSJ is highlighting the crucial role of the non-clinical workforce

  • Lizard Cornwall
    HSJ Local

    CCG chief officer suspended amid investigation


    The chief officer of a south of England clinical commissoning group has been suspended while an internal investigation takes place, it has been confirmed to HSJ.

  • Don Berwick

    Berwick: Government ‘should apologise’ to junior doctors over dispute


    Don Berwick says government “should apologise” to junior doctors and impose three year “moratorium” on new contract “You cannot achieve excellence in combat with your future workforce,” says former government adviser Also says it may be “impossible” for NHS to deliver acceptable standard of care at current funding level ...

  • Douglas Richard

    Former DH finance chief joins consultancy


    The former director general for finance and the NHS at the Department of Health has joined a leading health policy communications consultancy.

  • social care

    New BCF rules to safeguard CCG finances


    New rules will still divert better care fund cash to acute sector Much delayed guidance comes after weeks of talks between NHS England and social care leaders Guidance seeks to minimise risk of overstretching CCG budgets CCGs reminded they can fine councils over delayed transfers Protracted negotiations between ...

  • A&E

    CCG leads doubt delivery on finance and A&E for 2016-17


    Large majority of CCG leaders responding to survey have little confidence in delivering health system balance or A&E targets High confidence in delivering new mental health targets The large majority of local commissioner leaders responding to an HSJ survey have little confidence their health system will return to ...

  • Social media
    HSJ Knowledge

    CCG Barometer: confidence higher on STPs than on planning


    Sustainability and Transformation Plans and the achievement of financial balance feature prominently this quarter

  • Phillippa Hentsch 3x2

    Throwing the kitchen sink at the NHS deficit: will it work?


    The unprecedented steps to address the NHS deficit might still not be enough

  • News

    NHS providers facing £2.8bn deficit for 2015-16


    Provider sector’s current trajectory would result in a full-year deficit of £2.8bn for 2015-16, but “additional opportunities” for savings still being implemented Regulators target a deficit of £1.8bn, to prevent the Department of Health from breaching its revenue spending limit for NHS has been told that any overspend this ...

  • Nursing home

    GPs may have been paid twice for care home work, whistleblower claimed


    Whistleblower claimed GPs could be paid twice for the same work in care homes Verita report found “no evidence” concerns were investigated after he was dismissed CCG had no idea what money was included in “retainer” payments from care homes GPs in Barnet may have been paid twice ...

  • Darren leech

    Is coaching a helpful intervention for ‘triumvirate’ teams in the NHS?


    Coaching could possibly provide a short, useful intervention to better enable medical, nursing and operational executives to quickly get to grips with their own team dynamic. Darren Leech writes

  • Deficit calculator

    ‘Grave concerns’ over CCG’s finances following £800m contract failure


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG’s forecast for 2015-16 plummets from £4m surplus to £11m deficit Change follows collapse of £800m older people’s services contract CCG’s chief strategy officer has been seconded to Essex success regime role NHS England has raised “grave concerns” and demanded action on the financial position ...

  • Sir Robert Naylor

    Naylor appointed as government estates tsar


    UCLH chief executive will also focus on NHS land and buildings in London Comes after Lord Carter predicted that £1bn could be saved by 2019-20 through more efficient use of estates in the acute sector Lord Prior has suggested the work will help the government meet its “housing ambitions” ...