All Finance articles – Page 162

  • Ian Cumming

    Trusts may lose training cash if they don’t impose contract, warns HEE


    HEE chief executive Ian Cumming says he is not prepared to see a competitive market between trusts with different junior doctor contracts Adoption of new contract will be key criteria for HEE decisions on training posts with NHS trusts Follows speculation some trusts could choose not to adopt the ...

  • Coins

    Exclusive: Private sector gets boost from mental health commissioning freeze


    NHS England’s moratorium on commissioning new specialised services capacity helped drive demand and increase revenue, says new research LaingBuisson report says moving away from block contracts could open up the mental health sector to more outsourcing It expects NHS disinvestment to continue in line with reduced spending and cost ...

  • Office writing on form

    NHS property company to outsource 50 contracts and ‘fix PCT legacy’


    NHS Property Services to award 50 new outsource contracts to replace 2,300 let by primary care trusts Deals could be worth up to £160m Board member acknowledges risks of workforce and market disruption The NHS’s property company is preparing to award 50 contracts worth £160m for managing and ...

  • Targets

    One in three trusts reject financial targets for next year


    Regulators issued a financial “control totals” to every trust in England for 2016-17, which they must agree to, to secure their share of the £1.8bn sustainability and transformation fund NHS Providers says two-thirds of trusts have accepted their offer, but many have done so with conditions and caveats Finance ...

  • Paul Farmer

    Taskforce delivers blueprint for future of mental healthcare


    Government mental health taskforce outlines changes for mental health to 2020 Funding pledge of £1bn has previously been announced and DH has confirmed it is not new money Taskforce chair Paul Farmer says recommendations are “feasible and afforable” Mental health services in the NHS should undergo significant reform ...

  • Surgery

    NHS England to cut clinical reference groups by half


    Clinical reference groups to be cut from 71 to 38 Clinical representatives to be reduced from 14 per group to four, and patient representatives from four to two NHS England says move aims to ensuring “greater alignment of clinical advisory structures” NHS England has proposed to reduce the ...

  • Savings must be found without any additional transitional finance to help establish new services

    Whistleblowing finance director warns trusts may be pushed to ‘cook the books’


    Finance director tells MPs regulators are pressurising providers to “potentially mislead the public and government departments” over their finances Trusts urged to meet their targets in 2015-16 to help DH balance revenue budget, and achieve financial balance next year Other finance director tells HSJ “they know where he or ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016 2

    Dalton: BMA was ‘not serious about reaching a compromise’


    Sir David Dalton says new contract should be introduced after negotiations were “exhausted” Salford Royal chief executive says the BMA was not serious about negotiating a deal Criticises social media commentary as “distasteful” and unhelpful Calls for NHS leaders to meet with their staff to address low morale ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital
    HSJ Knowledge

    Unwarranted variation? NHS Right Care Programme helps


    Matthew Cripps and John Newton explain how the NHS Right Care model is designed to help drive service improvement and avoid unwarranted variation

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Government will impose new junior doctors' contract


    Health secretary says new contract will deliver increases in basic pay plus premium pay for weekend work Imposition follows three years of no progress on talks with the BMA Heidi Alexander tells says imposing a deal is a “sign of failure” HSJ Live: reaction to the new junior doctors’ ...

  • David Dalton

    Dalton tells Hunt to 'do what is necessary' on junior doctors' contract


    Sir David Dalton says agreement not possible and government should take action to deliver certainty to the NHS Jeremy Hunt to speak in Parliament at 12.15pm and could announce plans to impose a deal Sir David says BMA unwilling to accept any plain time working on Saturday despite new ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    HSJ's new event will help deliver change in the NHS


    The Value in Healthcare Congress has been launched by HSJ this week to help meet the real world challenges faced by NHS leaders.

  • Bw73 hsj main 3x2

    HSJ launches Value in Healthcare Congress and Awards


    The NHS is currently addressing a £30bn hole in its finances. The Five Year Forward View, published in 2014, made clear that the NHS requires £8bn of additional funding during this parliament to meet demand and transform service delivery through new care models.

  • Treasury

    Treasury gives £1.2bn boost to DH revenue budget


    DH confirms it will get an extra £205m from the Treasury, and transfer £950m from its capital budget to revenue spending Revised departmental funding estimates will be laid before Parliament today, before being debated and voted on in the coming weeks Bailout comes amid warnings that the DH could ...

  • Manchester central new website

    NHS England ‘tightly in control of the purse strings’ for devo Manc


    Details of the devolution arrangements for 2016-17 show key changes affecting specialised services Main changes involve budgets being delegated to a Greater Manchester chief officer, an employee of NHS England. Local leaders say arrangements are “consistent with what we set out to do by this point” King’s Fund experts ...

  • Computer

    £400m of transformation fund ‘ringfenced’ for tech boost


    NHS England director sets out details on where tech funding boost is coming from £400m of transformation funding “ringfenced” for technology projects Follows Jeremy Hunt announcing £1.8bn for paperless NHS goal No new money for the NHS from the Treasury At least £400m of NHS transformation funding has ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Last ditch talks try to stop junior doctors' strike


    NHS Employers confirms talks have taken place with the British Medical Association to try to avert strike Junior doctors are due to walk out for 24 hours from 8am tomorrow but emergency care will be provided NHS England estimates almost 3,000 inpatient and daycase procedures will be cancelled ...

  • Clock

    Former NHS chief calls for four hour mental health target


    Commission describes mental health system under pressure after “steady attrition” of funding in recent years Lord Crisp calls for new four hour waiting time target for acute adult patients and an end to long distance transfers Mental Health Network calls on NHS England to invest directly in frontline provision ...

  • Research
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital trust orders ban on consultant study leave


    Letter to consultants at Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust also says leave already booked will have to be cancelled Cost-saving move described as “unprecedented” by a British Medical Association representative, who said it could raise concerns over patient safety Trust may breach its £19m deficit plan for 2015-16 ...

  • Hand shake

    Exclusive: DH hired headhunters to find new regulator chief


    The Department of Health spent thousands on a headhunting firm to recruit the head of NHS Improvement, only a few months before trusts were warned against using the firms for their own executive posts, HSJ can reveal.