All Finance articles – Page 164

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Updated: Junior doctors to strike for 24 hours next week


    BMA to strike for 24 hours next Wednesday after contract talks fail Doctors will walk out from 8am but will now provide emergency care BMA says good progress was made with Sir David Dalton but government refused to recognise Saturdays as different to weekdays Junior doctors will strike ...

  • Chaand Nagpaul

    BMA to canvass GPs over 'mass resignation'


    GP representatives push BMA to survey willingness to sign undated resignation letters in protest at funding, workforce and regulatory grievances Call for “resilience teams” to be parachuted into practices that seek help with staffing shortages BMA conference votes to find “lawful” ways of disengaging with CQC inspections ...

  • boardroom table and chairs

    Monitor considering putting 25 trusts into turnaround with management consultancies


    Monitor considering putting up to 25 trusts into turnaround Process would be the largest programme of intervention in the acute sector since the “Keogh reviews” process in 2013 HSJ understands a list of the target trusts has not yet been drawn up Monitor has sounded out management consultancies ...

  • Paul Baumann

    NHS England aims to double underspend to £400m


    NHS England finance director aims for £400m underspend Savings would be enough to offset provider deficits in 2015-16 Surplus driven by one-off measures that would not help in 2016-17 NHS England’s forecast 2015-16 underspend is set to double this month to £400m, which combined with other emergency financial ...

  • Elderly woman in bed

    It is essential to halve delays in discharge


    Crispin Simon on what can be learnt from the private sector to reduce the chronic problem of delay in the discharge of patients.

  • News

    Royal colleges wade into junior contract talks


    Six royal colleges and 15 medical associations warn of “long term damage” without negotiated deal Private letter sent in support of a deal as Acas talks continue Government warned against spreading resources “more thinly” Both sides in the junior doctors’ contract dispute have been urged to reach a ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trusts ask Monitor for tariff hike


    Monitor has received 16 requests for tariff hikes since April 2014 Morecambe Bay has secured modified prices which should result in extra £25m per year Worcestershire Acute Trust withdrew application for “further engagement” with commissioners At least eight NHS trusts have sought to boost their income by asking ...

  • Paul Baumann

    Baumann looks for new savings to help DH's bottom line


    NHS England bosses look for extra savings in light of the predicted provider deficit CCG sector forecasts year-end deficit of £51.3m NHS England commissioning was overspent in first eight months of the 2015-16 NHS England has revealed it is actively looking for new savings beyond its planned surplus ...

  • Agency nurse

    More than a quarter of trusts asked to breach agency cap


    More than a quarter of trusts ask Monitor permission to breach “ceiling” on agency spend in September Nearly a quarter are successful New price cap due to take effect next week More than a quarter of trusts asked Monitor to increase their agency spending cap last year, HSJ ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: 'Specialised services need additional investment'


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens told Jeremy Hunt specialised services were unaffordable in their current form, papers released today reveal.

  • Technology

    Hunt’s digital guru assembles multinational review team


    Professor Robert Wachter to prepare NHS digital review to be published this summer US based expert understood to have recruited team with broad range of expertise from UK, US and Europe Advisers expected to include David Brailer, who was the first US national coordinator for health, and Sir David ...

  • Growth

    Fees hike will make CQC 'more accountable', says Behan


    CQC’s greater reliance on fees will mean “becoming more accountable”, says chief executive David Behan says CQC is in a similar financial position to many of the organisations it regulates Providers “will expect us to demonstrate value for money” Increasing the share of the Care Quality Commission’s funding ...

  • Waiting room

    Fears GP funding will be diverted after guidance delay


    Delay in release of detailed guidance for CCGs to apply for primary premises fund BMA leader calls for clarification money will not be spent elsewhere or ’double-badged’ NHS England could delay February deadline for funding applications The deadline for bids for £750m of GP premises funding could be ...

  • Pete thomond 2016

    Taking staff on a journey


    A new year’s resolution for every leader who wants to achieve financial balance in 2016? Actually listen to your staff. By Peter Thomond

  • Crispin Dowler

    Moves to rescue the DH's bottom line look increasingly desperate


    As the NHS approaches the end of one of the toughest years in its history, the Deparment of Health is going to desperate measures not to bust its budget, writes Crispin Dowler

  • pharmacy

    Efficiency review will point to pharmacy consolidation


    Lord Carter believes that £850m-£1.4bn can be saved in pharmacy and medicines management by 2020 Report is expected to recommend trusts review operations for buying, producing and supplying medicines, and consider outsourcing All hospitals will need to adopt electronic prescribing and medicines management systems Lord Carter’s review of ...

  • Computers

    NHS has ‘systemically failed’ to use buying power, says Carter


    Better procurement practices could save between £750m and £1bn by 2020 Carte report expected to say there has been “systematic failure” to capitalise on NHS buying power Trusts to be urged to invest in their electronic procurement catalogues, before national system finalised The Carter review is expected to ...

  • Axe

    HSCIC faces 30 per cent grant cut


    30 per cent cut to HSCIC grant based on spending review assumptions, finance chief says Cut yet to be confirmed by Department of Health Spending review showed non-ringfenced NHS bodies faced big cuts The Health and Social Care Information Centre has estimated it faces a 30 per cent ...

  • Nurses

    Carter to back new measure of nurse productivity


    Carter to call for new “principal” measure of nursing deployment to be introduced from April “Care hours per patient day” derived from nursing and healthcare assistant hours per inpatient Review expected to call for “national people strategy” to tackle absenteeism, bullying and turnover Will also back clampdown on use ...

  • HSJ/LGC Pharmacy supplement cover

    £3bn savings can be made by 2020, hospitals agree


    Carter report will restate that £5bn efficiency savings can be achieved by acute sector by 2020 Hospital trusts so far accept they can make £3bn savings in that timescale Reducing delayed transfers of care and service reconfiguration key to unlocking savings, draft report says Hospital trusts have accepted ...