All Finance articles – Page 165

  • Doctor

    'Off-framework' ban extended to agency doctors


    Ban on “off-framework” staff providers extended to all agency procurement, including doctors Some agencies have refused to support the rules, regulators say Trusts in the South West currently unable to operate within the capped rates The ban on NHS trusts using “off-framework” staffing agencies will be extended to ...

  • Busy hospital

    NICE leak reaction: Trusts should use guidance says college president


    Royal College of Emergency Medicine president says scale of A&E understaffing could be 50 per cent Dr Cliff Mann says trusts should use leaked NICE guideline to conduct gap analysis on nurse staffing levels CQC expects providers to use “any tool they deem appropriate” to ensure safe care ...

  • coins toppling

    NHS ordered to use fines to boost DH bottom line


    All fines for breaches of performance targets must now be used to improve provider or commissioner bottom lines, national bodies have decreed Commissioners will not be able to use money from fines to address causes of poor performance Move is intended to help Department of Health avoid blowing its ...

  • Workforce

    Taking the workforce challenge early on


    Can we set the tone early in 2016 for the health service to tackle its workforce challenges

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive team structure revealed


    NHS Improvement agrees executive team structure for after Monitor-TDA meger Eleven executives will report directly to Jim Mackey Posts are open to applicants from the regulators’ senior teams and affected NHS England staff NHS Improvement expected announce appointments by mid-February NHS Improvement has agreed the structure of the ...

  • social care one use

    Quarter of CCGs’ BCF contributions to shrink


    Nearly a quarter of clinical commissioning groups will be allowed to contribute less to the better care fund next year than the minimum requirement in 2015-16, NHS England has confirmed.

  • Shaun_Lintern

    Expert view: Leaked safe staffing guideline demands action from the NHS


    HSJ’s patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern argues that NICE’s leaked accident and emergency recommendations mean providers must take action.

  • Agency nurse

    Agency bill predicted to hit £4bn this year


    NHS provider trusts will spend £4bn on bank and agency staff in 2015-16, national NHS leaders told MPs yesterday.

  • Houses of Parliament

    Exclusive: Government 'downgrades' independence of patient champion body


    HSJ investigation establishes Healthwatch England’s role and independence have been “downgraded” Healthwatch England’s chair and chief executive have left in recent months - the chief executive will be replaced with a “national director” Its leaders will report to the CQC instead of directly to DH Norman Lamb says patient ...

  • UK map

    Map: Which health systems are struggling the most?


    This map shows which health systems are performing most poorly across a range of measures, and two which are performing well, according to HSJ’s analysis.

  • Richard Murray

    How will services access the new Sustainability and Transformation Fund?


    The Sustainability and Transformation Fund bears closer scrutiny and comes with a sting in the tail

  • Bob Alexander

    Regulators push for headcount cuts in last ditch drive to curb deficits


    Regulators call for ”collective urgent action” to keep 2015-16 provider sector deficit down to £1.8bn Monitor and NHS Trust Development Authority to meet challenged trusts this month to agree additional measures “including headcount reduction” All trusts asked to consider range of additional measures to improve their financial positions before ...

  • Calendar

    Providers given ultimatum over access to £1.8bn bailout fund


    NHS providers have till 8 February to sign up to “control total” financial targets for 2016-17 Only then can they secure a share of £1.8bn “sustainability and transformation fund” Regulators say “collective urgent action” needed to contain 2015-16 deficit NHS providers have been given until 8 February to ...

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Quality and finances 'cannot trump one another', say regulators


    NHS Improvement and CQC say providers will be judged on delivering “the right quality outcomes within the resources available” Regulators promise to work together to send “single clear, consistent message” New staffing guidance and “care hours per patient day” metric due NHS Improvement and the Care Quality Commission ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Solve deficits and protect patients or face suspension, Hunt warns boards


    Jeremy Hunt highlights that access to £1.8bn fund in 2016-17 will be linked to financial control and making efficiency savings Board must also protect patient care, and could face suspension if they fail, says the health secretary Says final Carter report will be published shortly NHS providers which ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    Dalton: government ‘muddled’ seven day services message


    Sir David Dalton says trainee doctors likely to have to make least extra effort to improve seven day services Sir David to begin talks with BMA on junior doctors’ contract today He says BMA has shown it can “land a punch” on health secretary but should now “lower temperature” ...

  • Operation

    Doctors' strike: NHS England expects less than 1 in 4 admissions to be cancelled


    NHS England cancellation estimates based on data from 225 NHS organisations Estimates predict thousands of inpatient and day case operations will be cancelled today NHS England says it has “tried and tested plans” to cope with disruption NHS England has said it expects less than 1,150 hospital inpatient ...

  • David Cameron

    No new money as Cameron sets out mental health priorities


    David Cameron reveals initial spending commitments ahead of mental health taskforce report Priorities include young people, mothers, A&E and community mental health patients Announcement does not include any new money for mental health services David Cameron has spelled out £1bn of spending priorities on mental health services in ...

  • Steve Kell

    CQC fee rise would be 'detrimental' to patients


    NHS Clinical Commissioners says proposed CQC fee increases would be “detrimental to patients” Group says regulator should demonstrate its own “value for money” before hiking fees Claims increase could cost trusts seven band 5 nurses and “increase variation” in general practice NHS Clinical Commissioners has claimed that proposals ...

  • Liver

    More patient groups concerned about clinical director cuts


    Four more health organisations raise concerns about NHS England plans to cut national clinical directors NHS England reshaping directorates to reduce costs Comments follow warnings by Neurological Alliance and kidney charity Four more organisations have voiced their concerns about the potential removal of eight national clinical directors by ...