All Finance articles – Page 444

  • Leader

    Clawback puts financial safety net to the test


    A fortnight ago HSJ revealed the Treasury was eyeing up NHS surpluses. This week we tell you how much will be clawed back.

  • News

    Inverse care law exposed


    Congratulations HSJ, for exposing the inverse care law operating across the UK, and Brent in particular. It is precisely in the most deprived areas like Brent that the census-based data which feeds the funding formula most underestimates the true population that the local NHS strives to serve.

  • News

    University College London Hospitals ploughs surplus into cancer centre


    The foundation trust with the biggest surplus is about to start spending it.

  • News

    Alan Johnson warns NHS not to slash training


    Slashing training budgets in reaction to the credit crunch would be a 'false economy', health secretary Alan Johnson has told trusts.

  • News

    £400m spending limit forced on NHS


    NHS organisations will be permitted to spend just 400m of their 1.7bn surplus next financial year and will not get the full increase in resources pledged to them by the Treasury.

  • News

    Proposed supertrust could start life £200m in the red


    A new supertrust could provide health services throughout much of south east London from next April - but would start life with a debt of more than £200m.

  • Comment

    Norman Niven on wasted medicine


    The more I read about the NHS's troubles, the more I wonder whether dramatic headlines about bed shortages, waiting lists and superbugs serve to obscure a problem that is far less attention grabbing but potentially more damaging to UK healthcare.

  • Comment

    David Peat on lean times for the NHS


    Without sounding overly biblical, but with the credit crunch in mind, is the NHS facing lean times after years of fat expenditure?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Hospital prescribing: a taste of each other's medicine


    Comparing acute trusts' prescribing activity is a valuable if difficult exercise, say Ray Fitzpatrick and Ron Pate

  • News

    Paramedics prepare for terrorism threat


    Primary care trusts will for the first time have to fund ambulance services to be prepared for terrorist attacks and other major emergencies from next year.

  • News

    GP pay to reflect outcomes


    The GP bonus scheme will be reformed to better link GP earnings to outcomes for patients under proposals outlined by the Department of Health.

  • Leader

    NHS's irrational pay constraints are derailing the drive for quality


    There is one aspect of competition the Department of Health has yet to grasp - the competition for management talent.

  • News

    NHS trusts may face charges for 'never events'


    Politicians have urged health officials to make hospital trusts bear the full cost of so-called 'never events' to help redress the imbalance between weak commissioners and strong providers.

  • Comment

    Michael White on IT in the NHS


    You were probably far too busy to notice Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg urging Gordon Brown the other day to 'distinguish between good public spending and bad public spending… By not wasting £13bn on an NHS computer system that doesn't work'.

  • News

    PCTs to share £3m to tackle alcohol misuse


    The Department of Health has announced which 20 primary care trusts in the most deprived areas will receive a share of a £3m pot to tackle alcohol misuse.

  • News

    NHS managers support top-up payments, HSJ poll reveals


    NHS managers support the decision to allow top-up payments but believe it will make the NHS less equal and doubt it will work as a long-term solution.

  • News

    NHS staff numbers expected to rise despite downturn


    NHS workforce directors believe their staff numbers will rise in the next year despite the economic downturn, according to an NHS Employers survey.

  • News

    NHS top-ups policy to be unveiled today


    Health secretary Alan Johnson is set to unveil the government's new policy on NHS top-ups and co-payments later today.The expected announcement to MPs follows a wide-ranging review of the issue conducted by national clinical director for cancer Mike Richards.

  • News

    Foundation trusts told to be 'pessimistic' about finances


    Foundation trusts have been advised to make 'pessimistic assumptions' about the future of their finances.Bill Moyes, executive chairman of the foundation trust regulator Monitor, used the publication of the annual review of foundations to advise: 'My message to foundations would be to make pessimistic assumptions in order to be prepared ...

  • News

    Health inequalities: wealthiest overfunded as the poor lose out


    NHS services in the poorest and most needy parts of the country are being systematically underfunded to the benefit of the healthiest and wealthiest.Analysis by HSJ of the budgets allocated to GPs to pay for drugs and hospital care for their patients show that the wealthiest tenth of the population ...