All Finance articles – Page 446

  • News

    Individual budgets improve patient care, says report


    An evaluation of individual budget pilots has found individual budgets can give people more control over their personal care and improve their quality of life.

  • News

    Audit Commission hit by Icelandic bank collapse


    The Audit Commission has confirmed that around 4 per cent of its annual turnover is invested in banks hit by the Icelandic banking collapse.

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    Wales approves £173m hospital plans


    Plans for a new £172.7m 225-bed hospital in Caerphilly, Wales were approved by Welsh health minister Edwina Hart today.

  • News

    Financial turbulence threatens NHS reforms


    Question over £550m earmarked for next stage reviewConcerns SHAs will be less able to support financially troubled trustsPotential refocusing on capacity over quality and choiceFears national work to define quality measures and legislate on compulsory quality accounts will be neglectedPossible funding problems for social care reforms

  • News

    Treasury eyes hidden PCT surpluses


    Increased demand for health services as recession bitesTwo-year timetable for service reconfiguration and investmentSurpluses vulnerable

  • Comment

    Michael White on the financial crisis


    The deepening financial crisis is changing how we look at everything now. For instance, aren't NHS finance directors glad they didn't have surpluses to invest unwisely during the years when Patricia Hewitt's stiletto was on their necks?

  • Leader

    Good times set to end as health pays price for squirrelling cash


    The credit crunch is heading your way. While the government has so far rejected the idea of revisiting its health spending plans up to 2011, there are numerous other ways it can get its hands on trust cash.

  • News

    City shockwaves threaten NHS budget


    Economists are warning this week's£38bn rescue plan for UK banks creates a "structural hole" in public finances that will make NHS funding cuts and claw-backs inevitable.The government has insisted the bank bail-out will not affect public finances. A senior Treasury source said there were no plans to revisit the commitments ...

  • News

    Foundations bear brunt of crisis


    £7.5m lost in Icelandic banking collapseFears over the safety of surpluses from Treasury claw-backsBut opportunities for vertical integration

  • Leader

    Annual check finds trusts in rude health


    Among the talk of recessions, crunches and squeezes, there is some good news - the Healthcare Commission's valedictory annual health check again reveals substantial improvement.

  • News

    Trusts expect tight pinch from 2010


    Real terms cuts expected to payment by results tariffTough road ahead for aspirant foundationsQuery over future of capital investmentStaff costs may fall in real terms

  • News

    GP earnings drop slightly


    Average GP earnings before tax fell by 2.1 per cent between 2005-06 and 2006-07 to £107,667, a report from the NHS Information Centre has found.Although gross GP income increased by 1 per cent to £247,362 in that period, GP tax returns showed a 3.5 per cent increase in claimed expenses.

  • Comment

    NHS spending - what does the future hold?


    As the economic picture worsens, Carl Emmerson and Gemma Tetlow examine the possible implications for the NHS budget

  • Comment

    David Allen on letting the public shape the NHS


    The government has published another NHS white paper in which politicians tell the public what sort of health service we must receive. It is time this changed.

  • News

    NHS Employers calls for 2 per cent pay rises


    NHS Employers has called for pay rises in 2009 for NHS doctors and dentists to be limited to 2 per cent.In evidence to the doctors' and dentists' review body, it argues a balance has to be struck between fairness to staff and affordability.

  • News

    Changes to general medical services contract agreed


    Changes to the general medical services contract for 2009-10 have been agreed. They include alterations to how quality and outcome framework payments are calculated to reflect the prevalence of long-term conditions and the reallocation of 72 QOF points, which will be awarded for a range of clinical interventions.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Non-executive directors' pay: how much is enough?


    Peter Smith compares and contrasts non-executive directors' fees in the public and private sectors and explores how much NHS organisations should be paying NEDs

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Local community gets involved in NHS budgeting


    In the UK's first health-related participatory budgeting event, residents in Thornhill, Southampton were invited to vote on which health and well-being projects they thought would best meet the health needs of the community.

  • News

    PCT must provide more funds for GPs


    As a GP with a special interest in diabetes and who is studying for an MSc in the disease, I read your article 'Eat all that and you'll be sick' with interest.

  • News

    NHS could be sued under free market


    Plans to create a European Union free market in public healthcare could open the health service to legal challenges from patients demanding treatments that are not available in the UK.