All Finance articles – Page 447

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS parallels with the finance markets


    As JM Keynes observed, if you owe the bank £100 you have a problem. But if you owe £1m, the bank has a problem.

  • News

    PCTs failing to decommission services


    Two out of three primary care trusts failed to decommission any services last year, showing the extent of the challenge they face to become world class commissioners.

  • News

    PCTs call for continuing care help


    Strategic health authorities are having to rescue primary care trusts flooded with 'continuing care' cases, a year after the government made it easier for service users to claim NHS funding.

  • Leader

    Calm before the storm as PCTs prepare to flex their muscles


    This week's HSJ survey of the extent to which primary care trusts have been decommissioning services represents the calm before the storm of world class commissioning.

  • News

    Mid Yorkshire Hospitals trust faces steep savings battle


    A hospital trust given a £77m financial rescue package this year will face considerable challenges to break even over the next few years, a confidential report has revealed.

  • News

    Foundation trusts get £300m in a year-end spending rush


    Foundation trusts were handed up to £300m in advance payments by primary care trusts towards the end of the last financial year, HSJ has been told. The prepayments were made as some primary care trusts struggled to keep 2007-08 surpluses below 'control totals' set by the Department of Health.

  • News

    Obesity 'costs more than £4bn a year'


    The costs associated with people being obese or overweight reached £4.2bn in 2007, according to a toolkit aimed at helping primary care trusts and local authorities tackle obesity.The toolkit says the costs of obesity could reach £6.3bn by 2015.

  • News

    Smoking costs NHS £50m a week


    Smoking costs the NHS £2.7bn a year or £50m a week, despite a drop in the number of smokers, according to a report by Action on Smoking and Health, Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation.

  • News

    Tories: Labour using NHS money for votes


    The government is 'manipulating' the NHS funding allocation formula to 'shore up' votes in areas loyal to Labour, the Conservatives have claimed.

  • News

    It takes resources to tackle health inequalities


    As primary care trust chief executives in the Core Cities group - England's eight largest cities outside London - we would like to reply to your article on resource allocation.

  • News

    Direct response to payment by results


    The development of a tariff, designed with significant clinician and stakeholder involvement, is a direct response to NHS feedback that the current classification system does not appropriately recognise the range in complexity of procedures and treatments and current clinical processes.This is its main, and as the article recognises, laudable aim.We ...

  • News

    NHS North West leads the way with bonus scheme


    Acute trusts in the North West are to be paid bonuses for performance against a series of clinical quality measures.

  • News

    NHS managers must fight back with facts and figures


    I do wish health service managers would fight back with some hard facts and comparisons about the value of their contributions.

  • News

    Auditors praise NHS trusts' financial management


    The NHS has undergone a 'cultural shift', with nearly all organisations now meeting standards on financial management after years of poor performance and spiralling deficits.

  • News

    Adult mental health spend stays patchy


    NHS spending on adult mental health services increased by 3.7 per cent in real terms last year to £5.5bn, but is still unequal between regions.

  • News

    Former chief and board slated in £87m Bromley debt probe


    A highly critical report into how a hospital trust built up more than £87m of debt has uncovered serious failings by its former chief executive and board.

  • Comment

    Andy McKeon on the good news about NHS finances


    Finance managers in the NHS, do not adjust your sets. Yes, the picture really is much brighter than it used to be.

  • News

    Partnership plan for top-ups


    Advances in medical technology and drug treatments mean it is more important than ever that the health service and private sector work together to create a system which works in the best interests of all patients.

  • News

    NHS managers told to take ownership of finance


    The pending reorganisation of the Welsh health service should be used to improve financial management, the auditor general for Wales has said.

  • News

    Trusts on edge as draft payment by results tariff runs into trouble


    The Department of Health could be heading for a re-run of the chaos that saw the publication of the 2006-07 payment by results tariff just one week before the start of the financial year.A draft tariff for 2009-10 is being road tested in secret in the West Midlands, but sources ...