All Finance articles – Page 448

  • Leader

    DH faces turmoil over tariff regime


    Is there going to be tariff turmoil for the second time in three years?

  • Comment

    Michael White on the global financial crisis


    By the time you read this, Labour's 2008 party conference in Manchester will be over and Gordon Brown will still be prime minister, despite whatever has happened or not in the interval.

  • News

    Foundation trust row over corporation tax


    Foundation trusts are wrangling with HM Revenue and Customs over its plan to levy the 28 per cent corporation tax on their commercial profits.

  • News

    Prizes for world class commissioning winners


    Primary care trusts that are successful in world class commissioning may win the right to name the salaries of their senior managers and non-executive directors.

  • News

    Health service can affect health inequalities


    Few would disagree with your point that a reduction in income inequality would help to reduce health inequalities. But few primary care trusts in poor health areas will agree with the idea that the health service can do no more for health inequalities or that the redistribution of health resources ...

  • News

    NHS North West launches quality improvement programme


    NHS North West is launching a voluntary quality improvement programme that it says will lead to better patient care, save lives and help hospitals save money.Forty hospitals are participating in the programme, which will financially reward hospitals that do well.

  • News

    Gordon Brown promises free prescriptions for cancer patients


    Gordon Brown promised to abolish prescription charges for cancer patients as part of a 'new settlement' focusing on fairness.In what had been described before he spoke as the speech of his life, the prime minister's announcement that he would scrap the charges for cancer patients from April was well received ...

  • Comment

    Paul Dutton on failing NHS foundation trusts


    The Department of Health this month issued a consultation paper that rules out insolvency for hospital trusts that are failing financially, a move that risks undermining the original concept of what foundation trusts were meant to be and achieve.

  • News

    NHS in Wales 'is improving financial management'


    There are clear signs that the NHS in Wales is improving the way it manages its finances, the Welsh auditor general has said.

  • News

    Top-up payments are a lottery


    I would like to thank HSJ for its coverage on top-up payments. The final decision will have huge implications for the health service. If top-ups were allowed, this would enable patients who can afford it to get rapid access to interventions that would not be normally available to all in ...

  • News

    Lib Dems unveil plan to slash NHS managers' pay


    Senior health managers should be forced to reapply for jobs and take pay cuts as part of a public sector cost-cutting drive, the Liberal Democrats proposed at their annual conference in Bournemouth this week.

  • News

    Prescription drug marketing comes under debate


    Organisations representing patients, medical professionals and consumers are calling on the European Commission to rethink proposals to allow drug companies to provide information direct to consumers.

  • News

    Lord Carter to head up NHS competition panel


    Lord Carter of Coles is to be the first chair and director of the NHS Co-operation and Competition Panel.

  • News

    Whitehall will pay buildings costs on ISTCs


    The Department of Health has said it intends to pay any buy-back costs for independent sector treatment centres - taking a massive financial burden off primary care trusts.

  • News

    NHS Litigation Authority to increase legal fees


    The NHS Litigation Authority is set to increase the fees for its clinical negligence scheme for trusts next year in the face of rising legal costs and compensation payouts.

  • News

    Data quality requires careful analysis


    Your article on the King's Fund's report into variations in primary care trust spending raises several issues. Although the data we used does allow an insight into spending, we warned that a degree of caution should be exercised with the figures. Data quality is an issue and so too is ...

  • News

    Winning formula for resource allocation


    The research cited in your article on resource allocation understates the extent to which the existing formula adjusts for age and wealth relative to deprivation. The hospital and community health services formula, for example, allocates more than 10 times as much for people aged 85-plus as it does for those ...

  • News

    NHS failure regime: up to 92 trusts may be culled


    The Department of Health expects to cull up to six hospital trusts a year under its new failure regime, figures in its impact assessment reveal.The document shows the DH expects to save £200m a year under the plans, which are out for consultation. It focuses on six trusts affected by ...

  • News

    Shortfall in care home funding


    An extra £540m is needed to pay for residential care for older people, research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation predicts.

  • News

    Cancer patients cannot afford prescriptions


    A third of cancer patients do not take their prescribed medicines because they cannot afford the prescription charge. Many do not know that buying prescription prepayment certificates would help with the cost.A survey by Macmillan Cancer Support found that 41 per cent of cancer patients did not know about how ...