All Finance articles – Page 449

  • News

    High Court decision on cancer drug


    The High Court has overturned a primary care trust's refusal to fund cancer drug Revlimid for a cancer suffer with only months to live.

  • News

    DH publishes plans for failing NHS trusts


    The Department of Health has published its proposals for managing failing NHS hospitals and trusts.

  • News

    NHS inequalities row is shrouded in secrecy


    The question of whether poor urban areas should continue to get the most funding is about fundamental NHS principles - so why is it being discussed behind closed doors? Sally Gainsbury reports

  • Comment

    Michael White on economic populism


    Off the Calais ferry and straight back into the political melee this week, I certainly didn't feel the quiet August break had done much for Gordon Brown's government's prospects of recovery.

  • News

    PCTs dispute discrimination findings


    A massive gap in spend between white patients and those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds has been exposed in figures given to HSJ.

  • News

    Clinical coding errors


    I refer to the article in which you list the trusts 'that got it most wrong', stating that up to £1bn of the bills sent to primary care trusts could be incorrect.

  • News

    Nick Clegg rejects NHS insurance plans


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has chosen the launch of a report calling for primary care trusts to be replaced by a health insurance style system to flesh out policies on healthcare reform.

  • News

    NHS managers get surplus checklist


    NHS organisations in London were issued with a 21-point checklist earlier this year to assist them in keeping their surpluses within a level acceptable to the Department of Health, HSJ has learnt.

  • News

    Foundation trusts may fight private patient income cap


    Foundation trusts could challenge the cap on earnings from private patients under EU law, the Foundation Trust Network has warned.

  • News

    Personal health budgets


    Anna Dixon's article on personal budgets cites US evidence on health savings accounts to suggest recipients of personal health budgets will forego care.

  • Leader

    No amount of health funding will be an antidote to poverty


    As the political parties mobilise for the conference season it is tempting to believe there is broad consensus about the future of the NHS. But three debates that go to its heart are raging.

  • News

    Surge of acute contracts puts strain on PCTs' spend targets


    Primary care trusts are battling to stay clear of deficit as their finances come under pressure from a surge in secondary care work.Many PCTs overspent on their commissioning budgets for the first three months of the financial year and some are now looking to make savings in other areas to ...

  • Leader

    Pick and mix accounting clouds surplus predictions


    The NHS year-end surplus may not be quite as easy to predict as you might think.

  • News

    Liberal Democrats voice support for top ups


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has called for patients to be allowed to pay for extra treatment without losing the right to free NHS care.

  • News

    Private patient cap too restrictive - FT Network


    The private patient cap is too restrictive and poses an obstacle to developing integrated services, the Foundation Trust Network has said in its submission to a Monitor consultation on the issue.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health foundation trusts: F marks the spot


    Just under half of mental health trusts have achieved foundation status. Helen Mooney looks at the options for those that may not be able to make the grade

  • Comment

    Helen Bevan on NHS finance directors


    As an NHS improvement leader I work with many staff groups. One group that was barely on my radar a year ago, but with which I now work with regularly, is NHS finance leaders.

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on the top-up payment maze


    The government has committed to answering at some time in the coming weeks a highly awkward dilemma: whether or not to allow NHS patients to make 'top-up' payments to cover treatments the NHS will not fund.

  • News

    Enhancing service requires proper funding


    I must respond to Sophia Christie's column. The days of the GP doing an ever-expanding range of tasks for the same money are gone. Movement from secondary to primary care must be accompanied by altered funding flows.

  • News

    Pricing tariffs would reduce coding errors


    A simple device could improve clinical coding and costing at a stroke: all providers should put the cost of the patient episode (provisional if necessary) with the clinical discharge summary letter to the GP as the patient leaves hospital.