All Finance articles – Page 450

  • News

    Putting the patient at the centre


    Personal budgets are nothing more complicated than being clear with people from the outset about how much money is available to meet their level of need and allowing them greater choice over how it is spent.

  • News

    Hull trust buys Nuffield hospital to save money


    Hulland East Yorkshire Hospitals trust has bought a private Nuffield hospital to avoid contracting out services to the independent sector.

  • Leader

    Trusts survey the wreckage as PFI hospitals begin to crumble


    Arcane accountancy rules are in danger of costing the NHS control of some of its buildings. As HSJ reveals this week, the Treasury's decision to adopt new international accountancy standards is pushing trusts with private finance initiative debts to consider hiving off their estate to charities.

  • News

    PFI plan could keep debts off NHS trusts' balance sheets


    NHS trusts may hand their private finance initiative hospitals over to specially created charities to avoid reporting PFI debts on their balance sheets, HSJ has learned.The controversial plans would involve trusts ceding control of the hospitals to a third party.

  • News

    Audit sample 'was misleading'


    Your point that up to £1bn of bills sent by trusts to primary care trusts could be incorrect is misleading.

  • News

    £1.75bn NHS surplus predicted


    The NHS is set to finish this financial year with a £1.75bn surplus. The projection, based on estimates from the three months since April, is equivalent to just over 2 per cent of NHS revenue funding this year.

  • News

    Health minister announces research funding for Wales


    Welsh health minister Edwina Hart has announced just under £370,000 of funding to support the research and development of new technologies and treatments.

  • News

    Government to underwrite hospital trusts' assets


    The government is to underwrite hospital trusts' assets to prevent them going bust and ending up in court.HSJ has learned that the Department of Health is to issue a consultation paper this month that rules out insolvency for trusts that are failing financially.

  • News

    IT plans 'hopelessly flawed', says shadow health secretary


    The £12.7bn national IT programme is a 'hopelessly flawed, centrally imposed project that has not been properly thought through from the start and was never subjected to a proper cost benefit analysis,' Liberal Democrat shadow health secretary Norman Lamb has said.He was responding to reports that the NHS is facing ...

  • News

    Lansley boosts councils' role in public health


    Public health directors would have to report to local authorities under plans announced by the shadow health secretary last week.Andrew Lansley told an audience at the think tank Reform that the Conservatives now envisaged councils having an even greater role in improving public health.Outlining conclusions from the party's consultation on ...

  • News

    £1m for dementia research in Scotland


    A new dementia clinical research network for Scotland is being created with £1m funding from the Scottish government.

  • News

    Audit Commission report highlights clinical coding errors


    Errors in payment by results coding are throwing off payments by around 5 per cent.

  • News

    £1.75bn surplus down to strong financial management, says DH


    The Department of Health says its predicted surplus of £1.75bn in 2008-09 shows strong financial management by the NHS.

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant on co-payments and co-operation


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRE: No-payment?

  • Comment

    Media Watch: teenage time bomb


    The NHS is facing a 'teenage time bomb', several newspapers warned this week, based on statistics showing increased admissions of young people to hospital.

  • News

    Coding errors distort bills for PCTs


    Up to £1bn of the bills hospital trusts sent primary care trusts last year could be wrong, tests by the Audit Commission have suggested.

  • News

    Surrey is first to agree its integrated care proposals


    The first primary care trust to unveil its plans for an integrated care pilot has warned that commissioners will have to overcome existing 'anomalies' to make the initiative work.

  • News

    Conservatives unveil public health proposals


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has outlined the Conservatives' new policy proposals on public health.They include separate and effectively ringfenced public health budgets and an independent secretary of state for public health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Financed medical assets


    David Martin is often asked by trusts what happens when a lease contract expires. Here, he explains allAn increasing number of medical assets within the NHS are now being leased rather than purchased outright. There are a number of benefits in doing this; spreading the cost over its useful working ...

  • News

    Monitor previews foundation trust finances


    The regional Darzi plans will at last prompt foundation trusts to spend their surpluses, Monitor's executive chair has predicted.